squidfunk / mkdocs-material

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Annotation doesn't work inside markdown tables #7195

Closed adhadse closed 1 month ago

adhadse commented 1 month ago


I'm trying with latest mkdoks-material (9.5.23) and following the reference for adding annotation. I know annotation doesn't work inside katex, so I tried adding it outside, and since tables also can't add the annotation with { .annotate } I tried wrapping the table inside inside a <div class="annotate">. image

Bug description

I tried something like this:

<div class="annotate" markdown>
| $P$                                 | $Q$                                 | $P \implies Q$                         |
| ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| $\textcolor{#f56c42}{\text{false}}$ | $\textcolor{#f56c42}{\text{false}}$ | $\textcolor{#07fc03}{\text{true}}$ (1) |  
| $\textcolor{#f56c42}{\text{false}}$ | $\textcolor{#07fc03}{\text{true}}$  | $\textcolor{#07fc03}{\text{true}}$ (2) |
| $\textcolor{#07fc03}{\text{true}}$  | $\textcolor{#f56c42}{\text{false}}$ | $\textcolor{#f56c42}{\text{false}}$    |
| $\textcolor{#07fc03}{\text{true}}$  | $\textcolor{#07fc03}{\text{true}}$  | $\textcolor{#07fc03}{\text{true}}$     |

1. The formula doesn't state when $P$ is _not true_, it's assumed maybe the robot has antenna, maybe it doesn't.
2. The formula doesn't state when $P$ is _not true_, it's assumed maybe the robot has antenna, maybe it doesn't.

This does produce the annotation button, but upon clicking it doesn't show the annotation text.

Related links



Steps to reproduce

  1. The above zip file includes all the required things to reproduce the above bug.
  2. Install mkdocs-material 9.5.23
  3. Set mkdocs.yaml as :
site_name: My Docs

  name: material

  - pymdownx.highlight:
      anchor_linenums: true
      line_spans: __span
      pygments_lang_class: true
  - pymdownx.inlinehilite
  - pymdownx.snippets
  - pymdownx.superfences
  - pymdownx.mark
  - pymdownx.details
  - admonition
  - footnotes
  - attr_list
  - tables
  - md_in_html

  - info
  1. add table content as:
| hello | world| | --- | --- | | i | text (1)|
  1. a text should be shown test 1



Before submitting

squidfunk commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting. This is a known limitation, as stated in our documentation:

Bildschirm­foto 2024-05-20 um 12 39 25

In addition, footnote tooltips are a superior approach to annotations, as they are native Markdown and don't rely on client-side parsing, which is why we recommend them over annotations. However, you'll need to sponsor to use this feature.

squidfunk commented 1 month ago

Closing as duplicate of #3453.