squidfunk / mkdocs-material

Documentation that simply works
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Changing font size for righthand menu items work, but <font size="2"> appears in the browser tab headings with my solution. Is there a better solution/workaround? #1223

Closed ParaDiceSolutions closed 5 years ago

ParaDiceSolutions commented 5 years ago


Changing font size for righthand menu items work, but

<font size="2">

appears in the browser tab headings with my solution. Is there a better solution/workaround?

Expected behavior

[What you expected to happen] I expect the

<font size="2">

to be striped out in the browser tab name, whereas it isn't.

Actual behavior

[What is actually happening]

Steps to reproduce the bug

1. [First step]
I took some submenu items in the mydocs.yml, which were of the form:

  - Reports:
    - Overview: reports/overview.md
    - Audit Reports:
      - "[MM-A01] Audit - Object Activity Summary": reports/MM-A01.md
      - "[MM-A02] Audit - User Activity Summary": reports/MM-A02.md
      - "[MM-A03] Audit - Event Details": reports/MM-A03.md
    - Webi IA Reports:
        - "[MM-W10] Webi IA - Object Use Overview": reports/MM-W10.md

2. [Second step]
I wrapped 
<font size="2">Original Menu-Item Label</font>

to produce the following:

  - Reports:
    - Overview: reports/overview.md
    - Audit Reports:
      - <font size="2">[MM-A01] Audit - Object Activity Summary</font>: reports/MM-A01.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-A02] Audit - User Activity Summary</font>: reports/MM-A02.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-A03] Audit - Event Details</font>: reports/MM-A03.md
    - Webi IA Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-W10] Webi IA - Object Use Overview</font>: reports/MM-W10.md

3. [and so on...]

This has the desired affect, but has one undesired side effect of including <font size="2"> in the browser tab labels (see attachment)

Package versions

Project configuration

# Copyright (c) 2017 INFOLYTIK INC.

# Project information
site_name: Infolytik Documentation
site_description: Infolytik Online Documentation
site_author: Infolytik INC
site_url: https://www.infolytik.com

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# Repository
# repo_name: squidfunk/mkdocs-material
# repo_url: https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material

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# Page tree
  - Getting Started: index.md
  - MetaMiner Installation Overview: metaminer-installation-overview.md
  - MetaMiner Installation Walk-thru: metaminer-installation-walkthru.md
  - Old Documentation: old-metaminer-docs.md
  - MetaMiner Admin:
    - Introduction: metaminer-administrator/index.md
    - Installing New Releases: metaminer-administrator/updating-metaminer.md
    - Resetting Metadata: metaminer-administrator/resetting-metadata.md
    - FAQ - Admin: metaminer-administrator/FAQ-installing-updates.md
  - MetaMiner Client:
    - Introduction: metaminer/index.md
    - MetaMiner DB: metaminer/mmdb-schema.md
    - CMS Explorer: modules/cms-explorer/cms-explorer.md
    - Users: modules/users/businessobjects-user-admin.md
    - Servers: modules/servers/businessobjects-servers-tab.md
    - Visual Diff: modules/visual-diff/object-cms-diff.md
    - Security Diff: modules/security-diff/business-objects-security-compare.md
    - Impact Analysis DB: modules/impact-db/impact-analysis-database-objects.md
    - Alerts: modules/alerts/alerts-workflow.md
    - MetaQuery: modules/metaquery/businessobjects-tableau-repo-analysis.md
    - Backup/Promote: modules/backup-promote/backup-restore-businessobjects.md
# TODO:URGENT : Need a Tableau drop-down thing here
    - Report Validation: modules/report-validation.md
    - Tableau Explorer: modules/tableau-explorer/tableau-explorer.md
    - Tableau Users: modules/tableau-users/tableau-user-admin.md
    - Tableau Finder: modules/tableau-finder/tableau-finder.md
    - Workbook Validation: modules/workbook-validation/tableau-dashboard-testing.md
  - Reports:
    - Overview: reports/overview.md
    - Audit Reports:
      - <font size="2">[MM-A01] Audit - Object Activity Summary</font>: reports/MM-A01.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-A02] Audit - User Activity Summary</font>: reports/MM-A02.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-A03] Audit - Event Details</font>: reports/MM-A03.md
    - Webi IA Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-W10] Webi IA - Object Use Overview</font>: reports/MM-W10.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-W11] Webi IA - Object Use Overview (per Object)</font>: reports/MM-W11.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-W12] Webi IA - Object Use Detail</font>: reports/MM-W12.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-W17] Webi IA - Dataprovider SQL</font>: reports/MM-W17.md
    - Crystal IA Reports:
      - <font size="2">[MM-C11] Crystal IA - Business View Use</font>: reports/MM-C11.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C12] Crystal IA - Business View Data Dictionary</font>: reports/MM-C12.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C13] Crystal IA - Prompt Group Business Field Use</font>: reports/MM-C13.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C14] Crystal IA - Table Field Use</font>: reports/MM-C14.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C15] Crystal IA - DB User Use</font>: reports/MM-C15.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C16] Crystal IA - Datasource Use</font>: reports/MM-C16.md
      - <font size="2">[MM-C17] Crystal IA - Command Text Use</font>: reports/MM-C17.md
    - General Document Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-D01] Documents - Activity & Datasource</font>: reports/MM-D01.md
    - Universe Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-U01] Universe Dictionary</font>: reports/MM-U01.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-U10] Unused Objects - Summary</font>: reports/MM-U10.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-U11] Unused Objects - UNV</font>: reports/MM-U11.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-U12] Unused Objects - UNX</font>: reports/MM-U12.md
        - <font size="2">[MM-U13] Unused Objects - Detail</font>: reports/MM-U13.md
    - Server Reports:
        - <font size="2">[MM-S01] Server - Overview</font>: reports/MM-S01.md

  - Pulse:
    - Introduction: pulse/index.md
    - Dashboards - SAP: pulse/bobj-server-monitoring-dashboards.md
  - Use Cases: #use-cases/use-cases.md
#    - Impact Analysis: use-cases/impact-analysis-general.md
#    - Unused Universe Objects: use-cases/unused-universe-objects-optimization.md
    - Webi Query Stripping: use-cases/webi-query-stripping.md
    - Crystal Report Bulk DB Config: use-cases/crystal-database-remapping.md
    - Webi Datasource Analysis: use-cases/webintelligence-datasource-analysis.md
  - FAQ:
    - MetaMiner DB: metaminer/mmdb-schema.md
    - Direct MMDB Access: metaminer-tips/direct-access-metaminer-db.md
    - MetaMiner Standard Universe: metaminer-tips/metaminer-universe-sapbi4.md
    - Log files & Diagnostics: metaminer-tips/getting-log-files.md
    - Custom Settings: metaminer-tips/server-custom-settings.md
  - Analysis Catalog:
    - BusinessObjects SQLs: metaminer/scripts-bo/scripts-catalog-businessobjects.md
#    - Audit & Usage: metaminer/scripts-bo/auditing-usage.md
#    - Metadata & Impact Analysis: metaminer/scripts-bo/sap-bi4-metadata-impact-analysis.md
#    - Server Metrics & Configs: metaminer/scripts-bo/server-metrics-configs-monitoring.md
#    - Performance Statistics: metaminer/scripts-bo/report-system-performance.md
#    - User & Group Management: metaminer/scripts-bo/users-groups.md

# Google Analytics
  - 'UA-11459374-1'
  - 'auto'

System information

squidfunk commented 5 years ago

Yes, just use an additional stylesheet

squidfunk commented 5 years ago

Housekeeping. Closing as answered.