squeaky-pl / portable-pypy

Portable 64 bit x86 PyPy binaries for many Linux distributions.
478 stars 38 forks source link

Tkinter doesn't detect all the fonts installed in the system #37

Closed Samureus closed 7 years ago

Samureus commented 7 years ago

With portable-pypy 5.4.1:

$ python
Python 2.7.10 (0e2d9a73f5a1818d0245d75daccdbe21b2d5c3ef, Sep 07 2016, 14:23:17)
[PyPy 5.4.1 with GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
And now for something completely different: ``"let's not be obscure, unless we
really need to"''
>>>> import Tkinter, tkFont
>>>> app = Tkinter.Tk()
>>>> tkFont.families()
('newcenturyschlbk', 'free courier', 'nimbus roman no9 l', 'clearlyu devangari extra', 'teams', 'clearlyu arabic', 'dingbats', 'standard symbols l', 'clearlyu arabic extra', 'urw chancery l', 'fixed', 'urw palladio l', 'luxi_mono', 'courier 10 pitch', 'open look glyph', 'bitstream charter', 'avantgarde', 'free schoolbook', 'clearlyu pua', 'urw gothic l', 'oldslavic', 'century schoolbook l', 'urw bookman l', 'free helvetian', 'avant garde gothic', 'clean', 'free helvetian condensed', 'zapf chancery', 'gothic', 'new century schoolbook', 'bookman', 'computer modern concrete', 'free avant garde', 'clearlyu alternate glyphs', 'luxi_serif', 'song ti', 'computer modern', 'latin modern typewriter', 'zapf dingbats', 'helvetica', 'open look cursor', 'mincho', 'nimbus sans l', 'palatino', 'clearlyu', 'courier', 'latin modern sans', 'latin modern typewriter variable width', 'itc avant garde gothic', 'clearlyu devanagari', 'nil', 'free times', 'itc zapf chancery', 'latin modern sansquotation', 'itc bookman', 'free chancery', 'fangsong ti', 'times', 'latin modern roman', 'itc zapf dingbats', 'newspaper', 'clearlyu ligature', 'free bookman', 'free paladin', 'nimbus mono l', 'computer modern bright', 'zapfdingbats', 'symbol', 'luxi_sans')

With pypy 5.4.1 downloaded from pypy.org:

 $ ./pypy
Python 2.7.10 (c95650101a99, Sep 06 2016, 11:10:29)
[PyPy 5.4.1 with GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
And now for something completely different: ``and now for something completely
>>>> import Tkinter, tkFont
>>>> app = Tkinter.Tk()
>>>> tkFont.families()
('STIXIntegralsUp', 'False Positive BRK', 'World of Water', 'DB Layer 2 BRK', 'Electorate Blue', 'Kirsty', 'BPG Nateli GPL&GNU', 'Noto Sans Gurmukhi', ..... # all the fonts installed

I think it's because the CentOS 5 image is missing libXft-devel. I'm testing a change to the Dockerfile, but it's still building.

squeaky-pl commented 7 years ago

This is expected and was previously reported. Making TrueType, OpenType etc fonts would need pulling some extra libraries into the portable build, not sure if it's only libXft. I am gonna investigate this and if it's not too much hassle I might bundle those libraries.

squeaky-pl commented 7 years ago

On newer systems libXft dependes on libxcb whilst the ones from Centos 5 doesnt have this dependency. I wonder what will happen. Maybe it will just work. I looked into the dependency tree and SONAMEs between Centos5 and newest Fedora and they seem to be backward compatible. Need to investigate Ubuntus as well. It's probably reasonable to assume that somebody who has X11 will also have libXft.

Apart from that since _tkinter is a cffi module you dont need to translate at all to test this change.

Samureus commented 7 years ago

Thanks for checking this up. I'm at work right now and haven't messed with this again since the weekend. Will report later.

squeaky-pl commented 7 years ago

The error that you mentioned in your pull was some sloppy symlinking job I was doing. I made a fix to give more predictable results and pushed it to master. You can just run ./package script again and you should get a final tarball under /src64

By providing libXft dependency like in your pull I managed to get tkFont recognize my system fonts:

('monofur for Powerline', 'Lohit Kannada', 'Montserrat', 'Montserrat', 'Source Code Pro for Powerline', 'PT Sans', 'Padauk', 'Century Schoolbook L', 'OpenSymbol', 'Carlito', 'Khmer OS System', 'Noto Sans Tai Tham', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'Roboto Mono Thin for Powerline', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'Meera', 'Symbola', 'Source Code Pro for Powerline', 'Fira Mono Medium for Powerline', 'PT Sans Narrow', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'Meslo LG S DZ for Powerline', 'Montserrat', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Nuosu SIL', 'Meslo LG L DZ for Powerline', 'Meslo LG M DZ for Powerline', 'Khmer OS Content', 'Montserrat', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'Noto Sans Mandaic', 'Droid Sans Mono for Powerline', 'Liberation Mono for Powerline', 'Roboto Mono Light for Powerline', 'URW Palladio L', 'Fira Mono for Powerline', 'Source Code Pro for Powerline', 'Montserrat', 'Montserrat', 'Cantarell', 'Source Han Sans TW', 'PakType Naskh Basic', 'Noto Sans Tai Viet', 'URW Gothic L', 'Dingbats', 'URW Chancery L', 'Meslo LG S for Powerline', 'FreeSerif', 'Lohit Assamese', 'DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline', 'Noto Sans Tagalog', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'DejaVu Sans', 'VL Gothic', 'DejaVu Serif', 'Lohit Odia', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'Utopia', 'Eeyek Unicode', 'Source Code Pro for Powerline', 'Noto Sans Meetei Mayek', 'NanumGothic', 'Mingzat', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Symbol Neu for Powerline', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'Montserrat', 'Hack', 'Droid Sans Mono Slashed for Powerline', 'Khmer OS', 'Inconsolata-g for Powerline', 'Inconsolata for Powerline', 'Liberation Sans Narrow', 'Liberation Mono', 'Nimbus Sans L', 'Roboto Mono Medium for Powerline', 'Caladea', 'Source Han Sans TW', 'NanumGothic', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'NanumGothic', 'Lohit Telugu', 'Android Emoji', 'Roboto Mono for Powerline', 'Standard Symbols L', 'Lohit Gujarati', 'Noto Sans Lisu', 'Terminess Powerline', 'Nimbus Mono L', 'Liberation Serif', 'Comfortaa', 'Source Han Sans TW', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'Meslo LG M for Powerline', 'STIX', 'LKLUG', 'Nimbus Roman No9 L', 'Cousine for Powerline', 'Anonymous Pro for Powerline', 'Liberation Sans', 'Meslo LG L for Powerline', 'Montserrat Alternates', 'Jomolhari', 'Source Han Sans TW', 'Source Han Sans TW', 'Montserrat', 'FreeSans', 'Arimo for Powerline', 'Lohit Devanagari', 'Source Code Pro for Powerline', 'Source Han Sans CN', 'Lohit Tamil', 'Droid Sans Mono Dotted for Powerline', 'Lohit Bengali', 'Abyssinica SIL', 'Waree', 'Inconsolata-dz for Powerline', 'DejaVu Serif', 'Source Code Pro for Powerline', 'Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline', 'Tinos for Powerline', 'Lohit Gurmukhi', 'Source Han Sans TW', 'Source Han Sans TW', 'FreeMono', 'URW Bookman L')

And idle looks like this now: screenshot from 2016-10-26 23-24-51

If you successfully test this on your platform I think we can merge this.

Samureus commented 7 years ago

Awesome, I just finished the build and was able to test it again, Tkinter does recognize the whole shebang of fonts now in Ubuntu 16.04 (compared to portable pypy 5.4.1).

$ ./pypy
Python 2.7.10 (0e2d9a73f5a1818d0245d75daccdbe21b2d5c3ef, Oct 24 2016, 02:19:48)
[PyPy 5.4.1 with GCC 6.2.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
And now for something completely different: ``Is it a cactus bug or problem
with my war?''
>>>> import Tkinter, tkFont
>>>> app = Tkinter.Tk()
>>>> tkFont.families()
('STIXIntegralsUp', 'False Positive BRK', 'World of Water', 'DB Layer 2 BRK', 'Electorate Blue', 'Kirsty', 'BPG Nateli GPL&GNU', 'Noto Sans Gurmukhi', 'Junkyard', 'wasy10', 'BPG Nino Medium GPL&GNU', 'jsMath-cmbsy10', 'IcicleCountry', 'Noto Serif Bengali', 'Noto Sans Bengali', 'Computer Modern Bright', 'Latin Modern Mono Slanted', 'Credit River', 'Arthritis BRK', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK TC', 'Xipital BRK', 'Binary 01s BRK', 'TrapperJohn', 'Noto Sans CJK TC', 'Radiation Participants', 'Pindown Plain BRK', 'Noto Sans Hebrew', 'Skull Capz BRK', 'Dyspepsia', 'Edmunds Distressed', 'Line Dings BRK', 'Irish Participants', 'Free Helvetian Condensed', 'Noto Sans Lepcha', 'Lunasequent', 'Loopy BRK', 'Vahika', 'Steve', 'Lunaurora', 'Foreshadow BRK', 'Plasma Drip Empty BRK', 'Sad Films', 'Lato', 'Union City Blue', 'Your Complex O BRK', 'Effloresce', 'Noto Sans Ogham', 'Lilliput Steps', 'BPG Courier GPL&GNU', 'Frozen Dog Treats', 'Latin Modern Mono', 'Minisystem', 'Latin Modern Mono', 'Carbon Block', 'Verana', 'HydrogenWhiskey', 'Noto Sans CJK TC', 'Lato', 'Draggle BRK', 'Weathered Solid BRK', 'Hamma Mamma Jamma', 'Senior Service', 'Padauk', 'Binary X CHR BRK', 'BPG DejaVu Sans 2011 GNU-GPL', 'Fascii Smudge BRK', 'jsMath-stmary10', 'Century Schoolbook L', 'DkgHandwriting', 'Frak', '10.15 Saturday Night BRK', 'Setback TT BRK', 'Noto Sans Buginese', 'Berenis ADF No2 Style', 'Zekton', 'OpenSymbol', 'Abecedario_guiada', 'Noto Sans Tai Le', 'Qbicle 4 BRK', 'OldSlavic', 'Tiresias PCfont', 'Mysterons BRK', 'InstantTunes', 'Blue Highway D Type', 'Embossing Tape 1 BRK', 'Hurry Up', 'Revert BRK', 'Cupola', 'Serto Jerusalem Outline', 'Enthuse Solid BRK', 'Biohazard Participants', 'Khmer OS System', 'Wager Lost BRK', 'Estrangelo Edessa', 'Malache Crunch', 'Noto Naskh Arabic', 'Perfect Dark BRK', 'Golden Girdle', 'Essays1743', 'TommyGun', 'Hurontario', 'Gravitate BRK', 'Noto Serif', 'Noto Sans Kayah Li', 'Noto Sans Tai Tham', 'Gyrose Squeeze BRK', 'Tuffy', 'jsMath-cmmib10', 'Collective S BRK', 'Street Cred', 'jsMath-eurb10', 'Cretino', 'msam10', 'Noto Sans Tifinagh', 'Borg9', 'Typesource Extol O BRK', 'Ethnocentric', 'Switzera ADF', 'Rotund BRK', 'Boron', 'Noto Serif Malayalam', 'Noto Sans Thaana', 'Neuropol', 'Xmas Lights BRK', 'Gillius ADF Cd', 'GentiumAlt', 'Vibrocentric', 'Chintzy CPU BRK', 'Qbicle 2 BRK', 'Gesture Thin Slant BRK', 'progenisis', 'Zurklez Outline BRK', 'Switzera ADF Cd', 'Computer Modern Concrete', 'Linux Libertine Mono O', 'Snidely', 'jsMath-eusm10', 'BPG Nateli Condenced GPL&GNU', "It wasn't me", 'Teen', 'Licorice Strings BRK', 'Unexplored Galaxies W BRK', 'Embossing Tape 3 BRK', 'Welfare Brat', 'Switzera ADF Ex', 'BPG Sans Regular GPL&GNU', 'Latin Modern Sans Demi Cond', 'Larabiefont', 'Andale Mono', 'Forgotten Futurist College', 'Powderworks BRK', 'Alpha Beta BRK', 'Gentium Book Basic', 'Field Day Filter', 'Jekyll BRK', 'Quill Experimental O BRK', 'Bocuma Dent BRK', 'Wincing BRK', 'Qbicle 3 BRK', 'Noto Sans Mongolian', 'Radios in Motion Hard', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Nightporter', 'Noto Sans CJK KR', 'Inevitable BRK', 'Mississauga', 'Vindictive BRK', 'Free Schoolbook', 'Noto Sans CJK TC', 'Chemical Reaction B BRK', 'Compliant Confuse 1o BRK', 'Hand Me Down O BRK', 'Zephyrean BRK', 'Tiresias Signfont', 'Noto Sans Balinese', 