squirrel-sql-client / squirrel-sql-code

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MSSQL cannot load all databases with all of their schemas #17

Open catalyst1987 opened 1 year ago

catalyst1987 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm currently using version 4.6.0. I am connect to an MSSQL database using the microsoft JDBC driver. When I connect to a server using Squirrel, I can see all the databases, but when I expand to see the schemas for each database I can only see the system ones. Is this a limitation where I have to set the database in the connection string or is there some kind of setting I can change to get this to load?

my connection string is like this: jdbc:sqlserver://[hostname]:1433;trustServerCertificate=true;domain=[domain name];integratedSecurity=true;authenticationScheme=NTLM

If its a limitation, is there an enhancement request I can follow or a plugin that can be recommended?

Many Thanks.

gerdwagner commented 1 year ago

I guess you didn't choose the catalog (database) you want to work in, see attached screenshot. By adding ;databaseName= to your connection string (JDBC-URL) you may preselect a catalog at Session start.


catalyst1987 commented 1 year ago

I guess you didn't choose the catalog (database) you want to work in, see attached screenshot. By adding ;databaseName= to your connection string (JDBC-URL) you may preselect a catalog at Session start.


Sure, and it will show the tables for that particular database but not for any of the others on the host. What I am looking for is to have all the databases and all of their schemas along with their tables to show up in the tree.

gerdwagner commented 10 months ago

The functionality described in the excerpt from SQuirreL's change log below is committed to our GIT repositories and will be available in future snapshots and versions

https://github.com/squirrel-sql-client/squirrel-sql-code/issues/17 For databases that support catalogs SQuirreL now allows to specify additional catalogs to load. See the new toolbar button with the three dots icon next to the catalogs combo box at the upper left of a Session panel.