squirrel-sql-client / squirrel-sql-code

Share of the SQuirreL SQL source code originating from SourceForge, see https://squirrelsql.org
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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no dark mode #33

Open lvmm opened 1 month ago

lvmm commented 1 month ago

The attached screenshot is the result of setting General.Choose Theme to 'Dark' in global preferences in 4.7.1 on windows 10 (after the restart). When Dark mode is set a 'This will make SQuirreL appear dark by changing 'Look&Feel to FlatLaf with theme Flat Dark.' message pops up, but FlatLaf doesn't have themes in L&F tab at all - could it be the reason? The only darkish theme I was able to find is Nimbus with NIMBUS_DARK theme, but it is seriously weird. The-so-called-dark-theme FlatAF

gerdwagner commented 1 month ago

Is fixed and available in the latest snapshot, see https://github.com/squirrel-sql-client/squirrel-sql-snapshot-releases/releases or https://sourceforge.net/projects/squirrel-sql/files/3-snapshots/