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Blog: embed blog posts in other pages #5074

Open jordan-breton opened 1 year ago

jordan-breton commented 1 year ago


I'm using Mkdocs Material in three projects. Two internal documentation and a personal website that will present my side projects and share my passion towards IT generally. All those three websites will use the blog plugin.


The goal of this feature would be to allow embeding the N last posts of a blog category on any page.


The idea would be to use a markup that will be parsed by the theme. To be consistent with the <!-- more --> syntax for the excerpts, it could look like this:

<!-- blog:category_name nbPosts -->, ex: <!-- blog:feature 5 --> to embed the last 5 posts belonging to the feature category.

Note: the syntax <!-- blog 5 --> could be considered valid, and just embed the last 5 blog posts.

Data in partials/templates

For more flexibility, providing the post data indexed by categories in partials and templates would be very useful too:

{% for post in blog.categories.category_name %}, ex: {% for post in blog.categories.feature %} to loop over the feature category posts.

As a mirror of the markup solution, all posts would be available in blog.posts.

Related links

Use Cases

As authors, we can just embed any number of posts from any category with a one-liner, on any page and maybe two or three times on the same page, depending on our use cases.

We don't have to bother anymore with keeping these lists up to date.

Benefits overview


Don't see anything that would break. Should not require too much work. The articles would be displayed as they currently are on the blog index/category index. If any further customization is needed, the ability to use the data provided to partials and templates would allow displaying them the way we want.


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Before submitting

hellt commented 1 year ago

good idea, I think I'd love the same functionality but expanded with tags, not only categories

OlegZv commented 9 months ago

I support this as well. My use case is to feature some blog posts on the main index.md page alongside some "intro" material.

squidfunk commented 9 months ago

Awesome! Best way to show your support is using reactions – just upvote ☺️

squidfunk commented 8 months ago

This functionality will be implemented as part of the new tags plugin. We've already got a first alpha over at Insiders which basically lays the groundwork for this feature request and has massive new capabilities. If you're on Insiders, you can already test it! You can tag the blog articles that you want to include in a listing with a tag, and then create a listing with that tag:

  - tags

There's no more need to specify the index via tags_file – you can use indexes everywhere now. Let's say you tag the blog articles with the tag latest. Then, add the following where you want the list of blog articles to show up:

### Newest blog posts

<!-- @tags latest -->

This will include all blog posts that are tagged with the latest tag. The tag will also show up on the blog post. If you don't want the tag to show up on the blog post, just use a different front matter property name (this is also new), which will allow you to use tags as a mere structural mechanism, e.g. let's say hidden_tags

  - tags:
      tags_property_name: hidden_tags

This will render the tags index, but won't include those tags in the blog post. Note that the tags plugin is now also multi-instance capable, so you can use one instance for tags, and one for latest blog posts.

I understand that this is still a little inconvenient, but it will get simpler in the near future. Before we're considering this issue resolved, we will add the following capabilities:

This will also allow to link blog posts in a "suggest next reading" carousel at the end of a post, which is another nice functionality that we're considering adding. We're getting there!

squidfunk commented 8 months ago

By the way, all sponsors can help us test the plugin and give feedback in #6517 – it should already be reasonably stable, I've squashed many bugs yesterday and today. I'm confident that we'll push it into production in the coming 2 weeks, including adding documentation and some easily runnable examples.