'Embossing Tape 2 BRK', 'EB Garamond', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK TC', 'Walshes', 'Noto Sans Sinhala', 'Soul Papa', 'Unexplored Galaxies O BRK', 'Larkspur BRK', 'Counterscraps', 'Bandwidth Bandmess BRK', 'Compliant Confuse 3o BRK', 'EB Garamond', 'SuperHeterodyne', 'EB Garamond', 'Electroharmonix', 'Mufferaw', 'Plasmatic', 'Head-Ding Maker BRK', 'Accanthis ADF Std', 'Typesource Extol S BRK', 'Compliant Confuse 2o BRK', 'Noto Sans Brahmi', 'Noto Sans Bengali UI', 'Symbola', 'Yellow Pills', 'Free Paladin', 'MassiveRetaliation', "Mad's Scrawl BRK", "Let's Eat", 'Eden Mills', 'Atavyros', 'Noto Sans CJK SC', 'Pneumatics Tall BRK', 'British Participants', 'Libris ADF Std', 'Radio Stars', 'Deluxe Ducks', 'Estrangelo Quenneshrin', 'Discordance BRK', 'Luxi Sans', 'MgOpen Moderna', 'Wager Won BRK', 'Duality', 'Edmunds', 'Teams', 'Qbicle 1 BRK', 'Volatile 1 BRK', 'STIXNonUnicode', 'Webdings', 'Terylene Top', 'Overhead BRK', 'Bandal', 'Gather BRK', 'Map Of You', 'Holy Smokes', 'Noto Sans Cherokee', 'STIXSizeFiveSym', 'Baskervald ADF Std', 'Neurochrome', 'Model Worker', 'Binary CHR BRK', 'Ouijadork', 'Janken BRK', 'Hand Me Down S BRK', 'Mini Kaliber O TT BRK', 'Unexplored Galaxies WO BRK', 'KacstQurn', 'Volatile 2 BRK', 'Lato', 'Chemical Reaction A BRK', 'Fluoride Beings', 'Vertigo Upright 2 BRK', 'Latin Modern Mono Prop', 'Latin Modern Math', 'ZeroHour', 'New Brilliant', 'Technique OL BRK', 'Hershey-Gothic-English', 'Nostalgia BRK', 'Upheaval TT BRK', 'Linux Libertine Display O', 'Switzera ADF Bold', 'Collective O BRK', 'Caslon', 'Kenyan Coffee', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK SC', 'Tibetan Machine Uni', 'Noto Sans Javanese', 'Sybil Green', 'Quill Experimental S BRK', 'jsMath-cmss10', 'Noto Serif Thai', 'Maya', u'\xc6nigma Scrawl 4 BRK', u'\xc6 Systematic TT BRK', 'Detonate BRK', 'Bullpen', 'Noto Sans Lao UI', 'Quantum Taper BRK', 'Scalelines Maze BRK', 'Gyrussian', '90 Stars BRK', 'Slender Mini BRK', 'Pixel Krud BRK', 'Compliant Confuse 2s BRK', 'Noto Serif Lao', 'BPG Excelsior Condencerd GPL&GNU', 'Hawkeye', 'Hooked Up 101', 'Vertigo 2 BRK', 'Umpush', 'Compliant Confuse 3s BRK', 'Free Bookman', 'Upraise BRK', 'Kleptocracy', 'Serto Mardin', 'Weathered BRK', 'Domestic Manners', 'Noto Sans Myanmar UI', 'Forgotten Futurist Rotten', 'Wild Sewerage', 'Junicode', 'Zoetrope BRK', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'jsMath-cmbx10', 'Arial Black', 'Moronic Misfire BRK', 'Noto Sans Shavian', 'Compliant Confuse 1s BRK', 'Rehearsal Point BRK', 'Weaver BRK', 'Gyrose Shift BRK', 'techno overload BRK', 'Tofu', 'Luxi Mono', 'Quarantine BRK', 'Purisa', 'EMERITA Latina', 'STIXSizeTwoSym', 'Birdland Aeroplane', 'Estrangelo Talada', 'esint10', 'Tiresias LPfont', 'Axaxax', 'Pants Patrol', 'Swift', 'Nominal BRK', 'Knot BRK', 'Dephunked BRK', 'UNITED BRK', 'Charis SIL', 'First Blind', 'Irritate BRK', 'Noto Sans Oriya UI', 'Vantage BRK', 'Sexsmith', 'msbm10', 'Estrangelo TurAbdin', 'Quacksalver BRK', 'Typodermic', 'Circulate BRK', 'Dash Dot BRK', 'Code Of Life BRK', 'CLAW 2 BRK', 'Visitor TT2 BRK', '36 days ago BRK', 'BPG Excelsior GPL&GNU', 'KacstBook', 'KacstLetter', 'Almonte', 'Redundant BRK', 'Oxygen-Sans', 'Anglepoise Lampshade', 'Frizzed BRK', 'Airmole Stripe', 'cmr10', 'Astron Boy Video', 'Vipnagorgialla', 'Vertigo BRK', 'Noto Sans CJK SC', 'Musica', 'Norasi', 'Monkey Phonics BRK', 'Unresponsive BRK', 'MScore', 'genotype H BRK', 'CLAW 1 BRK', 'Visitor TT1 BRK', 'Intersect O BRK', 'Noto Sans Mandaic', 'Elsewhere BRK', 'Zirconia Cubic BRK', 'Tiresias PCfont Z', 'Loma', 'BABEL Unicode', 'Forcible BRK', 'Tetricide BRK', 'CyproMinoan', 'Orange Kid', 'Underscore BRK', 'Homespun TT BRK', 'Xtrusion BRK', 'Obloquy Outline BRK', 'Verdana', "Oliver's Barney", 'Gentium', 'Tork', 'Noto Sans Kharoshthi', 'WhiteLake', 'Kaliber Round BRK', 'KacstDigital', 'Ellhnikh', 'Noto Sans CJK JP', 'Quixotic', 'Carbon Phyber', 'Quandary BRK', 'KacstTitleL', 'AtariSmallItalic', 'Marked Fool', 'Vacant Capz BRK', 'YonderRecoil', 'Rotund