squidgroup / squidSim

squidSim in tool for simulating data from multi-level/hierarchical models, including genetic, phylogenetic, temporal and spatial effects
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named factors in data_structure #16

Open joelpick opened 2 years ago

joelpick commented 2 years ago

potential bug - if something is input as a fixed factor (fixed =TRUE in parameter list), the user can give names. If these were the same names as in the data_structure, there is no reference back to them in the code, so it would be easy for a user to put them in the wrong way round and the function wouldn't detect this, so the effects would be the wrong way in the generated data.

Also the default naming should be better. At the moment, it comes out as e.g. sex_effect1, sex_effect2. It would be much better if it linked back the names in the data_structure, so was sex_male and sex_female for example

joelpick commented 4 months ago

in internal_sim_func.R

     ## if factor make design matrix
      x<-stats::model.matrix(stats::formula(paste("~ factor(",p$group,")-1")),as.data.frame(str_index))

should this be with data_structure?

joelpick commented 4 months ago

Example of problem

squid_dat <- simulate_population(
    data_structure=make_structure("sex(2)",repeat_obs=100, level_names=list(sex=c("Male","Female"))),
    parameters = list(
    sex =list(
      names = c("Male","Female"),
      beta = c(0.5,0.3)
    residual = list(
      vcov = 0.3
dat <- get_population_data(squid_dat)