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VIM in iTerm2 vs MacVim #238

Open xastherion opened 6 years ago

xastherion commented 6 years ago

Hello, i am using both Vim editors in my macOS (MacVim and Vim in iTerm) I install maximum-awesome and i find it really awesome. Only a suck problem: i don´t use "solarized" i love "homebrew" thema because i find it better to read. My standard maximum-awesome get good with MacVim but is cloudy in iTerm+Vim. I try, to comment "gui settings" in .vimrc.local and that go better for Vim in iTerm, but after that MacVim is cloudy... There are some way to unify this behavior? Thanks

binary-signal commented 2 years ago

same problem iterm2 + smoosh theme looks cloudy