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Config files for vim and tmux.
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Fix broken tmux configurations #254

Closed SalvatoreT closed 5 years ago

SalvatoreT commented 5 years ago


When tmux opens, you are greeted by this error (or something similar depending if you have solarized-light instead of solarized-dark).

/Users/<username>/.tmux.conf:81: invalid option: window-status-current-fg
/Users/<username>/.tmux.conf:86: invalid option: pane-active-border-fg
/Users/<username>/.tmux.conf:87: invalid option: pane-border-fg


The syntax for some tmux styling has changed from deprecated to removed as referenced by this GitHub issue. https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/1689#issuecomment-486722349

Here's the FAQ on the style update. https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-translate--fg--bg-and--attr-options-into--style-options

Here's the man page on the styles. https://man.openbsd.org/tmux.1#STYLES