Outline BRK', 'QSwitch Ax', 'Free Avant Garde', 'Velvenda Megablack', 'Zodillinstrisstirust', 'AirCut', 'mry_KacstQurn', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'jsMath-msam10', 'Hello Larry', 'MgOpen Cosmetica', 'Baveuse', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'Noto Sans CJK SC', 'waver BRK', 'NAFTAlene', 'Berenis ADF', 'Bit Blocks TTF BRK', 'Gesture Slant BRK', 'Gaposis Solid BRK', 'Isabella', 'URW Palladio L', 'Orbicular BRK', 'Lucid Type A Outline BRK', 'Noto Sans Old Persian', 'Phorfeit Slant BRK', 'Fatboy Slim BLTC BRK', 'Encapsulate BRK', 'jsMath-cmsy10', 'Noto Sans Tamil UI', 'Jawbreaker OL2 BRK', 'Pyrite', 'genotype S BRK', 'Edit Undo Line BRK', 'Wet Pet', 'Alexander', 'Planet Benson 2', 'Noto Sans Cham', 'Arnprior', 'OCRAItalic', 'Marquee Moon', 'Brass Knuckle SS BRK', 'Konector O1 BRK', 'Karma Suture', 'Latin Modern Roman Unslanted', 'Intersect C BRK', 'Ecolier_court', 'Zero Velocity BRK', 'Switzera ADF Extra Bold', 'Lakeshore BRK', 'Jawbreaker OL1 BRK', 'Blackoninaut Bold BRK', 'Xolto', 'Kirby No Kira Kizzu BRK', 'Acknowledge TT BRK', 'Konector O2 BRK', 'Phetsarath OT', 'jsMath-wasy10', 'Noto Sans Thai UI', 'Mister Firley', 'Sawasdee', 'Estrangelo Nisibin Outline', 'Univox', 'Noto Sans Deseret', 'Noto Sans Runic', 'Induction', 'Sarcastic BRK', 'Noto Serif Kannada', 'Xerox Malfunction BRK', 'Brass Knuckle BRK', 'Biting My Nails', 'Noto Sans CJK TC', 'Tlwg Typist', 'jsMath-lasy10', 'Noto Sans Gurmukhi UI', 'Bend 2 Squares BRK', 'Lucid Type B Outline BRK', 'Top Bond', 'Cleaved TTR BRK', 'Tlwg Typewriter', 'Noto Sans Buhid', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'BPG Serif GPL&GNU', 'Noto Sans Devanagari UI', 'Dystorque BRK', 'Grudge BRK', 'Rough Day BRK', 'Stranded BRK', 'Quantum Flat Hollow BRK', 'Edit Undo BRK', 'Entangled Layer B BRK', 'Quinoline', 'Hooked on Booze', 'Pneumatics Wide BRK', 'Oxygen Mono', 'Noto Sans Malayalam UI', 'Vanilla Whale', 'Noto Sans Tai Viet', 'Noto Sans CJK KR', 'STIXIntegralsD', 'Free Courier', 'Entangled BRK', 'VDub', 'Prime Minister of Canada', 'Combustion Plain BRK', 'Coolvetica', 'Hershey-Gothic-Italian', 'Hershey-Plain-Triplex', 'Skeletor Stance', 'Tiresias Infofont Z', 'Computer Modern', 'Entangled Layer A BRK', 'Lato', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'STIXGeneral', 'Operational Amplifier', 'Quantity', 'Unidings', 'URW Gothic L', 'Qlumpy Shadow BRK', 'Fidgety BRK', 'Dingbats', 'Gardiner', 'Lunasol', 'Kaliber Xtreme BRK', 'URW Chancery L', 'BPG Chveulebrivi GPL&GNU', 'Elegante', 'Yearend BRK', 'Anklepants', 'Ubuntu', 'Noto Sans CJK JP', 'Romande ADF Std', 'Noto Sans CJK SC', 'BPG Mrgvlovani GPL&GNU', 'Endless Showroom', 'Got No Heart', 'French Participants', 'Abecedario_punteada', 'Linux Libertine Initials O', 'FreeSerif', '8-bit Limit O BRK', 'Times New Roman', 'Fabian', 'Kimberley', 'Key Ridge alt BRK', 'Nasalization', 'Burnstown Dam', 'PresidentGas', 'Estrangelo Nisibin', 'STIXSizeThreeSym', 'Unispace', 'Graze BRK', 'Lockergnome', 'Jargon BRK', 'Bitstream Vera Serif', 'Noto Sans Syriac Eastern', 'Noto Sans Telugu UI', 'Yytrium Dioxide', 'Assyrian', 'Paint Boy', 'Pneumatics BRK', 'Noto Sans Tagalog', 'Home Sweet Home', 'Zero Twos', 'Crackdown R BRK', 'TriacSeventyone', 'Ubuntu Condensed', 'Living by Numbers', 'Teen Light', 'GoudyBookletter1911Bold', 'Forgotten Futurist Shadow', 'Libel Suit', 'Vigilance BRK', 'Kickflip BRK', 'Cuomotype', 'Supra Genius Curves BRK', 'Neural BRK', 'Obstacle Lines BRK', 'Irianis ADF Std', 'Nymonak BRK', 'Switzera ADF Light', 'Automatica BRK', 'STOMP_Zeroes', 'Styrofoam Feelings', '[F500]', 'Superglue', 'East Syriac Ctesiphon', 'Stupefaction', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Graveyard BRK', 'Almonte Snow', 'Earwig Factory', 'Noto Sans Batak', 'KacstOffice', 'Noto Sans CJK KR', 'Zephyrean Gust BRK', 'Bleak Segments BRK', 'Noto Sans Glagolitic', 'stmary10', 'El Abogado Loco', 'Rehearsal Offset BRK', 'Galapogos BRK', 'Hyperion Sunset BRK', 'Freak Turbulence BRK', 'Noto Sans Malayalam', 'OCRA', 'Bendable