squeak-smalltalk / squeak-object-memory

Issues and assets related to the Squeak object memory.
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Error Message when starting with startup script #20

Open marceltaeumel opened 2 years ago

marceltaeumel commented 2 years ago



I have downloaded the latest Squeak6.0alpha-21736-64bit for 64bit MacOS: http://files.squeak.org/6.0alpha/Squeak6.0alpha-21736-64bit/Squeak6.0alpha-21736-64bit-202204190959-macOS.dmg

I extracted it to a folder and copied the image, changes, and sources files from inside the package to that same folder. I dragged the image onto the app. Squeak opened. I opened a Transcript and saved and quit the image.

I start the image from the command line with a startup script file which just prints something to the command line: ./Squeak6.0alpha-21736-64bit.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak Squeak6.0alpha-21736-64bit.image latest.st

The file latest.st is in the same folder and just contains this: Transcript cr; show: 'execute latest.st‘

Instead of printing to the Transcript a notifier with the following error message opens: Cannot start a second instance of Squeak\with the image „latest.st“ because the VM is configured as singleton application.

Any idea why?

Cheers, Bernhard

LinqLover commented 2 years ago

Please see a proposed solution here: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2022-June/220991.html :-)