squirrel-sql-client / squirrel-sql-code

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Writing SQL results to file does not work when using <alias>.<table> addressing #6

Closed rodj59 closed 1 year ago

rodj59 commented 1 year ago

I have a cross database SQL query, using the Unity driver, that produces output within the Results pane okay and yet if I try to send the results via Write to File (any file type) it fails.

Whether this is to do with the fact that other database connections don't accept .

syntax (in my instance I am using SQLite), I don't know. but it does recognize the fact that I was trying to specify a database within the query.. because it complains.

gerdwagner commented 1 year ago

Fix is committed to our Git repositories and will be available in future snapshots and versions.

Excerpt from change log: https://github.com/squirrel-sql-client/squirrel-sql-code/issues/6 Exporting SQLs to file (open tools popup (ctl+t) and choose "sql2file") did not work for the multi source UnityJDBC driver (https://unityjdbc.com) / MultisSource Plugin.

rodj59 commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I look forward to trying it.