Since OpenSSL is bundled and I already found out that it is impossible to deliver a binary that links cleanly against all the supported OSes I should come up with a security updates strategy.
I could for example maintain the last version of PyPy against all known security related problems and rebuild each time that happens. I could include versions of bundled libraries inside interactive Python banner prompt.
The open question for me is how do I communicate that updates to downstream users and what is the best way to watch vulnerabilities in all bundled software.
Since OpenSSL is bundled and I already found out that it is impossible to deliver a binary that links cleanly against all the supported OSes I should come up with a security updates strategy.
I could for example maintain the last version of PyPy against all known security related problems and rebuild each time that happens. I could include versions of bundled libraries inside interactive Python banner prompt.
The open question for me is how do I communicate that updates to downstream users and what is the best way to watch vulnerabilities in all bundled software.