BRK', '3D LET BRK', 'Reason BRK', 'Delta Hey Max Nine', 'Peatloaf', 'Goodfish', 'Bocuma Batty BRK', 'Jawbreaker BRK', 'Abberancy', 'Vademecum', 'Graffiti Treat', 'Noto Sans Oriya', 'Abecedario', '8-bit Limit R BRK', 'Mexcellent 3D', 'Backlash BRK', 'Knuckle Down', 'Mai Tai', 'Contour Generator', 'Highway to Heck', 'Fadgod', 'Gravitate Segments BRK', 'STIXIntegralsUpSm', 'Lights Out BRK', 'Mishmash ALT1 BRK', 'Latin Modern Roman Caps', 'Ghostmeat', 'Delphine', 'Winks', 'Noto Sans Georgian', 'Analecta', 'Turmoil BRK', 'Binary X 01s BRK', 'Foreshadow OL BRK', 'Aroania', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Combustion I BRK', 'Minya Nouvelle', 'Noto Sans Telugu', 'Entangled Plain BRK', 'Syndrome BRK', 'BPG Ingiri GPL&GNU', 'Sudbury Basin 3D', 'Alianna', 'Unifont CSUR', 'Zelda DX TT BRK', 'Sudbury Basin', 'Jigsaw Trouserdrop', 'RoboKoz', 'Intersect BRK', 'Minya', 'DejaVu Serif', 'Spastic BRK', 'Crystal Radio Kit', 'Noto Sans Linear B', 'Turkish Participants', 'Kinnari', 'BaileysCar', "Yoshi's Story game text BRK", 'BPG Sans GPL&GNU', 'Noto Sans Gothic', 'Jolt Of Caffeine BRK', 'Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs', 'Brigadoom BRK', 'Synthetic BRK', 'Latin Modern Roman Dunhill', 'Fragile Bombers', 'Nilus', 'Ataxia Outline BRK', 'Plastic Bag', 'Spacious BRK', 'Latin Modern Roman Slanted', 'Latin Modern Roman Slanted', 'Budmo Jiggler', 'Ink Tank BRK', 'KacstArt', 'Regenerate BRK', 'Noto Sans Lydian', 'Caliban', 'jsMath-wasyb10', 'Inertia BRK', 'Noto Serif Gujarati', 'Wargames', 'Noto Sans Tibetan', 'Phorfeit Regular BRK', 'Capacitor', 'Sideways BRK', 'NanumMyeongjo', 'Outer Sider BRK', 'Night Court', 'Tlwg Mono', 'Macropsia BRK', 'Angostura', 'Noto Sans Ol Chiki', 'Lohit Punjabi', 'Utopia', 'Mishmash ALT2 BRK', 'Colourbars', 'Beat My Guest', 'Engebrechtre', 'It Lives In The Swamp BRK', 'rsfs10', 'Square Route BRK', 'Avdira', 'Latin Modern Sans', 'Latin Modern Sans', 'Jagged BRK', 'Latin Modern Sans', 'Free Chancery', 'Vanished BRK', 'Draggle over kerned BRK', 'Wayward BRK', 'Plain Cred 1978', 'BPG Nino Medium Cond GPL&GNU', 'Latin Modern Sans Quotation', 'Noto Sans CJK KR', 'Obloquy Solid BRK', 'BPG Algeti GPL&GNU', 'Steelfish', 'Latin Modern Roman Slanted', 'Latin Modern Roman Slanted', 'Key Ridge BRK', 'Latin Modern Roman Slanted', "Should've Known Shaded", 'Abecedario_punt-pautada', 'Noto Sans CJK SC', 'Jasper BRK', 'Plain Cred', 'Spheroids BRK', 'Horsepower', 'Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Italic', 'Switching and Effects', 'Verana Sans Demi', 'Dented BRK', 'Airmole Shaded', 'Quarterly Thin BRK', 'jsMath-eufm10', 'Primer Apples', 'Euphorigenic', 'Mincer BRK', 'Lyneous Linear BRK', 'Supra Genius Lines BRK', 'Christian Participants', 'Not Quite Right BRK', 'Bitstream Charter', 'Deftone Stylus', "You're Gone", 'Noto Sans Meetei Mayek', 'Sandoval', 'Satanic Participants', 'Noto Sans Gujarati UI', 'Hershey-Script-Complex', 'Strenuous', 'NanumGothic', 'Aspartame BRK', 'Hassle BRK', 'Rehearsal Curve BRK', 'Dream Orphans', 'Xhume BRK', 'Noto Sans Cypriot', 'Xenowort', 'KacstOne', 'Anatolian', 'Bobcaygeon BRK', 'Snailets BRK', 'Eunjin Nakseo', 'Jasper Solid BRK', 'Conduit BRK', 'Euterpe', 'jsMath-bbold10', 'Tiresias Infofont', 'Chintzy CPU Shadow BRK', 'Conduit 2 BRK', 'Guanine', 'DejaVu Sans', 'Sofachrome', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Sloe Gin Rickey', 'Unanimous BRK', 'GroovyGhosties', 'Berenis ADF No2', 'Quadaptor', 'Unanimous Inverted BRK', 'Spacious Outline BRK', 'Noto Sans Ugaritic', 'Lady Starlight', 'Misirlou Day', 'BetecknaLowerCase', 'MgOpen Canonica', 'Quadratic Cal BRK', 'Khmer OS', 'Spongy', 'Noto Sans Lao', 'Courier 10 Pitch', 'German Participants', 'cmmi10', 'Numskull BRK', 'Lato', 'Interplanetary Crap', 'Stitch & Bitch', 'Naughts BRK', 'Dastardly BRK', 'Fascii Cross BRK', 'Bewilder Thick BRK', 'Your Complex BRK', 'Laksaman', 'Berenis ADF Med', 'Ubuntu-Title', 'Gasping BRK', 'Noto Sans CJK JP', 'Block Tilt BRK', 'jsMath-eufb10', 'Liberation Sans Narrow', 'Latin