squishykid / solax

🌞 Solax Inverter API Wrapper
MIT License
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Tested with X1 #13

Closed spectroman closed 3 years ago

spectroman commented 4 years ago


Just want to give you notice that I am testing this with the X1 and it works just fine, it is just a bit more freaky to reach him.

InverterResponse(data={'Network Voltage Phase 1': 237.2, 'EPS Power': 0.0, "Today's Energy": 9.8, 'PV2 Current': 0.0, 'AC Power': 1183.0, 'Total Energy': 14.8, 'Total Consumption': 0.0, 'Grid Frequency Phase 1': 49.96, 'Output Current Phase 2': 0.0, 'Grid Frequency Phase 3': 0.0, 'Battery Voltage': 0.0, 'EPS Frequency': 0.0, 'Battery Current': 0.0, 'EPS Current': 0.0, 'Exported Power': 0.0, 'Battery Temperature': 0.0, 'PV1 Voltage': 274.3, 'PV1 Power': 1285.0, 'Output Current Phase 3': 0.0, 'PV2 Voltage': 0.0, 'Power Now Phase 3': 0.0, 'Network Voltage Phase 3': 0.0, 'Power Now Phase 2': 0.0, 'Network Voltage Phase 2': 0.0, 'Grid Frequency Phase 2': 0.0, 'PV2 Power': 0.0, 'Battery Power': 0.0, 'EPS Voltage': 0.0, 'Power Now Phase 1': 0.0, 'PV1 Current': 4.6, 'Battery Remaining Capacity': 0.0, 'Total Feed-in Energy': 0.0, 'Inverter Temperature': 40.0, 'Output Current Phase 1': 5.0}, serial_number='notagoodidea', version='2.033.20', type='X1-Boost-Air-Mini')

To talk to this one, using the "Pocket WIFI" version 2.0, the user need to connect into the Wifi generated by the dongle and query -- the IP Address from the regular LAN won't accept requests, the address via LAN is used only to send information out to solarcloud.com, .. although the port 80 is open there, it seems to drop all the requests not coming from the network 5.8.8.x -- I also noticed that only one device can be connected to his local wifi network... as such... I connected my RPI via cable on my regular network and used the his embedded wifi to reach the Solax pocket wifi...

It became even better, because then my RPI is locking access to the Solax WIFI and only me can exchange data with it...

The important part here, is that ur stuff also work on this other version. Thank you man! Now lets bind it with Openhab!

squishykid commented 4 years ago

Woohoo! That's awesome, great to hear. Shame it's a bit more difficult to set up though. You might be able to expose the inverter on your local network with a HTTP reverse-proxy on the PI.

It seems like the library is detecting your X1 inverter as an X3 model - could you try making a POST request to and posting the reply?

curl -X POST should do it.

From what I can tell, the X1 is only a single phase inverter- having all the 'Grid Frequency Phase 3' etc values in the reply isn't correct. The sensor map for the X3 is defined here: https://github.com/squishykid/solax/blob/0.2.2/solax/inverter.py#L176

We should add another inverter to the project to make it nice and clean.

spectroman commented 4 years ago

The Curl command was my starting point here. As they seem to ask for a authentication, which is completely bogus in the end. When I got the Curl working, thereafter I tested this module... nonetheless, having a more tailored comm is best for sure.

Here's the JSON response:


From what I could see, the data now matches with the information on the solaxcloud app, seems ok, but I haven't check each value in detail.

spectroman commented 4 years ago

if u pvt me I have some other info u might be interested as well.

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

I have a solax X1 and a X3 both with pocket lan cards, so I can do some testing as I also want to send the data to my HA platform.

wills106 commented 4 years ago

@fverschure Does your Pocket Lan cards expose port 502? Have a look at Issue 14 as I am connecting to my inverter through Modbus over TCP

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

@wills106 It doesnt look like 502 is exposed. I tried running a portscan and both cards do not seem to have any ports exposed below 1024...

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

@wills106: did you do anything to make the solax expose port 502?

wills106 commented 4 years ago

No, but I am using the built in LAN and not a PocketLAN.

Have you tried copying my setup on my GitHub? Just so you know when I did a normal scan it did not show port 502, only when I did an Intense scan did it show up.

