squeek502 / considerveganism.com

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Added some casualty milestones to the kill counter for context #15

Closed Shaderboy closed 8 years ago

Shaderboy commented 8 years ago

Several milestones such as 9/11, Hiroshima, etc... will appear next to the individual counters when they surpass the given casualty count. This is to help give a little context to numbers that can be really hard to conceptualize after a certain point. killcounterscreenshot

squeek502 commented 8 years ago

I have some serious reservations about adding this.

I think comparing animal deaths to human deaths serves as a distraction, since it potentially places the focus of the conversation around irrelevant topics ("are animal lives of equal value to human lives?", or "can human death be compared to animal death?"). These topics can then be used for straw man or ad hominem fallacies as a way out of engaging meaningfully with the issue ("vegans think animals have exactly the same value as humans and I disagree with that," or "I can't support vegans, they do x!").

One of my thoughts on vegan advocacy is that I always want to try to frame the issue in a way that meshes with what people already think--most people see killing animals as something that it'd be best to avoid, so there's no real need to make the comparison to other things that people see as bad. I would hope that very few people would see the current counter and think "this is totally fine."

So, sorry, but I'm going to close this. Really appreciate the interest in contributing, though.