square / protob

Protocol buffers for Nodejs
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How to decode google play response with protob #5

Open rambuvn opened 9 years ago

rambuvn commented 9 years ago

Hi i have a desc file here https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyfgz17ij6rin8o/app.desc?dl=0 this is a response from google app service. How to decode this file to json with protob. The proto file was represent here https://github.com/egirault/googleplay-api/blob/master/googleplay.proto

hassox commented 8 years ago


The reason that protob is unable to compile those protos is because there is no package specified on the file. I had a look at it and did the following to get it to compile to confirm that this was the problem.

mkdir /tmp/google-play
cd /tmp/google-play
npm init .
npm install pilgrimize --save-dev
echo '[ { "git": "https://github.com/egirault/googleplay-api.git", "paths": { ".": ["googleplay.proto"] } } ]' > protos.json

At this point it throws an error. So I opened .proto_cache/googleplay-api/googleplay.proto and added the following to the top of the file:

package googleplay;

Then ran pilgrimize again


Once the package was there it was happy days. If you keep pilgrimize running and open http://pilgrim.fender.io/ and click on Messages you'll see them all.

I'm not sure if this helps or not. Currently it requires a package but it'd be grand to refactor it so that it didn't need to.