squeek502 / WailaHarvestability

Minecraft mod that adds required harvest level and the effective tool to Waila tooltips of harvestable blocks
The Unlicense
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ToolHelper.isToolEffectiveAgainst uses vanilla break speed method instead of Forge method #38

Closed Choonster closed 8 years ago

Choonster commented 8 years ago

The last line of ToolHelper.isToolEffectiveAgainst uses the vanilla ItemStack#func_150997_a method to get the tool's break speed for the block, but it should probably use the Forge-provided Item#getDigSpeed method instead since this is used for the actual break speed calculations when breaking blocks.

squeek502 commented 8 years ago

Good call, thanks for letting me know about that.

Choonster commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix. This should allow my custom swords to show as effective tools for Cobwebs.

squeek502 commented 8 years ago

Released here: https://github.com/squeek502/WailaHarvestability/releases/tag/v1.1.5