squeak-smalltalk / squeak-object-memory

Issues and assets related to the Squeak object memory.
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After updating a Squeak 5.2 image, further updates fail #59

Open j4yk opened 2 years ago

j4yk commented 2 years ago

When I take a Squeak 5.2 image and update it to 18249, this works. But if I invoke the update again, there are several messages not understood. Looks like something was not completely backported.

Stack trace > 11 July 2022 1:47:43.089292 pm > > VM: Win32 - Smalltalk > Image: Squeak5.2 [latest update: #18249] > > SecurityManager state: > Restricted: false > FileAccess: true > SocketAccess: true > Working Dir C:\Squeak\Squeak5.2-18234-64bit-All-in-One\Squeak5.2-18234-64bit-All-in-One.app\Contents\Resources > Trusted Dir C:\Squeak\Squeak5.2-18234-64bit-All-in-One\Squeak5.2-18234-64bit-All-in-One.app\Contents\Resources\Jakob > Untrusted Dir C:\Users\Jakob\Documents\My Squeak > > SystemVersion(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #ciStatusBadgeUrl > Receiver: Squeak5.2 of 27 April 2022 update 18249 > Arguments and temporary variables: > aMessage: ciStatusBadgeUrl > exception: MessageNotUnderstood: SystemVersion>>ciStatusBadgeUrl > resumeValue: nil > Receiver's instance variables: > version: 'Squeak5.2' > date: 27 April 2022 > highestUpdate: 18249 > updates: a Set() > > MCMcmUpdater>>updateMessageFor: > Receiver: a MCMcmUpdater on 'update' at http://source.squeak.org/squeak52 > Arguments and temporary variables: > previousUpdateLevel: 18249 > Receiver's instance variables: > repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/squeak52' > updateMapName: 'update' > lastUpdateMap: a Dictionary('http://source.squeak.org/squeak52'->438 ) > > [] in MCMcmUpdater>>doUpdate: > Receiver: a MCMcmUpdater on 'update' at http://source.squeak.org/squeak52 > Arguments and temporary variables: > interactive: true > previousUpdateLevel: 18249 > ensureTranscriptSetting: {a MCConfigurationExtended update-dtl.438 2021-11-25T1...etc... > config: a MCMcmUpdater on 'update' at http://source.squeak.org/squeak52 > Receiver's instance variables: > repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/squeak52' > updateMapName: 'update' > lastUpdateMap: a Dictionary('http://source.squeak.org/squeak52'->438 ) > > BlockClosure>>ensure: > Receiver: [closure] in MCMcmUpdater>>doUpdate: > Arguments and temporary variables: > aBlock: [closure] in MCMcmUpdater>>doUpdate: > complete: nil > returnValue: nil > Receiver's instance variables: > outerContext: MCMcmUpdater>>doUpdate: > startpc: 277 > numArgs: 0 > > MCMcmUpdater>>doUpdate: > Receiver: a MCMcmUpdater on 'update' at http://source.squeak.org/squeak52 > Arguments and temporary variables: > interactive: true > previousUpdateLevel: 18249 > ensureTranscriptSetting: true > config: {a MCConfigurationExtended update-dtl.438 2021-11-25T12:27:50-05:00 (ae...etc... > Receiver's instance variables: > repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/squeak52' > updateMapName: 'update' > lastUpdateMap: a Dictionary('http://source.squeak.org/squeak52'->438 ) > > MCMcmUpdater class>>updateFromServer > Receiver: MCMcmUpdater > Arguments and temporary variables: > > Receiver's instance variables: > superclass: Object > methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#doUpdate:->(MCMcmUpdater>>#doUpdate: "a CompiledMethod...etc... > format: 65539 > instanceVariables: #('repository' 'updateMapName' 'lastUpdateMap') > organization: ('accessing' lastUpdateMap lastUpdateMap: repository repository: updateMapName...etc... > subclasses: nil > name: #MCMcmUpdater > classPool: a Dictionary(#DefaultUpdateMap->'update' #DefaultUpdateURL->'http://...etc... > sharedPools: nil > environment: Smalltalk > category: #MonticelloConfigurations > > TheWorldMainDockingBar>>updateSqueak > Receiver: a TheWorldMainDockingBar > Arguments and temporary variables: > > Receiver's instance variables: > a TheWorldMainDockingBar > > [] in MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: > Receiver: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Arguments and temporary variables: > < > Receiver's instance variables: > bounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > owner: a DockingBarMenuMorph(673310) > submorphs: #() > fullBounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > color: Color black > extension: a MorphExtension (563954) [balloonText] [other: (layoutProperties ...etc... > font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) > emphasis: 0 > contents: 'Update Squeak' > hasFocus: false > isEnabled: true > subMenu: nil > isSelected: false > target: a TheWorldMainDockingBar > selector: #updateSqueak > arguments: nil > icon: Form(16x16x32) > > BlockClosure>>ensure: > Receiver: [closure] in MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: > Arguments and temporary variables: > aBlock: [closure] in CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: > complete: nil > returnValue: nil > Receiver's instance variables: > outerContext: MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: > startpc: 248 > numArgs: 0 > > CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: > Receiver: ((CursorWithMask > extent: 16@16 > depth: 1 > fromArray: #( > 2r0 > 2r10000000000000000000000...etc... > Arguments and temporary variables: > aBlock: [closure] in MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: > oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask > extent: 16@16 > depth: 1 > fromArray: #( > 2r0 > 2r1...etc... > Receiver's instance variables: > bits: a Bitmap of length 16 > width: 16 > height: 16 > depth: 1 > offset: -1@ -1 > maskForm: Form(16x16x1) > > MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: > Receiver: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Arguments and temporary variables: > evt: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > w: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world] > Receiver's instance variables: > bounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > owner: a DockingBarMenuMorph(673310) > submorphs: #() > fullBounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > color: Color black > extension: a MorphExtension (563954) [balloonText] [other: (layoutProperties ...etc... > font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) > emphasis: 0 > contents: 'Update Squeak' > hasFocus: false > isEnabled: true > subMenu: nil > isSelected: false > target: a TheWorldMainDockingBar > selector: #updateSqueak > arguments: nil > icon: Form(16x16x32) > > MenuItemMorph>>mouseUp: > Receiver: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Arguments and temporary variables: > evt: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > Receiver's instance variables: > bounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > owner: a DockingBarMenuMorph(673310) > submorphs: #() > fullBounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > color: Color black > extension: a MorphExtension (563954) [balloonText] [other: (layoutProperties ...etc... > font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) > emphasis: 