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"Browse package" for subcategory does not select the package in the new browser #28

Open j4yk opened 2 years ago

j4yk commented 2 years ago

When I have the category FFI-Kernel selected and choose "browse package 'FFI-Kernel' > browse package", I expect that the package FFI is already selected in the package browser that is appearing. Instead, the package browser opens with nothing selected.

It does work correctly, when the category name matches the package name exactly, but for some packages there does not even exist a category without a suffix.

EDIT: Actually, the package is really called FFI-Kernel in this case. But the package browser interprets the package name to be FFI just by the category name with the dash. So to fix that and properly respect the PackageOrganizer of the browser's displayed Environment may also be a way forward.

Squeak version: 21772

marceltaeumel commented 2 years ago

So to fix that and properly respect the PackageOrganizer of the browser's displayed Environment may also be a way forward.

That's already happening. I think your image has a package named "FFI". Just remove that. Not sure how it came to be...


j4yk commented 2 years ago

Negative: PackageInfo allInstances detect: [:ea | ea packageName = 'FFI'] ifNone: [] answers nil.

The menus look exactly like in your screenshot, but the package browser that opens when I click on "browse package" does not have anything selected.

Actual: image

Expected: image ...or let there be FFI-Kernel in the leftmost pane, rather than just FFI, because there is no package called only "FFI".

marceltaeumel commented 2 years ago

That's a bug. "FFI" should not appear in the first pane. It is not a package.

LinqLover commented 1 year ago

The package pane browser does indeed not look up the packages but just "parses" the system categories:


I uploaded a proposal to the inbox that actually makes use of the environment's package organizer: https://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2022-September/222088.html Please review!