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Update vs. Open tools attached to mouse cursor #62

Open j4yk opened 2 years ago

j4yk commented 2 years ago


Because the update is blocking, I cannot move the transcript into a place where I can already read the text. I can only do that once the update is finished.

Priority: minor. Squeak Trunk update 22050->22132 (when I took the screenshot)

LinqLover commented 2 years ago

Oh yes, this has been irritating me for years, too. My attempt was to disable the preference while the update is being performed. But since the update can be interrupted (e.g., during a merge conflict), the resulting behavior felt inconsistent. Maybe add a specific Transcript openInWorldIfNone?

j4yk commented 2 years ago

I wondered whether one can specifically open a Transcript off the hand, ignoring the preference, when the update is started. If desired, the update could also attach it to the hand at the end if this makes sense and the preference is enabled.

LinqLover commented 1 year ago

But does it make sense to restrict such a preference to the transcript? During a longer period of non-interactive operations (such as installing an update), every window that is opened in hand tends to look ugly ...

Yes, a #dontOpenToolsInHandDuring: or #deferOpenToolsInHandDuring: could be useful. I implemented a proposal for the former in openToolsInHandStrategy ... it is just waiting for a review. :-)

j4yk commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I would not like to let the concept of attaching tools to the mouse cursor leak into code that may not be related to tools or GUI at all (such as managing a long-running operation). For example, putting the code to circumvent the preference into the code for the "Update Squeak" menu item would be fine for me, but not putting it into the McmUpdater.

So if you want a general solution, you would need some magic trigger that detects or indicates long-running operations in the UI process... and by the time that triggers, something might have been attached to the cursor already.

LinqLover commented 1 year ago

Fair point ... Ideally, we would not have blocking operations at all but just background jobs, right? :D

Here's another idea: Store all "attach requests" in a queue and apply them at the end of the world cycle/at the beginning of the next world cycle, just like deferred UI messages and step messages. Wdyt?

j4yk commented 1 year ago

Fair point ... Ideally, we would not have blocking operations at all but just background jobs, right? :D

For a system that has forever had concurrent processing, Squeak's GUI is a bit behind the state of the art in this regard. ;-)

Here's another idea: Store all "attach requests" in a queue and apply them at the end of the world cycle/at the beginning of the next world cycle, just like deferred UI messages and step messages. Wdyt?

Sounds like it could work. This is probably something that you could quickly implement and try out for a while. You do not even need a separate queue; just use addDeferredUiMessage for the addMorph to the hand, no?

LinqLover commented 1 year ago

Fair point ... Ideally, we would not have blocking operations at all but just background jobs, right? :D

For a system that has forever had concurrent processing, Squeak's GUI is a bit behind the state of the art in this regard. ;-)

+1. But it also has its upsides ... modal dialogs communicate the timespan of an operation very nicely.

Here's another idea: Store all "attach requests" in a queue and apply them at the end of the world cycle/at the beginning of the next world cycle, just like deferred UI messages and step messages. Wdyt?

Sounds like it could work. This is probably something that you could quickly implement and try out for a while. You do not even need a separate queue; just use addDeferredUiMessage for the addMorph to the hand, no?

Right. Everyone who wishes shall participate in this experiment:


LinqLover commented 1 year ago

Right. Everyone who wishes shall participate in this experiment:


Two hick-ups I noticed so far: