squirrel-project / squirrel_robotino

This repository holds packages for hardware launch files and configuration, as well as the simulation model for starting up the basic layer for operating Robotino
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added shell controllers #209

Closed ipa-nhg closed 7 years ago

ipa-nhg commented 7 years ago

@bajo @mzillich please test together with https://github.com/squirrel-project/squirrel_driver/pull/140 on the robot. I renamed the topics of the shell, as std_msgs/Float64 we don't need a group_position_controller (an array), for consistency the topics names are:

/shell_controller/head_controller/command [std_msgs/Float64] /shell_controller/neck_pan_controller/command [std_msgs/Float64] /shell_controller/neck_tilt_controller/command [std_msgs/Float64]

The service for the door:

/shell_controller/door_controller/command [squirrel_interaction/DoorController]

And you should have also the publisher for the global /joint_states