Timgerr321 commented 4 years ago

@fverschure Did you manage to get it working? i have the same setup with two inverters but no ports are open..

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

Hi, no unfortunately not. I am about to give up on this and work out a RS485 setup for reading out both of my inverters. It it insane that Solax disables local control...

Timgerr321 commented 4 years ago

I managed to get around it by using an emulator on my PC and monitoring the network traffic. While monitoring I found the url's that the API uses for the mobile app. So in hassio I make a RESTapi request and get all the data back. Underneath is a photo while it's almost dark.


heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

Could you document this with some some detail? It may help some others as well. Does the inverter expose a api after all but you need to know the URI to use is or do you pull the data back from the cloud api?

I will setup some monitoring ports on my switch to sniff devices.

Timgerr321 commented 4 years ago

If I have the time for it I will do some documentation. I tried a lot of things on my local network but nothing seemed to work, the inverters kept blocking me out. So I am indeed pulling the data from the solax servers just like the app does. A nice advantage over the local connection is that it doesn't shut down overnight so hassio doesn't spit errors all over the place.

squishykid commented 4 years ago

@fverschure In my experience some inverters need to be connected via Ethernet to access modbus/port 502. This is the case with the X hybrid (SK-TL5000E) I have access to. If you could draw a diagram with any inverters, ethernet cables, modems, ha instance and wifi cards, it will be easier to assist you.

I am planning to add modbus support to the python library, as it seems that many inverters which rely on the pocket wifi card are very difficult to interface with over rest. See issue #5 and the references to '' for example.

thomascys commented 4 years ago

You can indeed obtain all the data via their api: base url: login endpoint: /proxy/login/login?userName=&password= data endpoint: /proxy/inverter/getDailyInfo?inverterSn=&wifiSn=&tokenId=&today=

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

@fverschure In my experience some inverters need to be connected via Ethernet to access modbus/port 502. This is the case with the X hybrid (SK-TL5000E) I have access to. If you could draw a diagram with any inverters, ethernet cables, modems, ha instance and wifi cards, it will be easier to assist you.

I have included a diagram of the relevant part of the network. I have two inverters:

  • X1-Mini
  • X3 Mic pro both of them are connected with a pocketlan 2.0 lan adapter and plugged into a switch going down to my main switch which is plugged into my ISP router. The lan (where Home assistant and the inverters are connected to) is a single (class C /24) segment

I think that the pocket-lan adapters work differently than the wifi adapters but they might be better to sniff the data flowing.

I am planning to add modbus support to the python library, as it seems that many inverters which rely on the pocket wifi card are very difficult to interface with over rest. See issue #5 and the references to '' for example.

Aantekening 2019-12-30 232859

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

You can indeed obtain all the data via their api: base url: login endpoint: /proxy/login/login?userName=&password= data endpoint: /proxy/inverter/getDailyInfo?inverterSn=&wifiSn=&tokenId=&today=

I saw someone creating a nodered flow based on this api pushing the data back to MQTT into home assistant. I could not get it to work either.

squishykid commented 4 years ago

@thomascys @fverschure It would be cool to add support for the API at to the home-assistant integration, or maybe as a new integration. I think this is out of scope for this library though- I would like to focus on local inverter data access. For example, the home-assistant solaredge integration has two versions, one for local access and another using the internet API.

thomascys commented 4 years ago

@fverschure @squishykid I hacked custom component together: https://github.com/thomascys/solaxcloud It still needs work on the part where the credentials should be configurable instead of hard-coded. Maybe anyone can point me to a good example?

BasTijs commented 4 years ago

@thomascys thanks for the scripts, it worked for a while but now my inverter seems to be offline (are they blocking me because of too many requests?)

@squishykid I managed to get my X3 locally connected by having my rpi connected by cable to the network and by using the build-in wifi to connect to the pocket wifi 2.0 module. For those that also want to try this, take the following steps in HASSIO: 1) install the "SSH & Web Terminal" from Frenck, with protection mode disabled 2) you will now have a terminal with commands to enable wifi (normal SSH server addon does not allow the use of nmcli) 3) command "nmcli radio" (check if wifi is enabled) 4) command "nmcli device" (check if wifi is connected) 5) command "nmcli device wifi rescan" 6) command "nmcli device wifi list" (look for your inverter Wifi_YOURSERIAL) 7) command "nmcli device wifi connect Wifi_YOURSERIAL password admin" 8) add a solax sensor with ip in your hassio config file sensor:

thomascys commented 4 years ago

@BasTijs Might be the case that you get blocked. They're API is pretty slow.

