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Unable to use robotino after the latest hardware/software changes #136

Closed bajo closed 6 years ago

bajo commented 6 years ago

@ipa-nhg @mzillich @edith-langer @tpatten @jibweb

We received the modified robot and tried to use it and found a lot of issues.

  1. Raspberry pi not in the correct network -> unable to connect
  2. Raspberry pi not configured for ROS with multiple machines (ROS_MASTER_URI, etc. misconfigured)
  3. Wifi does not autostart on robotino's internal pc (needs manual ifdown wlan0 / ifup wlan0)
  4. Unable to start roslaunch robotino_bringup tuw-robotino2.launch from any user except squirrel Error is `roslaunch robotino_bringup tuw-robotino2.launch

... logging to /home/bajo/.ros/log/668f2dfc-9ec6-11e7-bfb3-00190f153f00/roslaunch-robotino-16659.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/indigo/share/xacro/xacro.py", line 62, in xacro.main() File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xacro/init.py", line 696, in main eval_self_contained(doc) File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xacro/init.py", line 626, in eval_self_contained eval_all(doc.documentElement, macros, symbols) File "/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xacro/init.py", line 552, in eval_all (",".join(params), str(node.tagName))) xacro.XacroException: Parameters [has_8dof] were not set for macro xacro:base Invalid tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]: command [/opt/ros/indigo/share/xacro/xacro.py '/home/bajo/catkin_ws/src/squirrel_robotino/robotino_bringup/robots/tuw-robotino2/urdf/robotino.urdf.xacro'] returned with code [1].

Param xml is The traceback for the exception was written to the log file `

  1. Unable to start the new arm controller roslaunch squirrel_control squirrel_control.launch Error is `ROS_MASTER_URI=http://robotino:11311

core service [/rosout] found process[robotino_node-1]: started with pid [16797] process[robotino_safety_node-2]: started with pid [16798] process[robotino_odometry_node-3]: started with pid [16799] process[twist_mux-4]: started with pid [16815] process[twist_marker-5]: started with pid [16832] process[arm_controller/squirrel_control_node-6]: started with pid [16855] process[arm_controller/ros_control_controller_manager-7]: started with pid [16863] process[arm_controller/robot_state_publisher-8]: started with pid [16880] [ INFO] [1506001035.005349583]: Topic handler 'teleop' subscribed to topic 'cmd_teleop': timeout = 0.250000s, priority = 100 process[arm_controller/joint_states_relay-9]: started with pid [16888] [ INFO] [1506001035.048606554]: Topic handler 'navigation' subscribed to topic 'cmd_navigation': timeout = 0.250000s, priority = 90 [ INFO] [1506001035.079042288]: Odometry connected to Robotino. [ INFO] [1506001035.094627644]: Topic handler 'pushing' subscribed to topic 'cmd_pushing': timeout = 0.250000s, priority = 80 [ INFO] [1506001035.119603430]: Topic handler 'rotatory' subscribed to topic 'cmd_rotatory': timeout = 0.500000s, priority = 70 [ INFO] [1506001035.140738376]: Topic handler 'simulation' subscribed to topic 'cmd_sim': timeout = 0.500000s, priority = 1 [ INFO] [1506001035.160900205]: Topic handler 'pause_navigation' subscribed to topic 'twist_mux/locks/pause_navigation': timeout = None, priority = 101 [ INFO] [1506001035.187610348]: Topic handler 'pause_pushing' subscribed to topic 'twist_mux/locks/pause_pushing': timeout = None, priority = 91 [ INFO] [1506001035.194989512]: Topic handler 'pause_rotatory' subscribed to topic 'twist_mux/locks/pause_rotatory': timeout = None, priority = 81 [ INFO] [1506001035.199064080]: RobotinoNode connected to Robotino. [ INFO] [1506001035.200156496]: Topic handler 'pause_sim' subscribed to topic 'twist_mux/locks/pause_rotatory': timeout = None, priority = 1 [ INFO] [1506001036.124309038]: Waiting for model URDF on the ROS param server at location: //arm_controller/robot_description Found 0 motors Motors started. [ INFO] [1506001038.799179925]: SquirrelHWInterface ready. Intializing loop... Looping... [arm_controller/squirrel_control_node-6] process has died [pid 16855, exit code -11, cmd /home/squirrel/catkin_ws/devel/lib/squirrel_control/squirrel_hw_main name:=squirrel_control_node log:=/home/squirrel/.ros/log/668f2dfc-9ec6-11e7-bfb3-00190f153f00/arm_controller-squirrel_control_node-6.log]. log file: /home/squirrel/.ros/log/668f2dfc-9ec6-11e7-bfb3-00190f153f00/arm_controller-squirrel_control_node-6*.log [arm_controller/squirrel_control_node-6] restarting process process[arm_controller/squirrel_control_node-6]: started with pid [17168] [ INFO] [1506001040.125660436]: Waiting for model URDF on the ROS param server at location: //arm_controller/robot_description` Not sure if the URDF model is the also an issue, but it seems it cannot find any motors of the arm.

