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SqueakSSL test errors in macOS x64 - Squeak 6.0 beta 21772 #31

Open tcj opened 2 years ago

tcj commented 2 years ago

Squeak6.0beta-21772-64bit.image latest update: #21772 Current Change Set: HomeProject Image format 68021 (64 bit) Preferred bytecode set: SistaV1 macOS 10.13.6

13 run in 0:00:00:00.488, 2 passes, 8 expected failures, 0 failures, 3 errors, 0 unexpected passes

SqueakSSLTest>>#testSSLSockets SqueakSSLTest>>#testSocketAccept SqueakSSLTest>>#testSocketConnect

LinqLover commented 2 years ago

Are you using openSSL3?

tcj commented 2 years ago

Are you using openSSL3?

Am I supposed to install OpenSSL 3 on my Mac to get these tests to not have errors? Windows does not require anything outside of Squeak for these tests to pass.

Or are you suggesting my version of macOS is not new enough for these tests to pass?

LinqLover commented 2 years ago

Rather the opposite, I just wanted to draw your attention to https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/issues/633, but I don't know whether it is related. 😅

tcj commented 2 years ago

Thanks @LinqLover ! I am happy to know about that one too, as I also saw SqueakSSL tests fail on Ubuntu.

I will offer more specific info about the macOS test results:

1 — #testSSLSockets => SecureSocket error: 'SSL accept failed with code: -5'

Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 3 49 51 AM

2 —#testSocketAccept => #signalFailure: on this line: self assert: serverSocket notNil.

...I idly tried changing the socket timeouts as follows, to no effect:

    clientSocket waitForConnectionFor: 3.
    serverSocket := listener waitForAcceptFor: 3.

...so I don't know why serverSocket is nil.

3 — #testSocketConnect => Error: SSL accept failed with code: -5

Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 3 48 40 AM

marceltaeumel commented 2 years ago

That OpenSSL3 issue is related to Ubuntu 22.04. The OSVM does not use OpenSSL on macOS.

marceltaeumel commented 2 years ago

This is interesting. We never tried to run the SSL tests in the CI when it whas still in a macOS box on Travis. Currently, our CI tests on a Windows box, which seems to work:

tcj commented 2 years ago

Please let me know how/if I can help. I did run Squeak in Terminal to see if any messages are logged to the console during these tests, but there are none. I could try again with a SqueakDebug VM if that might offer more information.

marceltaeumel commented 2 years ago

For now, I just updated the expected failures via SqueakSSL-Tests-mt.26. The list was quite long already for the 'Mac OS' platform.