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

@thomascys thanks for the scripts, it worked for a while but now my inverter seems to be offline (are they blocking me because of too many requests?)

@squishykid I managed to get my X3 locally connected by having my rpi connected by cable to the network and by using the build-in wifi to connect to the pocket wifi 2.0 module. For those that also want to try this, take the following steps in HASSIO:

  1. install the "SSH & Web Terminal" from Frenck, with protection mode disabled
  2. you will now have a terminal with commands to enable wifi (normal SSH server addon does not allow the use of nmcli)
  3. command "nmcli radio" (check if wifi is enabled)
  4. command "nmcli device" (check if wifi is connected)
  5. command "nmcli device wifi rescan"
  6. command "nmcli device wifi list" (look for your inverter Wifi_YOURSERIAL)
  7. command "nmcli device wifi connect Wifi_YOURSERIAL password admin"
  8. add a solax sensor with ip in your hassio config file sensor:
  • platform: solax ip_address:

Thanks @BasTijs : My situation is different as I have two inverters with PocketLAN adaptors. I just ordered two rs485 to serial converters. If those arrive I will try this route as I do not suspect that they will close the modbus.

BasTijs commented 4 years ago

@fverschure I dont think it will work with the pocketLAN adaptors, I also have one because I though the LAN version would give me direct access but I didnt see any open ports. If your rs485 doesnt work you could try 2x wifi and use the rpi build-in wifi and a dongle, or find some smart way to connect and read them one by one.

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

@BasTijs : You are right. No open ports. A trace hoever shows that it uses MQTT to send out packages to the cloud Not sure yet what all the items are used for yet but the 11.1 is my daily yield for today in KwH. Now if i only would be able to send this data to my own mqtt server...

src: xxxxx dst: topic: loc/xxxxxxxx message: {"type":"X3-MIC","SN":"xxxxxxxxxx","ver":"2.007.20","Data":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,11.1,3566.8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.00,0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,8,0,0,0.00,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"Information":[6.000,7,"X3-MIC","xxxxxxxxxxxx",2,1.10,1.02,1.09,1.02]}

jeffreykog commented 4 years ago

I have a solax X1 with ethernet dongle. The mqtt stuff looked very interesting so i tried hacking it. The inverter does a DNS lookup to mqtt002.solaxcloud.com when it starts up, then it connects to it with destination port 2901. I made a dns override in my network to redirect it to a local mosquitto instance. There is, however, a protocol violation in the solax mqtt implementation, and because of that mosquitto closes the connection. I could write a simple translation proxy to which the inverter connects that allows the protocol violation, which then connects to mosquitto itself. That will be a very ugly setup but might work.

I also tried setting up static routes for or, but that gave no luck with the wired dongle

Kratoklastes commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that the method works. My preferred approach -

# [import block]
# [SNIP]

# config for requests
url = ""
myObj = {'optType': 'ReadRealTimeData'}
# [SNIP]

# Get list of all available SSIDs
r = subprocess.run(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "network"], capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
ls = r.split("\n")
ssids = [v.strip() for k,v in (p.split(':') for p in ls if 'SSID' in p)]

# if there are SSIDs named "Solax[something]", connect to each of them in turn, fetch data
tgtList = [s for s in ssids if 'Solax' in s]

for tt in tgtList:
    # connect to the SSID
    cmd = "netsh wlan connect name={0} ssid={0}".format(tt)
    k = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
    # Wait until it's actually connected, not when Windows says it's connected
    # [SNIP]
    # Get data
    x = requests.post(url, data=myObj)
    v = json.loads(x.text)
    # parse v and insert into a PostgreSQL data table

The primary annoyance with this method is the requirement to connect to the inverter SSIDs in turn, to retrieve each one's data in turn. (We have 2 5kW X1 inverters).

