squigg / azure-queue-laravel

PHP Laravel Queue Driver package for Microsoft Azure Storage Queues
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Plan for Azure SDK EOL #30

Open lrljoe opened 1 year ago

lrljoe commented 1 year ago

What's your plan given that MSFT have announced that they're retiring the PHP SDK for Storage?

milo-dcm commented 4 months ago

What about using https://github.com/Azure-OSS/azure-storage-php

squigg commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I've had a quick look at the OSS package. It's a little rough around the edges still in terms of test coverage and maintenance, but it's preferred to move to something as a drop in replacement. I'll review this in a few weeks before the retirement date of the MS SDK and look to swap things over then.

squigg commented 3 months ago

Just to keep this updated - the OSS package doesn't really seem to have any active maintainers, leaving us in much the same state as the MS one. If something starts breaking or we see any security issues I'll revisit, but for now I'd prefer the stability of leaving us pointing at the existing Microsoft package.