square / okhttp

Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
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Upgrade OkHttp 3 to Kotlin and call it OkHttp 4 #4723

Closed swankjesse closed 5 years ago

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Inspired by Okio 2 (blog post, presentation), OkHttp 4 is almost exactly like OkHttp 3, except the implementation language is Kotlin instead of Java. We punt breaking API changes to a hypothetical OkHttp 5 that remains in our icebox.


Implemented in Kotlin with a dependency on the Kotlin standard library. We want the option to support coroutines and multiplatform including Kotlin/Native .

Compatible with OkHttp 3.x. We want 100% binary compatibility so .jar files compiled against OkHttp 3.x will run against OkHttp 4.x without modification. We’ll need japicmp to enforce this. We also want 100% source compatibility for Java callers. Kotlin callers will not be source-compatible but we’ll offer automated upgrades via the language’s rich deprecation facilities. One surprising consequence of this approach is that the Maven coordinates and package name of OkHttp 4 will be okhttp3.

No performance regressions. We must write careful Kotlin, paying attention to abstractions that have a runtime cost.



Why Kotlin? It’s a great language for both applications and libraries. It gives us options to execute on more platforms including iOS. Coroutines are powerful concurrency abstractions that may allow us to implement nonblocking I/O without hating ourselves.

Isn’t Kotlin just a trend? It’s backed by the best tools maker and the default language of the most popular mobile platform. It has a simple upgrade path from Java.

Java already has var and I heard Java 13 will have string literals. The Java language is moving faster than ever and adding many great features! But Java has deep layers of technical baggage (checked exceptions! null! JavaBeans™) and I don’t want it for my children. Also, Oracle wants to copyright APIs and I think that’s gross!

Did you just say iOS?! It should be possible to use OkHttp’s requests, responses, and interceptors with a NSURLSession backend. If that works it’d be a pretty awesome way to write networking code for mobile apps.

When will Retrofit/Moshi/Okio/Wire be migrated to Kotlin? Okio is already there. We’re doing OkHttp and Wire right now. No firm plans for Retrofit and Moshi.

Can I stay on OkHttp 3.x forever? We’re hoping that you won’t have to. It’s our job to make OkHttp 4 compelling enough that the cost of this upgrade is justified.

yschimke commented 5 years ago

"We want the option to support coroutines" - I hope you will consider making this a fundamental feature of the design for 4.0. It feels like a big part of the win for users moving from 3 to 4. While the win without is for the sanity of OkHttp developers.

... without breaking compatibility :)

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Yeah, staying compatible is the trick. If everything were on the table we’d make our interceptors suspending. But that’s too disruptive for Java.

I’d be happy to add a Call extension that suspends:

suspend fun Call.execute2(): Response

What’s the right name for this?

alosdev commented 5 years ago

how about executeSuspended?

JakeWharton commented 5 years ago

It's await in Retrofit. I wouldn't use any name with execute in it since it's actually using enqueue under the hood.

JakeWharton commented 5 years ago

Maybe awaitResponse()

yschimke commented 5 years ago

What is the experience so far with kotlin upgrades? When I have had issues I think it's strictly been with RC versions etc, and they are not compatible. Has Okio gone through a kotlin upgrade?

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

We’ve only seen Kotlin 1.2 to 1.3. It was low risk but we've avoided anything experimental.

bsideup commented 5 years ago

Too bad that one of the best http libraries for the JVM is no longer a good choice. Sad to see that the world does not learn from previous mistakes (Java libraries in Groovy / Scala).

One of the best things about OkHttp/Okio was the fact that it was zero-dependency library and it was easy to shade it. This is no longer true 🤷‍♂️

I will leave this comment here, please come back and tick "+1" next time you fix "OkHttp doesn't work with Kotlin version X.Y.Z"-like issues 😅

VISTALL commented 5 years ago

I agree with @bsideup.

There no way for exclude kotlin libraries, and that will be painful when more than one kotlin runtime exists in classloader with different versions.

As java developer, I don't saw any positive news. iOS ? Nope. Kotlin? (I'm not mobile developer) Also - nope.