Windows is well-known for reporting back connection a few seconds before it's actually connected, so there has to be wasted time checking if you're actually connected each time.

The 'connect-check-fetch-connect-check-fetch' for the 2 inverters means that the script takes 11 seconds - which is woeful and a good reason to detest Solax for crippling Wifi so it can force people to their insecure garbage app/data-gatherer.

When the script is connecting to other SSIDs, the connection to the home wifi must be released. As a result I only run the script every 15 minutes intraday (from ~7:30a.m. to 7:30p.m.) - as a Scheduled Task.

My guess is that there are other optType values besides ReadRealTimeData (e.g., I bet there's something for history data, as there was for the API before it was deliberately rendered useless) but I have had no luck identifying them. (My main 'beat' is quant finance, not device sniffing!)

I am not a vindictive chap, but anyone who deliberately disables a data API deserves to contract coronavirus (don't worry, it's basically harmless if you're relatively healthy).

Selfie21 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all the replies here. This whole Github Page helped me a lot sad what they did to the API seemed a lot easier with the old Inverters. I did something really similiar to @Kratoklastes now I'm gonna turn it into an Alexa Skill will see how that goes

Edit: I'm also trying to find other optTypes but haven't been lucky so far. If somebody finds a History or else please comment!

Selfie21 commented 4 years ago

I added a way to get Information from the Solax Cloud Portal Remotely. It's pretty hacky and shouldn't be used too often, since it significantly slows down if you try to often, but if anyone needs it,it's the SolaxCrawler: https://github.com/Selfie21/SolaxCloudApi

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

I'm desperate for some help. I've got a Solax X3 inverter and I'm trying almost everything to get the data into home assistant or into grafana. I've tried the Node Red approach here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/solax-solar-inverter-setup-guide/48008/66 Thought it worked but gave me some strange Chinese error in the debug. I've tried https://github.com/thomascys/solaxcloud

But nothing seems to work.

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth : I have done the same. With a pocketlan adapter you are basically screwed.
nodered flows did not work for me either. Also tried RS485 route, but so far I did not get it to work yet. May be the rs485 port is not active when you have a active pocket-lan but I would expect some data to flow out of the modbus meter. Documentation is not very detailed either.

Best option would be to hack to data upload and transform it in such a way that it is a valid mqtt package so you could send it to your local mqtt server. If you would do that it would also break the connection with solax cloud which is not ideal either.

I also contacted solax multiple times (go a contact from the head-office) but that contact is not responding to my email.

I was exploring whether Solax could consider to allow to duplicate the package to a local mqtt server as well to leverage the data locally, but it seems that they are not very interested to talk to their customers...

wills106 commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth Have you tried my ModBus over TCP method? It's Issue 14 on here, or have a look at my GitHub https://github.com/wills106/homeassistant-config/tree/master/packages you will want to use solax_hybrid_g3.yaml As that has the extra X3 (3 Phase) Values. I have not tested them, so please comment if the formatting needs correcting.

@fverschure Another user has mentioned that when they are using the built in LAN port their Pocket WiFi gets disabled. Might be worth removing your PocketLAN while trying to use the RS485 port. It seems like the SolaX inverter might only allow communication from one method at a time.

@ All Just so you all know I have working battery control now on my ModBus Method. With my method you can control: Battery Charge Rate Battery Discharge Rate Min % Battery Discharges to Alter Between, SelfUse, BackUp & ForceTime

ForceTime allows you to charge your battery from the Grid.

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@wills106 I assume the ModBus over TCP method needs a wired connection? As of this moment my X3 inverter is connected in my Wireless Network via the Pocket Wifi 2.0 USB adapter.


Best option would be to hack to data upload and transform it in such a way that it is a valid mqtt package so you could send it to your local mqtt server. If you would do that it would also break the connection with solax cloud which is not ideal either.

I personally wouldn't mind breaking the connection with the Solax Cloud. I think I can make better graphs via Grafana. But I've no idea where to start!

@spectroman Did the RPi thing worked out for you? There's a brief description at the bottom of the page on the Home Assistant Integrations page about this one. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/solax/

wills106 commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth You will either need to connect to the Ethernet port / RS485 port depending on model.