Modern Sans', 'Latin Modern Sans', 'Noto Sans CJK SC', 'Andika', 'Bumped BRK', 'Charles in Charge', 'Mekanus ADF Std', 'Liberation Mono', 'Wake & Bake', 'Fatboy Slim BLTC 2 BRK', 'BPG Elite GPL&GNU', 'Opiated BRK', 'Tribun ADF Med Cd Std', 'Noto Sans NKo', 'Crapola', 'Classic Trash 1 BRK', 'Eye Rhyme', 'Edit Undo Dot BRK', 'Nimbus Sans L', 'jsMath-cmex10', 'GWMonospace', 'Joy Circuit', 'Jingopop', 'Unifont Upper CSUR', 'Quantum Flat BRK', 'Classic Trash 2 BRK', 'BPG Gorda GPL&GNU', 'Quadratic BRK', 'TakaoPGothic', 'Noto Sans Khmer UI', 'Mail Ray Stuff', 'Thwart BRK', 'Hippy Participants', 'Commerciality', 'Lyneous BRK', 'Binary X BRK', 'Great Heights BRK', 'Verana Sans', 'Underwhelmed Outline BRK', 'Cranberry Gin', u'API  PHON\xc9TIQUE', 'Ataxia BRK', 'Credit Valley', 'Hillock BRK', 'Barbatrick', 'jsMath-lasyb10', 'Noto Sans CJK TC', 'Akkadian', 'BPG Glaho GPL&GNU', 'BPG Serif Modern GPL&GNU', 'Quantum Round BRK', 'Technique BRK', 'Balker', 'Butterbelly', 'Green Fuz', 'Kredit', 'Monofonto', 'Tomson Talks', 'Linux Biolinum O', 'Blue Highway Condensed', 'Quinine', 'Brigadoom Wide BRK', 'Effloresce Antique', 'BPG DedaEna Block GPL&GNU', 'Noto Sans CJK JP', 'Overload', 'Baveuse 3D', 'Registry BRK', 'Impossibilium BRK', 'Echelon Condensed', 'LYNX BRK', 'Canadian Participants', 'Troll Bait', 'Noto Sans Gujarati', 'Anaktoria', 'Serto Urhoy', 'Noto Sans CJK JP', 'Lamebrain BRK', 'Jawbreaker Hard BRK', 'Mishmash BRK', 'Accanthis ADF Std No3', 'Accanthis ADF Std No2', 'Berylium', 'MarVoSym', 'Bocuma BRK', 'Kurvature BRK', 'Rothwell', 'Euphoric 3D BRK', 'Pincers BRK', 'Jura', 'Bangwool', 'Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic', 'Unlearned BRK', 'okolaks_g', 'Dignity Of Labour', 'Dyphusion BRK', 'Fake Receipt', 'Bocuma Angle Dent BRK', 'Summersby', 'Baltar', 'Webster World', 'AtariSmallLight', 'Candy Stripe BRK', 'jsMath-cmti10', 'STIXIntegralsUpD', 'Slender BRK', 'Noto Sans', 'Yadou', 'Thiamine', 'Spheroids X BRK', 'Wintermute', 'Mob Concrete', 'Noto Sans Armenian', 'NanumBarunGothic', 'Grudge 2 BRK', 'Fascii Scraggly BRK', 'Shlop', 'Inflammable Age', 'Amplitude BRK', 'LunaEclipsed ', 'StayPuft', 'Johnny Fever', 'STIXVariants', 'Whippersnapper BRK', 'Ikarius ADF No2 Std', 'EB Garamond Initials Fill1', 'Radios in Motion', 'EB Garamond Initials Fill2', 'Engebrechtre Expanded', 'GlazKrak', 'Encapsulate Plain BRK', 'Combustion Tall BRK', 'Standard Symbols L', 'Baby Jeepers', 'Ecliptic BRK', 'Noto Sans Old Italic', 'KacstPen', 'Kustom Kar', 'Die Nasty', 'Amalgamate BRK', '36 days ago Thick BRK', 'Free Times', 'LuckyApe', 'Lato', 'Noto Sans Lisu', 'Gesture BRK', 'Acid Reflux BRK', 'Noto Sans Thai', 'Latin Modern Mono Caps', 'Granular BRK', 'Noto Sans Khmer', 'Noto Sans Kaithi', 'Fascii Twigs BRK', 'KacstDecorative', 'Noto Naskh Arabic UI', 'Nimbus Mono L', 'Courier', 'Dark Side BRK', 'Linux Biolinum Keyboard O', 'Venus Rising', 'Wobbly BRK', 'Noto Sans Tagbanwa', 'Noto Sans Myanmar', 'DirtyBakersDozen', 'Noto Sans Vai', 'Slender Stubby BRK', 'Whatever BRK', 'Wiggly Squiggly BRK', 'Doulos SIL', 'Combustion II BRK', 'Liberation Serif', 'Syracuse BRK', 'Saunder BRK', 'Tribun ADF Med Std', 'Dazzle Ships', 'Iomanoid', 'Screengem', 'Decrepit BRK', 'Unsteady Oversteer', 'Bewilder BRK', 'Unlearned 2 BRK', 'Astron Boy', 'Hots', 'Mexcellent', 'Unexplored Galaxies BRK', 'Razor Keen', 'Hairball BRK', 'Subpear', 'Noto Sans CJK JP', 'Bocuma Angle BRK', 'Vanishing Girl', 'Johnny Mac Scrawl BRK', 'Konector Eerie BRK', 'Romande ADF Script Std', 'Noto Sans New Tai Lue', 'Exaggerate BRK', 'Noto Serif Georgian', 'Goudy Bookletter 1911', 'Blackoninaut BRK', 'Lewinsky', 'Almonte Woodgrain', 'Poke', 'Crackdown R2 BRK', 'Hershey-Plain-Duplex', 'Linux Libertine O', 'Goose Bumps II BRK', 'Luxi Serif', 'Motorcade', 'Alfa-beta', 'Ecolier_lignes_court', 'Blue Highway', 'OCRACondensed', 'Noto Sans Syloti Nagri', 'Gillius ADF No2 Cd', 'Relish Gargler', 'Lato', '10.15 Saturday Night R BRK', 'jsMath-rsfs10', 'Good Times', 'Octoville', 'Noto Sans Syriac Western', 'STIX', 'LKLUG', 