  1. dynamixel_controllers do not start as the device /dev/ttyTilt is not available anymore. Is pan and tilt on the raspberrypi now?
ipa-nhg commented 6 years ago

Step by step:

Once this is solved we need a new bash configuration for all the pcs, problably also a NFS and NTP setup and configure the ssh keys to be allow to launch the nodes using machine tags. All the launch files, urdf and configuration files on robotino bringup have also to be updated...

bajo commented 6 years ago

What we have now:

Further config (NFS, NTP, etc) has too wait until we have a replacement for the broken second pc (scrat)

ipa-nhg commented 6 years ago

From my point of view makes more sense connect the pan-tilt and door control to the robotino or scrat pc.

bajo commented 6 years ago

I have no idea how the pan/tilt is mechanically handled now. Do we still have the dynamixel motors? Is it something completely different? It is hard to tell from looking inside the robot.

ipa-nhg commented 6 years ago

I took a look at the code and you should have a /dev/ttyUSB devide (serial via USB port) : https://github.com/squirrel-project/squirrel_driver/blob/indigo_dev/squirrel_interaction/src/squirrel_interaction/board/serial_api.py#L32

bajo commented 6 years ago

That is on the raspberry pi. So pan, tilt, head pan, door are all on the raspberry pi. I will take out the udev rules for pan/tilt and remove the dynamixel controllers from our launch file

The arm is still on robotino, however the new control does not find any motors. Any ideas?

ipa-nhg commented 6 years ago

yes, but should be connected to one of the other pcs , is it possible?

you should have a /dev/ttyArm, is there?

bajo commented 6 years ago

@ipa-nhg Just checked. I have a /dev/ttyArm bajo@robotino:/etc/udev/rules.d$ ls -l /dev/ttyArm /dev/ttyUSB0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep 22 13:30 /dev/ttyArm -> ttyUSB0 crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Sep 22 13:30 /dev/ttyUSB0

Wifi did connect after the boot again. So this seems fine now

ipa-nhg commented 6 years ago
bajo commented 6 years ago

Yes, I am in the dialout group. I cannot run the script. File "test_arm.py", line 2, in <module> from cf.hal.dxlpro import SerialDevice ImportError: No module named cf.hal.dxlpro

ipa-nhg commented 6 years ago

did you re-install your pc?? festo usually install the cf library by default. @lokalmatador do you know a command that can be used to find the dynamixel motors?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Can you connect to the arms using the Dynamixel Wizard? If yes, ok, if not -> hardware issue with the arm. In case of finding them, if /dev/ttyArm is there and you're in dialout, everything should theoretically be fine and you should be able to connect to the motors. If not, I have no clue for now. For the script Nadia mentioned, we never tried that one. Btw, Dynamixel wizard or dynamixel workbench (http://wiki.ros.org/dynamixel_workbench) are the only tools I know for directly connecting.

bajo commented 6 years ago

@ipa-nhg At some point we did, however we used the images from festo to install them. Is there some location where I might find the python module? We plan to test this on Monday with the Windows tool from dynamixel. After that we hopefully know what is going on here.

ipa-nhg commented 6 years ago

Probably Festo installed it locally with the old arm driver... I have no idea where we can find it again. But it is better if you can use the Windows tool!

bajo commented 6 years ago

All issues were solved during the integration week.