squirrel-sql-client / squirrel-sql-code

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Change request: show “Rows <Limit Rows:>” instead of “Limited to <Limit Rows:> rows” for <Limit Rows:> results #15

Closed pstueck closed 1 year ago

pstueck commented 1 year ago

The “Limited to rows” information is shown, as soon as <Limit Rows:> are read.

Suggestion: show “Limited to rows” only, if the query returns at least <Limit Rows:> + 1 rows.

e.g. limit rows is set to 50 actually: the “limited to” information is shown, no matter if the query returns 50, 51 or more rows in the result set. suggestion: the “limited to” information is only shown, if the query would return at least 51 rows.

Thanks, Peter

gerdwagner commented 1 year ago

Is fixed and will be available in future snapshots and versions. Excerpt from our change log: SQL result: The display of the result row limit was corrected in case the number of rows read matched the number of rows in the result.