squarewolf / gulp-neuter

Unifies javascript source files in the order you require
MIT License
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Documentation #3

Open serega104 opened 10 years ago

serega104 commented 10 years ago

Update readme to show usage of the plugin. The current readme does not call the plugin.

scottmessinger commented 10 years ago

I'd love to see this, too. I'm using this and it's not gathering the files.

  return gulp.src('app/scripts')
tvervest commented 10 years ago

I've added an example of the minimal setup for gulp-neuter. Could you, @serega104 and @scottmessinger, look at it and comment on wether or not this solves the issue for you?

serega104 commented 10 years ago

The sample itself works, but add another script in a lib and require it from dialogue as require('anotherfile'); and it won't work. Doing require('lib/anotherfile') does work.

The requires in our main look like

require 'scripts/lib/*'
require 'scripts/lib/serializers/*'

require 'scripts/initializers/*'

require 'scripts/mixins/*'

require 'scripts/controllers/*'
require 'scripts/models/*'
require 'scripts/routes/*'

require 'scripts/helpers/*'

require 'scripts/views/*'
require 'scripts/components/*'

require 'scripts/router'

require 'scripts/version'

It does work in grunt-neuter. BasePath settings needed?

scottmessinger commented 10 years ago

@tvervest That's definitely helpful. Thanks!

tvervest commented 10 years ago

@scottmessinger Great! @serega104 The library passes almost all of the tests of grunt-neuter, so it might either be a bug (both here and grunt-neuter), or just something not caught in the tests. I'll look into the potential issue further and work out a more detailed example based on your setup. If you could setup a git repos with a setup that fails as you describe in your project, that save me a lot of time and be a great help!

nijikokun commented 10 years ago

Needs way more documentation and a better example, it's not useful at all.

Compared to the grunt plugin, this is way more complex, and barely documented.

tvervest commented 8 years ago

@scottmessinger I've extended the example to show a simple require from within a required file. I hope this adds a bit more "realism" to the minimal example.

@nijikokun I've added better documentation, could you comment on what else you'd like to see added to the documentation? I'd love to see this plugin become more useful, but it's only a hobby project, so any help is welcome ;)

scottmessinger commented 8 years ago
