squentin / gmusicbrowser

jukebox for large collections of music
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems: Ubuntu 22.04 installation, resolution, memory #246

Open DeusIX opened 1 year ago

DeusIX commented 1 year ago

So I'm trying to make my notebook into musicmachine with gmp as the player. I chose the newest Ubuntu but ran to several problems.

  1. libgtk2perl: First of all I couldn't install it as libgtk2perl was not available and I have no idea how to manually add that. I tried adding the ppa, but that failed too.

  2. Resolution: Then I installed Ubuntu 20.04 and that does have the perllib needed, so the player starts, yay! But I noticed another problem: My notebooks resolution is weird 1200x600 and as such it doesnt display the bottom of the gmp-settings. The settings window doesnt scale small enough. I had to adjust the screen orientation to do the setup.

I've been usimg gmp as my primary player for several months now and here are some observations:

  1. Memoryleak: looking at systemmonitor, perl grows and grows until the machine runs out of memory and then it freezes. The memory is freed when I close gmp. A guess I have is that there is something happening in the ogg-tagger as the leak seems to not happen with flacs. This was a bigger problem earlier when I tagged thousands of files at once and then my computer just hanged.

    • I do use that patch that writes playcounts/ratings into the file.
    • Terminal shows this kind of output:
      in place editing.
      must recompute crc for the whole file, this may take a while (install Digest::CRC to make it fast) ...
      replacing old file with new file.
      in place editing.
      replacing old file with new file.
  2. Albumart related issue 1: Sometimes gmp fails to load cover art. This is minor issue, but weird. I've checked that I have a "00 - cover.jpg" in the directory (that every album has), but on some albums this just doesn't load.

  3. Albumart related issue 2: If there are multiple albums with the same name, but different artist, gmp only shows the other one. I have several "Greatest Hits" albums, but the cover only matches one artist.

squentin commented 1 year ago
  1. gtk2 is getting too old, you need to use the beta (on http://gmusicbrowser.org/devel.html or even better the git version) that uses gtk3, note that there is an annoying bug in it that you need to set the icon set in gmb to something other than default otherwise you don't have icons for play/next/previous. I haven't worked on it for some time, sorry about that, but I'll get to it so I can finally do a proper release.

  2. On linux you can usually move the windows with alt or win key and a click on the window, that allows moving the window to see the bottom, though some window managers might refuse to do that. That's not a fix of course, I tend to think of 800 height as the minimum, but I'll probably make the settings window able to shrink more.

  3. I know that there are memory leaks, they are not easy to find, I'll investigate the ogg-tagger. Though in that case, as the message says, without installing Digest::CRC (libdigest-crc-perl on ubuntu) it may be very slow with a big file, so maybe it was that.

  4. the auto cover picker has some rules that may be too strict, like not having songs from other albums in the same folders or something, don't remember, I need to make it configurable. But in case you don't know, you can always manually set the file, by right clicking on the album name.

  5. It's probably because the field album_artist is not set, an album is recognized as songs that have the same album name and album_artist name.

dm2912 commented 1 year ago
  1. gtk2 is getting too old, you need to use the beta (on http://gmusicbrowser.org/devel.html

fyi, the ppa listed on that page does not support Jammy yet

Sjonnie2018 commented 1 year ago

Found this thread after I couldn't get Gmusicbrowser up and running on Vanessa. The deb version of the beta works like a charm. I am thrilled I can enjoy Gmusicbrowser for the time being (as long as Vanessa is supported).

Kudos to the dev!

I only hope he will continue development because I wouldn't know what other music player I would use!

vincebel7 commented 1 year ago

It would be good to have a quick note on https://gmusicbrowser.org/download.html that the gtk3 beta version is required for Jammy, until gtk3 is included in stable