'Queasy BRK', 'UrUrMa', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK SC', 'Soul Mama', 'Nimbus Roman No9 L', 'Ryuker BRK', 'Latin Modern Mono Prop Light', 'eufm10', 'Noto Sans Symbols', 'Ubiquity BRK', 'Flipside BRK', 'Gyneric BRK', 'Blackoninaut Redux BRK', 'Ubuntu', 'Estrangelo Antioch', 'Noto Sans Samaritan', 'Noto Sans CJK TC', 'Noto Sans CJK SC', 'Bandwidth Bandless BRK', 'Noto Sans CJK KR', 'OCRABold', 'Sequence BRK', 'Pakenham', 'KacstPoster', 'Abecedario_pautada', 'Ennobled Pet', 'Noto Serif Telugu', 'Qlumpy BRK', 'Noto Sans Carian', 'Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Italic', 'STIXSizeOneSym', 'Liberation Sans', 'Misirlou', 'Slender Wide BRK', 'Noto Sans Bamum', 'Engadget', 'Scalelines BRK', 'Corpulent Caps Shadow BRK', 'Pulse State', 'King Richard', 'Biometric Joe', 'Breip', 'Degrassi', 'Tobin Tax', 'Astron Boy Wonder', 'Squealer', 'CrackMan', 'Gillius ADF', 'Noto Sans Avestan', 'Still Time', 'Padauk Book', 'Hemi Head 426', 'Bobcaygeon Plain BRK', 'Noto Sans Cuneiform', 'Amalgamate O BRK', 'Katalyst inactive BRK', 'Alfios', 'Kinkaid BRK', 'Corpulent Caps BRK', 'Abandoned Bitplane', 'Balcony Angels', 'Port Credit', 'Adriator', 'Free Helvetian', 'Pricedown', 'Outright Televism', 'Collective RO BRK', 'Aegyptus', 'Biting My Nails Outline', 'FreeSans', 'Noto Sans Kannada', 'cmex10', 'Latin Modern Mono Light', 'American Participants', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK JP', 'Blue Highway Linocut', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'Cretan', 'Gunplay', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'Symmetry BRK', 'Latin Modern Roman', 'Mini Kaliber S TT BRK', 'Grapple BRK', 'Gyneric 3D BRK', 'Noto Sans Old South Arabian', 'Hershey-Script-Simplex', '8-bit Limit BRK', 'Stagnation BRK', 'Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal', 'Noto Sans Old Turkic', 'Manchu', 'Georgia', 'Noto Sans CJK KR', 'STIXSizeFourSym', 'Letter Set C', 'Letter Set B', 'Noto Sans Limbu', 'Letter Set A', 'Radis Sans', 'Shifty Chica', 'Noto Mono', 'Ravaged By Years BRK', 'jsMath-cmmi10', 'Unifont', 'Jara', 'GoudyBookletter1911Italic', 'Galvanize BRK', 'Enthuse BRK', 'KacstNaskh', 'Noto Sans Tamil', 'Pupcat', 'So Run Down', 'Pindown BRK', 'Noto Sans Osmanya', 'Binary BRK', 'Zenith BRK', 'Underwhelmed BRK', 'Aegean', 'Queasy Outline BRK', 'Universalis ADF Std', 'Goudy Bookletter 1911 TT', 'Hebrew Participants', 'Tlwg Typo', 'Droid', 'Inconsolata', 'Saved By Zero', 'Electorate Boogie', 'Baskervald ADF Std Heavy', 'Betsy Flanagan', 'Splatz BRK', 'Collective RS BRK', 'Penguin Attack', 'Gentium Basic', 'East Syriac Adiabene', 'Noto Sans Lycian', 'Heavy Bevel BRK', '18 Holes BRK', 'Serto Malankara', 'Unifont Upper', 'Nanosecond Wide BRK', 'Rambling BRK', 'CHR32', 'Yawnovision', 'Sui Generis', 'Noto Sans Yi', 'Faux Snow BRK', 'Noto Sans CJK JP', 'EB Garamond Initials', 'Pastor of Muppets', 'KacstFarsi', 'Wayward Shadow BRK', 'Chinese Rocks', 'Hershey-Gothic-German', 'Bullpen 3D', 'Tiresias Signfont Z', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', 'Telephasic BRK', 'Lato', 'Grotesque BRK', 'Revert Round BRK', 'Silicon Carne', 'Nanosecond Thick BRK', 'Gather Gapped BRK', 'Gyparody', 'Berenis ADF Cd', 'Arial', 'Chicken Wire Lady', 'Noto Sans Kannada UI', 'Vertigo Upright BRK', 'BPG Courier S GPL&GNU', 'flatline', 'Rustproof Body', 'Noto Sans Saurashtra', 'Aftermath BRK', 'Abyssinica SIL', 'Romande ADF Style Std', 'Noto Sans UI', 'Primer Print', 'Serto Jerusalem', 'Mlurmlry', 'Combustion Wide BRK', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK KR', 'Mobilize BRK', 'Noto Serif Armenian', 'Crackdown O1 BRK', 'Euphoric BRK', 'Swirled BRK', 'Quercus', 'Irianis ADF Style Std', 'Mishmash 4x4i BRK', 'Courier New', 'Husky Stash', 'Raydiate BRK', 'Waree', 'Kaliber Solid BRK', 'Gaposis Outline BRK', 'Jeopardize Thick BRK', 'Walshes Outline', 'Nasal', 'jsMath-msbm10', 'IPA  PHONETICS', 'KacstTitle', 'BPG Excelsior Caps GPL&GNU', 'Tearful BRK', 'Underscore 2 BRK', 'Blox BRK', 'Vectroid', 'Crackdown