Closed tmm closed 4 years ago
Thank you for the feedback! Are the codes 6 digits or are there non-digits in the code?
They are six digits. No letters or special characters.
Every so often I have an issue where macOS doesn't seem to flush the recent messages to the database file. I'm wondering if that is what is happening, especially considering the fact that it is reading your other messages. If you reboot and trigger another code being sent to you from Cigna/BoA, does it read the new codes?
Just rebooted and tried again with BOA, and unfortunately did not work. Is there another way to update the database file?
It worked today for a Microsoft account. The only difference I can tell between the Microsoft SMS and Cigna/BOA is that the number they were sent from has a different number of digits.
The Microsoft number had six digits in the following format: XXX-XXX, and the Cigna/BOA had five: XXX-XX.
This thing is magical when it works!
I was having a similar problem with a number of providers. The issue is in line 88 of the find-messages.php
if (preg_match('/(^|\s|\R|\t|G-)(\d{5,8})($|\s|\R|\t)/', $message['text'], $matches)) {
This regex won't detect a 2fA code if it is immediately proceeded by a period. Changing the regex to:
if (preg_match('/(^|\s|\R|\t|G-)(\d{5,8})($|\s|\R|\t|\.)/', $message['text'], $matches)) {
fixes the issue :)
@manonstreet you seem to know what you are doing - do you mind opening up a pull request?
Just downloaded the workflow from Packal and tried to use with Bank of America and Cigna, but they aren't showing up in Alfred:
Here are the 2fa messages I received from them: