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Squeak crashes my Raspberry 4B with Ubuntu #67

Open unique75m opened 1 year ago

unique75m commented 1 year ago

This issue has its origin in https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm/issues/614

It describes a crash of Squeak. Eliot told me, that the virtual machine does everything as good as it can, but there is no low-space action triggered on image side and my workspace code is not interrupted.

Originally i could reproduce this with my more complex application on a bigger 32GB machine with Windows. This workspace helped me to reproduce the crash faster. But of course it can be that this is really an issue that simply we have an out-of-memory-issue. But on other side i was also able to debug the virtual machine and it crashed somewhere in code with forward-pointers. So i hope Eliot is right and it is really only a low-space-action thing.

Currently the following code leads to a complete shutdown of my Raspberry:

Code to Reproduce

| oc | oc := OrderedCollection new. 400000000 timesRepeat: [oc add: Object new]


/home/joerg/Entwicklung/Squeak/images/Squeak6.0-22104-64bit/Squeak6.0-22104-64bit.image Squeak6.0 latest update: #22104 Current Change Set: HomeProject Image format 68533 (64 bit) Preferred bytecode set: SistaV1

Virtual Machine

/home/joerg/Entwicklung/Squeak/vms/202206021410/lib/squeak/5.0-202206021410-64bit/squeak Open Smalltalk Cog[Spur] VM [CoInterpreterPrimitives VMMaker.oscog-dtl.3185] Unix built on Jun 2 2022 15:19:03 Compiler: 8.3.0 platform sources revision VM: 202206021410 root@e70d3163df94:/home/runner/work/opensmalltalk-vm/opensmalltalk-vm Date: Thu Jun 2 16:10:44 2022 CommitHash: c9fd365 Plugins: 202206021410 root@e70d3163df94:/home/runner/work/opensmalltalk-vm/opensmalltalk-vm CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-dtl.3185 uuid: 0e7f07b8-eed6-4362-b223-86c98594ddb9 Jun 2 2022 StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-mt.3179 uuid: c6fbcb07-2a19-ed4f-8b40-9c119a70882a Jun 2 2022

To Build A Similar Virtual Machine

Visit https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm; follow the "Clone or download" instructions, then read the top-level README.md and HowToBuild files in the top-level build directory for your platform(s), build.macos64x64/HowToBuild, build.win32x86/HowToBuild, etc.

Machine Details

Raspberry 4B 8GB Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS 64 Bit Gnome Version 42.2 Windowing System = X11