Can I stay on OkHttp 3.x forever? We’re hoping that you won’t have to. It’s our job to make OkHttp 4 compelling enough that the cost of this upgrade is justified.

It's my way 🚶 . Later i think need find other http library.

Thanks for okhttp3 👍

rafal-glowinski commented 5 years ago

@vistall there are plenty of companies that use Kotlin for their backend services.

VISTALL commented 5 years ago

@rafal-glowinski but not all (and not even 50% of them). It's a holy war ⚔️

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

We are going to be very conservative with which Kotlin standard library features we use. It's extremely important to me and to this project that we make it easy to stay up-to-date and also secure.

Please give us a chance to be your preferred HTTP library for the JVM. Despite the fact that OkHttp uses Kotlin, we are still very concerned with usability from Java. Square maintains a huge number of Java services that use OkHttp and we need to keep those working smoothly!

bsideup commented 5 years ago

@swankjesse let me explain our use of the library:

We ( http://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-java/ project ) have migrated from Netty to OkHttp because we wanted to have a zero dependency http library (and shade-able).

We care about the amount of dependencies because the library is popular, being used in many different projects, with different dependencies on its own, and every new dependency we add may lead to a conflict (as seen many times in the past). Even the most stable / popular ones caused us some headache.

This is not just a panic. Most probably, we will stay with okhttp3 as long as it works, but also start looking for another library in parallel. Why? Because we're not ready to depend on an language ecosystem just because one of our dependencies have decided to cut some boilerplate. I wish Kotlin adds "stdlib-less" mode.

Thanks for a great library, we enjoyed it so far, I respect your decision because obviously the project is very Android-focused, but wanted to provide some details why we regret about this decision and how it affects another, slightly less yet popular Java library.

bsideup commented 5 years ago

I wonder what @fabric8io folks think about it, I guess it will also affect their Java-only libraries

VISTALL commented 5 years ago

@swankjesse Also. For example android projects. Kotlin is prefer for Android dev, but - nobody restrict java usage. That why - many projects wrote in java, due more easy support it(or just don't want add kotlin).

and here an example:

Java android project, use okhttp, and after update - kotlin runtime required (which will be affect apk file size)


What's Kotlin's impact on APK size / method count?

The Kotlin runtime adds about 7,000 methods and ~1MB to your debug APK. The net impact might be less if you use Kotlin to replace another library in your project, such as Guava or RxJava. This size also reduces when you optimize the APK for release with Proguard, just like other app code and libraries.

(android not provide kotlin runtime)

You forced for use Kotlin runtime, or use old versions.

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

For Okio 2 the shaded + pruned cost of the stdlib is 7 KiB.

yschimke commented 5 years ago

@swankjesse will this be part of the release process? e.g. publish a shaded artifact with a distinct classifier (?) that is not noticeably kotlin?

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

No, that’s annoying for anyone who depends on two libraries that mutually depend on OkHttp. My recommendation is for library owners to shade OkHttp + Kotlin if doing so solves problems for them. I hope it is never necessary though.

yschimke commented 5 years ago

@swankjesse yeah, I guess it composes badly across libraries like okio as well.

LouisCAD commented 5 years ago

@VISTALL You should always use Proguard/R8 for release apks. When doing so, you can even end up with an apk lighter than with Java thanks in part to inlining.

galderz commented 5 years ago

I'd like to help with this. I've not done Kotlin before but did Scala for a few years, so as I learn about the language some aspects feel relatively familiar. Any particular classes you'd recommend I could focus on?

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

@galderz if you're new to Kotlin I think it's the wrong effort to help with. We're migrating a ton of code and doing so quickly; this environment isn't great for learning!

bnorm commented 5 years ago

Say I have Kotlin API suggestions: is this the best place to bring them up, should I open an API suggestion issue, or open a separate issue for each one?

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

There are four kinds we’re going to do that don't warrant much tracking:

For each the most important thing is whether we can do it without breaking any compatibility, including Java source, Kotlin source, and binary compatibility.

I'm reluctant to expose higher-level Kotlin APIs like DSLs. And I'm similarly not ready to adopt coroutines.

With that all said, if you have API ideas please list em!

bnorm commented 5 years ago

First suggestion: Call.timeout() feels like a val to me. I wish I and thought of this during Okio 2.0 as well.

Second is more of a thought for potential coroutine work. It's a pretty big break to Kotlin source compatibility but something like this in the Call class might set it up nicely for better coroutine naming in the future.

fun executeBlocking() { ... }
swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately we can’t have the name execute for coroutines. Our users might skip 4.0.0 and go right from 3.14 to the release that has coroutines.

yschimke commented 5 years ago

On the Java Tests (https://github.com/square/okhttp/pull/4914)

Moving tests like these is premature. These currently function as Java source compatibility regression tests.

We need specific Public API coverage for both Kotlin and Java before we refactor these (Java unit tests). Also there is less priority for moving existing tests and it introduces some risk when trying to ensure we don't have regressions between 3.14 and 4.0.

yschimke commented 5 years ago

No performance regressions. We must write careful Kotlin, paying attention to abstractions that have a runtime cost.

To me the requirements in the original description and especially this imply an RC-1 that we can test for source, binary compatiblity and performance regressions. Just want to confirm this is the plan?

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Yes! I'm ready to cut that almost immediately too. Only hazard is it'll be something worse than a release candidate because we haven't yet added nice Kotlin APIs.

Maybe 4.0.0-ALPHA1 ?

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Idiomatic Kotlin

The Okio changelog includes a table of changes to adopt Kotlin idioms. For Okio we made these 4 types of changes:

We should do similar for OkHttp! This includes offering @ReplaceWith migrations for the current APIs as we did with Okio’s Utf8 and Upgrade classes.

Our migration helpers will have binary names like -DeprecatedUtf8. The KotlinSourceCompatibilityTest will point at these helpers, and executing the ReplaceWith operation should adopt the Kotlin idioms.

shenliuyang commented 5 years ago

Support nonblocking and coroutine will be great!

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

We’ve already got ~85 deprecated methods that exist solely to help Kotlin users to migrate from 3.x source compatibility to 4.x source incompatibility.

Let’s remove these Kotlin-migration methods after 12 months.

This will make the upgrade from 3.x to 4.x more annoying! I’ll crank the severity up to DeprecationLevel.ERROR so that when you upgrade to OkHttp 4.x you will need to fix ’em all. It’s a fast & safe upgrade thanks to @ReplaceWith, and you don’t even need to do all modules at the same time thanks to binary compatibility.

If you happen to come to the 4.x series late, you’ll be sad because you won’t have the hooks. It would be handy to advise such users to upgrade to 4.0, fix everything, and only then upgrade to 4.5 or whatever.

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Just tried out 4.0.0-alpha02 against Misk and saw some small source-compatibility problems:

A pretty easy upgrade overall.

yschimke commented 5 years ago

Is it deliberate that we are actively promoting an alpha? "Download v4.0.0-alpha02"


swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Nope, that’s robots gone wild.

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

(I don’t think we want to necessarily fix this, the 4.0.0 final release should be ready Real Soon Now!)

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

I’ve got a branch with the latest japicmp report. Only interesting binary-compatibility change is a bunch of accessors that became final in OkHttpClient. Otherwise going from 3.14 to 4.0 is no problem for Java callers.

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Here’s what I want to do before the release:

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

Quick and dirty benchmarks reveal no performance regressions.

BoxResin commented 5 years ago

Would Android 5.0+ requirement be eliminated in v4?

swankjesse commented 5 years ago

OkHttp 4 has the same requirements as OkHttp 3.13+

gitahinganga commented 5 years ago

Upgraded to OkHttp 4 last week. Now I can't release my Android app without multidex because I have exceeded the 64K limit. OkHttp 4's Kotlin dependencies add approximately 7K method references. I don't want multiple dex files, certainly not because of one library, so I am downgrading to OkHttp 3. Or does anyone have any suggestions about how to address this issue better?

avently commented 5 years ago

Maybe proguard can help

ZakTaccardi commented 4 years ago

We are developing server software and microservices

Kotlin fully supports your use case