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Add ARRAY[1,2,3] support to Vertica #24

Open alippai opened 8 months ago

alippai commented 8 months ago

I'm using Vertica JDBC driver version 23.4.0 and SQuirreL version 4.2.0 The command SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3] returns: <UnknownType (2,003)>

gerdwagner commented 8 months ago

You may try the following: Go to menu Files --> Global Preferences --> tab Data Type Controls --> section "Unknown Data Types" and check "Read contents when table is first loaded and display as string".

As you probably know version 4.2.0 is rather outdated. I hope the check box was already there at the time. It certainly is in latest versions and snapshots which are available here https://github.com/squirrel-sql-client/squirrel-sql-stable-releases/releases or here https://sourceforge.net/projects/squirrel-sql/files/1-stable/ and here https://github.com/squirrel-sql-client/squirrel-sql-snapshot-releases/releases or here https://sourceforge.net/projects/squirrel-sql/files/3-snapshots/ respectively.