squareboat / nest-eyewitness

Receive error reports directly to your inbox whenever any exception is witnessed 👀 in your NestJS application.
MIT License
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Add support for IM apps : Slack, Teams etc. #3

Open tanmaymohan opened 4 years ago

tanmaymohan commented 4 years ago

Best suited where we can have errors landing directly to our team channels where developers would be able to fix it as soon as it is possible and reduce email overhead clutter

me1go commented 4 years ago

Hey 👋 Tanmay,

I can help you out with this if you need an extra hand.

vinayak25 commented 4 years ago

Hi @melGO44, we just now added support for Microsoft teams in our documentation, though it is not integrated/native support, but we achieved it using custom webhooks.

Would be great if you can add support for Slack.