0 > contents: 'Update Squeak' > hasFocus: false > isEnabled: true > subMenu: nil > isSelected: false > target: a TheWorldMainDockingBar > selector: #updateSqueak > arguments: nil > icon: Form(16x16x32) > > MenuItemMorph>>handleMouseUp: > Receiver: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Arguments and temporary variables: > anEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > Receiver's instance variables: > bounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > owner: a DockingBarMenuMorph(673310) > submorphs: #() > fullBounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > color: Color black > extension: a MorphExtension (563954) [balloonText] [other: (layoutProperties ...etc... > font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) > emphasis: 0 > contents: 'Update Squeak' > hasFocus: false > isEnabled: true > subMenu: nil > isSelected: false > target: a TheWorldMainDockingBar > selector: #updateSqueak > arguments: nil > icon: Form(16x16x32) > > MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: > Receiver: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > Arguments and temporary variables: > anObject: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Receiver's instance variables: > timeStamp: 303810420 > source: a HandMorph(829711) > type: #mouseUp > buttons: 0 > position: 88@44 > handler: nil > wasHandled: true > wasIgnored: false > whichButton: 4 > nClicks: 1 > > MenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: > Receiver: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Arguments and temporary variables: > anEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > filteredEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > Receiver's instance variables: > bounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > owner: a DockingBarMenuMorph(673310) > submorphs: #() > fullBounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > color: Color black > extension: a MorphExtension (563954) [balloonText] [other: (layoutProperties ...etc... > font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) > emphasis: 0 > contents: 'Update Squeak' > hasFocus: false > isEnabled: true > subMenu: nil > isSelected: false > target: a TheWorldMainDockingBar > selector: #updateSqueak > arguments: nil > icon: Form(16x16x32) > > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:withHandler:withMorph: > Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher > Arguments and temporary variables: > anEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > aHandler: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > aMorph: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > result: #rejected > filteredEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > Receiver's instance variables: > lastType: #mouseUp > lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: > > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: > Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher > Arguments and temporary variables: > anEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > aMorph: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Receiver's instance variables: > lastType: #mouseUp > lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: > > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: > Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher > Arguments and temporary variables: > anEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > aMorph: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Receiver's instance variables: > lastType: #mouseUp > lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: > > MenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: > Receiver: a MenuItemMorph(100532)'Update Squeak' > Arguments and temporary variables: > anEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher > filteredEvent: [88@44 mouseUp ( red ) 303810420] > Receiver's instance variables: > bounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > owner: a DockingBarMenuMorph(673310) > submorphs: #() > fullBounds: 4@36 corner: 153@54 > color: Color black > extension: a MorphExtension (563954) [balloonText] [other: (layoutProperties ...etc... > font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) > emphasis: 0 > contents: 'Update Squeak' > hasFocus: false > isEnabled: true > subMenu: nil > isSelected: false > target: a TheWorldMainDockingBar > selector: #updateSqueak > arguments: nil > icon: Form(16x16x32) > > > --- The full stack --- > SystemVersion(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #ciStatusBadgeUrl > MCMcmUpdater>>updateMessageFor: > [] in MCMcmUpdater>>doUpdate: > BlockClosure>>ensure: > MCMcmUpdater>>doUpdate: > MCMcmUpdater class>>updateFromServer > TheWorldMainDockingBar>>updateSqueak > [] in MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: > BlockClosure>>ensure: > CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: > MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: > MenuItemMorph>>mouseUp: > MenuItemMorph>>handleMouseUp: > MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: > MenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:withHandler:withMorph: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: > MenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > MenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent: > [] in MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:toSubmorphsOf: > Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: > DockingBarMenuMorph(Morph)>>submorphsDo: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:toSubmorphsOf: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:withHandler:withMorph: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: > DockingBarMenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>doProcessingForFocusEvent:with: > MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchFocusEventFully:with: > DockingBarMenuMorph(MenuMorph)>>processFocusEvent:using: > DockingBarMenuMorph(Morph)>>processFocusEvent: > [] in [] in [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: > BlockClosure>>ensure: > MouseButtonEvent(MorphicEvent)>>becomeActiveDuring: > [] in [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: > BlockClosure>>ensure: > HandMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: > [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: > BlockClosure>>ensure: > PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: > HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: > HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: > HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: > HandMorph>>handleEvent: > HandMorph>>processEvents > [] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: > Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: > WorldState>>handsDo: > WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: > WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: > PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle > [] in MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess > [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess