squid-man / MegaMan2Randomizer2

Mega Man 2 Randomizer
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Picopico should never be all black #175

Open AstroTibs opened 3 months ago

AstroTibs commented 3 months ago

The title says everything.

On multiple occasions, I've had Picopico's color palette be all black, rendering it invisible. Most recently: GBAFNOPCBJVXX (49891095041066245920)

The very first time this happened, I figured out it was weak to Crash bomber, so I had a strategy of waiting near a wall so it would explode and one-shot the units. That was an interesting fight.

Nearly every other time, it has been game-endingly bad. If it's weak to a close-range weapon, or if it take more than one shot to destroy, you're just firing blindly and taking often immense amounts of damage. This is not fun or interesting or even simply unfair—it's unplayable.

Suffice it to say, no boss should be invisible.