O2 BRK', 'Serto Batnan', 'ParaAminobenzoic', 'Bend 2 Squares OL2 BRK', 'Gumtuckey', 'Gunplay 3D', 'Joystix', 'Squealer Embossed', 'Airmole', 'Noto Sans CJK TC', 'Simpleton BRK', '8-bit Limit RO BRK', 'Neural Outline BRK', 'Verana Sans Medium', 'Stereofidelic', 'Dustismo Roman', 'Po Beef', 'Eunjin', 'Hack & Slash BRK', 'Zrnic', 'Failed Attempt', 'BPG Mrgvlovani Caps GNU&GPL', 'YBandTuner', 'Bend 2 Squares OL1 BRK', 'Braeside Lumberboy', 'Noto Sans Coptic', 'Gesture Thin BRK', 'Off Kilter R BRK', 'DejaVu Serif', 'Abecedario_punt-guiada', 'Noto Sans Rejang', 'Mishmash Fuse BRK', 'Quantum Round Hollow BRK', 'Asea', 'Conduit 2 Italics BRK', 'Send Cash', 'Deportees', 'Elsewhere 2 BRK', 'Reason Shadow BRK', 'Noto Sans Devanagari', 'Zoidal BRK', 'Lethargic BRK', 'Saab', 'Gyrose BRK', 'Switzera ADF Light Cd', 'DB Layer 4 BRK', 'Neuropolitical', 'Noto Sans CJK KR', 'Densmore', 'Noto Serif Khmer', 'Brass Knuckle Star BRK', 'Riot Act', 'AtariSmallCondensed', 'False Positive Round BRK', 'Dynamic BRK', 'Bramalea Beauty', 'AtariSmallBold', 'Ravenous Caterpillar BRK', 'BPG Sans Medium GPL&GNU', 'MgOpen Modata', 'Rina', 'Konector BRK', 'Pindown X BRK', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK KR', 'Dustismo', 'Fully Completely BRK', 'Zirconia BRK', 'Garuda', 'Pseudo BRK', 'Noto Serif Tamil', 'Heavy Heap', 'BPG Sans Modern GPL&GNU', 'TRAGIC BRK', 'Yonder BRK', 'Edgewater', 'KacstScreen', 'Oldania ADF Std', 'Noto Nastaliq Urdu', 'Noto Sans Ethiopic', 'Ikarius ADF Std', 'STIX Math', 'Lowdown BRK', 'Variance BRK', 'GiantTigers', 'Lucid Type A BRK', 'Wyvern Wings Wyde BRK', 'Your Complex I BRK', 'Noto Sans Phags Pa', "Should've Known", 'Latin Modern Mono Light Cond', 'BPG Nateli Caps GPL&GNU', 'Estrangelo Midyat', 'Fascii BRK', 'Electorate Boogaloo', 'Zekton Dots', 'Impact', 'Quadrangle', 'Kicking Limos', 'Quarterly Thick BRK', 'jsMath-eusb10', 'Atari', 'Latin Modern Mono', 'Latin Modern Mono', 'Metal Lord', 'Off Kilter L BRK', 'Pindown X Plain BRK', 'Embargo', 'Serto Kharput', 'genotype RS BRK', 'Lucid Type B BRK', 'FreeMono', 'Double Bogey BRK', 'Mishmash 4x4o BRK', 'Jeopardize BRK', 'Jupiter Crash BRK', 'Obstacle BRK', 'DB Layer 1 BRK', 'Tiresias Keyfont V2', 'jsMath-eurm10', 'Gillius ADF No2', 'Zero Threes', 'Lesser Concern', 'Berenis ADF No2 Cd', 'Ubuntu Mono', 'Goose Bumps BRK', 'Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela', 'Plasma Drip BRK', 'Mold Papa', 'Wager BRK', 'Latin Modern Roman Demi', 'Ink Swipes BRK', 'Yesterday BRK', 'URW Bookman L', 'Noto Sans Hanunoo', 'Pop Up Fontio', 'Universalis ADF Cd Std', 'Wyvern Wings BRK', 'GoudyBookletter1911Light', 'Bandwidth BRK', 'Xtraflexidisc', 'Tinsnips', 'Katalyst active BRK', 'cmsy10', 'Nanosecond Thin BRK', 'Stasmic', 'Noto Sans Phoenician', 'Dendritic Voltage', 'Noto Sans Sundanese', 'Extraction BRK', 'Zurklez Solid BRK', 'jsMath-cmr10', 'Hearts BRK', 'Angostura Black', 'Persuasion BRK', 'DB Layer 3 BRK', 'Cola Participants', 'Relapse BRK', 'Worthless Bum', 'Yielding BRK', 'Urkelian Television Dynasty', 'Tonik BRK', 'Airmole Antique', 'Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian', 'Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi', 'STIXIntegralsSm', 'Hyde BRK', 'Scritzy', 'Quinquefoliolate', 'Kirsty Ink', 'Guseul', 'Noto Sans Mono CJK JP', 'Forgotten Futurist', 'Withstand BRK', 'Nucleus BRK', 'Chumbly BRK', 'genotype RH BRK')

Idle itself still shows the same font selections, but I saw this article about a facelift on the IDLE codebase after Nov 2015:


which does seem to match what I see in CPython 2.7.12. I remember seeing some commit logs that the upstream 2.7.12 Standard Library was merged into the PyPy repo, so I guess we can wait until 5.5 is released to see the changes.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Samureus but not 5.5, 5.6 instead :)

squeaky-pl commented 7 years ago

@Samureus PyPy 5.6 that includes stdlib from 2.7.12 is now out and your patch to bring libXft is in.

Samureus commented 7 years ago

@squeaky-pl awesome, thanks a lot!