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Nimbus (Look and Feel) Dark Theme Plugin #12

Closed wayne-zhang closed 10 months ago

wayne-zhang commented 1 year ago

A plugin of Nimbus LnF dark theme, can be unloaded. It only takes effect when Squirrel-SQL changed to Nimbus look and feel.

Effect see screenshots.

Objects-dark-theme SQL-dark-theme

gerdwagner commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your pull request. The Plugin as it is would compete with SQuirreL's existing Look and Feel Plugin. That's why I took the core of your changes and integrated them into our Look and Feel Plugin. You can find the committed changes here https://github.com/squirrel-sql-client/squirrel-sql-code/commit/dc29e02afeaad6d4511e4400c79911dcc6c7dc8e

wayne-zhang commented 1 year ago

Thanks @gerdwagner for you rework/refactoring!

wayne-zhang commented 10 months ago

Hi @gerdwagner, I have download the latest snapshot and the Nimbus dark mode works out of the box when select dark theme, thank you very much for your rework/refactoring.

However, there is one minor issue - tree arrows doesn't work in dark mode when using Nimbus default icon/image. So I fixed by packaged 2 GIF files, one is open.gif and one is close.gif, they are in the following folder before refactoring: squirrel-sql-code\sql12\plugins\nimbusdark\src\net\sourceforge\squirrel_sql\plugin\nimbusdark

This is snapshot, arrows are not visible (because of it's color is black): image

This is what it should looks when 2 icons files are used: image

Would you please check if these 2 GIF files are copied to the new folder?


wayne-zhang commented 10 months ago

Checked code repository, open.gif and close.gif is not in the new/refactored package/folder, which should be in:


wayne-zhang commented 10 months ago

This the GIF files in the original plugin:
