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Can't get the admonition body to display when it contains a nested admonition element. #1215

Closed ParaDiceSolutions closed 5 years ago

ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago


I would like to use nested admonitions elements, but I can't get the admonition body to display when it contains a nested admonition element. I have used the example given (see below) on this webpage : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jebbs.markdown-extended#overview ------- Example ------ !!! note This is the note admonition body !!! danger Danger Title This is the danger admonition body

Expected behavior

I expect to see the "This is the note admonition body" displayed, as per the webpage example.

Actual behavior


Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. [First step]
  2. [Second step]
  3. [and so on...]

Package versions

Project configuration

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site_name: Infolytik Documentation
site_description: Infolytik Online Documentation
site_author: Infolytik INC
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# repo_name: squidfunk/mkdocs-material
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copyright: 'Copyright © 2018 Infolytik'

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# Page tree
  - Getting Started: index.md
  - Download & Installation: download-installation.md
  - Old Documentation: old-metaminer-docs.md
  - MetaMiner Admin:
    - Introduction: metaminer-administrator/index.md
    - Installing New Releases: metaminer-administrator/updating-metaminer.md
    - Resetting Metadata: metaminer-administrator/resetting-metadata.md
    - FAQ - Admin: metaminer-administrator/FAQ-installing-updates.md
  - MetaMiner Client:
    - Introduction: metaminer/index.md
    - MetaMiner DB: metaminer/mmdb-schema.md
    - CMS Explorer: modules/cms-explorer/cms-explorer.md
    - Users: modules/users/businessobjects-user-admin.md
    - Servers: modules/servers/businessobjects-servers-tab.md
    - Visual Diff: modules/visual-diff/object-cms-diff.md
    - Security Diff: modules/security-diff/business-objects-security-compare.md
    - Impact Analysis DB: modules/impact-db/impact-analysis-database-objects.md
    - Alerts: modules/alerts/alerts-workflow.md
    - MetaQuery: modules/metaquery/businessobjects-tableau-repo-analysis.md
    - Backup/Promote: modules/backup-promote/backup-restore-businessobjects.md
# TODO:URGENT : Need a Tableau drop-down thing here
    - Report Validation: modules/report-validation.md
    - Tableau Explorer: modules/tableau-explorer/tableau-explorer.md
    - Tableau Users: modules/tableau-users/tableau-user-admin.md
    - Tableau Finder: modules/tableau-finder/tableau-finder.md
    - Workbook Validation: modules/workbook-validation/tableau-dashboard-testing.md
  - Reports:
    - Overview: reports/overview.md
    - Audit Reports:
      - <font size="2">[MM-A01] Audit - Object Activity Summary</font>: reports/MM-A01.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-A02] Audit - User Activity Summary</font>: reports/MM-A02.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-A03] Audit - Event Details</font>: reports/MM-A03.md
    - Webi IA Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-W10] Webi IA - Object Use Overview</font>: reports/MM-W10.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-W11] Webi IA - Object Use Overview (per Object)</font>: reports/MM-W11.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-W12] Webi IA - Object Use Detail</font>: reports/MM-W12.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-W17] Webi IA - Dataprovider SQL</font>: reports/MM-W17.md
    - Crystal IA Reports:
      - <font size="2">[MM-C11] Crystal IA - Business View Use</font>: reports/MM-C11.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C12] Crystal IA - Business View Data Dictionary</font>: reports/MM-C12.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C13] Crystal IA - Prompt Group Business Field Use</font>: reports/MM-C13.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C14] Crystal IA - Table Field Use</font>: reports/MM-C14.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C15] Crystal IA - DB User Use</font>: reports/MM-C15.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C16] Crystal IA - Datasource Use</font>: reports/MM-C16.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C17] Crystal IA - Command Text Use</font>: reports/MM-C17.md
    - General Document Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-D01] Documents - Activity & Datasource</font>: reports/MM-D01.md
    - Universe Reports:
        - "[MM-U01] Universe Dictionary": reports/MM-U01.md
        - <font size="2">"[MM-U10] Unused Objects - Summary"</font>: reports/MM-U10.md
        - <font size="2">\[MM-U11\] Unused Objects - UNV</font>: reports/MM-U11.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-U12] Unused Objects - UNX</font>: reports/MM-U12.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-U13] Unused Objects - Detail</font>: reports/MM-U13.md
    - Server Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-S01] Server - Overview</font>: reports/MM-S01.md

  - Pulse:
    - Introduction: pulse/index.md
    - Dashboards - SAP: pulse/bobj-server-monitoring-dashboards.md
  - Use Cases: #use-cases/use-cases.md
#    - Impact Analysis: use-cases/impact-analysis-general.md
#    - Unused Universe Objects: use-cases/unused-universe-objects-optimization.md
    - Webi Query Stripping: use-cases/webi-query-stripping.md
    - Crystal Report Bulk DB Config: use-cases/crystal-database-remapping.md
    - Webi Datasource Analysis: use-cases/webintelligence-datasource-analysis.md
  - FAQ:
    - MetaMiner DB: metaminer/mmdb-schema.md
    - Direct MMDB Access: metaminer-tips/direct-access-metaminer-db.md
    - MetaMiner Standard Universe: metaminer-tips/metaminer-universe-sapbi4.md
    - Log files & Diagnostics: metaminer-tips/getting-log-files.md
    - Custom Settings: metaminer-tips/server-custom-settings.md
  - Analysis Catalog:
    - BusinessObjects SQLs: metaminer/scripts-bo/scripts-catalog-businessobjects.md
#    - Audit & Usage: metaminer/scripts-bo/auditing-usage.md
#    - Metadata & Impact Analysis: metaminer/scripts-bo/sap-bi4-metadata-impact-analysis.md
#    - Server Metrics & Configs: metaminer/scripts-bo/server-metrics-configs-monitoring.md
#    - Performance Statistics: metaminer/scripts-bo/report-system-performance.md
#    - User & Group Management: metaminer/scripts-bo/users-groups.md

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System information

facelessuser commented 5 years ago

Admonition titles should be quoted.

ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago

Nested_Admonition_Parent_Body_Not_Showing … in the example the parent didn't have a title, but the nested one did, so I have corrected that as follows:

!!! note This is the note admonition body !!! danger "Danger Title" This is the danger admonition body

however, the result is the same with te parent body text not being displayed (see attachment).

facelessuser commented 5 years ago

Do you mind displaying your syntax in a code block? The way you are posting it here in plain text, I can't see formatting properly.

ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago

Sorry I'm new to a lot of this (as you might be suspecting) ;-)

!!! note This is the **note** admonition body !!! danger "Danger Title" This is the **danger** admonition body

Hopefully that is better?


ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago

actually that didn't help! Give me a second and I shall find out how to send that to you without it being formatted...

ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago
!!! note
    This is the **note** admonition body
    !!! danger "Danger Title"
        This is the **danger** admonition body
facelessuser commented 5 years ago

Try ensuring there is a blank line before the second admonition:

!!! note
    This is the **note** admonition body

    !!! danger "Danger Title"
        This is the **danger** admonition body
ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago

That worked! Thank you so much!!! I thought I tried that (amongst loads of other failed attempts)! Cheers!

facelessuser commented 5 years ago

Np. Generally block level markdown should have a blank line before them. Some parsers may not require this, but I believe the original Markdown spec requires it. The Python Markdown library is particularly sensitive to this requirement.

ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago

Thanks again. Much appreciated.