This way it's totally local and not reliant on the cloud.

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@fverschure The strange thing is. When I try to do the HTTP Post request to retrieve a tokenId: as described here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/solax-solar-inverter-setup-guide/48008/30?

I receive a chinese message saying my credentials are invalid but this isn't the case...

spectroman commented 4 years ago

@spectroman Did the RPi thing worked out for you? There's a brief description at the bottom of the page on the Home Assistant Integrations page about this one. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/solax/

For me the problem is solved and it is working flawlessly. I have also integrated with Zabbix and OpenHab

Julio C. Hegedus v.45.0

Novell Netware & Linux Specialist https://juliochegedus.com ICQ: 3614823 Skype: brclimber CAP #.: 928

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marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@spectroman Can you perhaps explain to me how you pulled this off?

squishykid commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth The method used by @spectroman requires you to run the Wifi adapter on the inverter as the access point and then connect as device (maybe raspberry pi) to the inverter.

You will need to manually set the IP Address of the raspberry pi to and then you can query the HTTP api on the inverter at

You read more about how another member of the community did this over on issue #5

squishykid commented 4 years ago

I would like to spend some time documenting a step-by step debug, but have not had the time to do so yet.

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@spectroman I've readied up a Pi with WiFi and Ethernet connection. Installed Debian on it. Connected the WiFi from the RPi to the WiFi of the Pocket WiFi 2.0 inserted in the inverter. Connected the Ethernet to my home network. Installed NGINX on the RPi and tried the example config as shown on: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/solax/

Unfortunately that doesn't work.

Do you have a working Nginx Reverse Proxy and would you mind sharing it?

spectroman commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth not sure why you want to use NGINX, as u can see, if you just have the IP on the same network 5.8.8.x, it is done, and u can use the script on this repo. Done. You don't need reverse proxy or anything like that, it is just an over complication.

Once you have the address it should work with curl like this:

$ curl -X POST


marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth not sure why you want to use NGINX, as u can see, if you just have the IP on the same network 5.8.8.x, it is done, and u can use the script on this repo. Done. You don't need reverse proxy or anything like that, it is just an over complication.

Once you have the address it should work with curl like this:

$ curl -X POST


That's the point, my Raspberry Pi has a wired connection with ip: 192.168.x.x The Wireless connection received IP address:

The HTTP Post request you mentioned only works on the Pi itself, but I'm not sure how to expose the data on my normal WiFi network.

wills106 commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth Which version X3 do you own?

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth Which version X3 do you own?

I have the X3-MIC / PRO.

wills106 commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth I take it your Inverter doesn't have an ethernet Port then? Unless I am looking at an older Manual. Do you have anything plugged into your RS485 port?

If possible I would seriously consider running a cable to your Inverter if practical.

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth I take it your Inverter doesn't have an ethernet Port then? Unless I am looking at an older Manual. Do you have anything plugged into your RS485 port?

If possible I would seriously consider running a cable to your Inverter if practical.

Nope no Ethernet Port. In order to connect it to a network I had to buy a USB adapter (the Pocket Wifi 2.0 in my case). There's nothing plugged into my RS485 port.

I'd rather cable every device in my house but in this case that isn't a possibility....

I managed to do: $ curl -X POST and received the following data: {"type":"X3-MIC","SN":"XXXXXX","ver":"2.033.20","Data":[7.9,7.9,308.7,296.0,6.3,239.3,4479,39,23.1,618.9,0,2415,2332,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0.00,1475,1480,1524,6.3,6.4,239.7,240.4,50.02,50.02,50.03,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.00,0,8,0,0,0.00,0,8,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"Information":[5.000,7,"X3-MIC","XXXXXXXX",1,1.11,1.02,1.10,1.02]}

I did this on the RPi that's connected wireless to the Inverter WiFi connection AND the Cabled home network. So I think I'm close....

Now I only need a way to access this data from my Home Assistant installation

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

Ok, got a breakthrough!

I managed to create a HTTP Reverse Proxy with NGINX on the Pi. The Inverter is now exposed on the 192.168.2.x range (where all other devices are). Also doing a HTTP post works! 👍

Now let's get this data into home assistant somehow

heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

Any clue how to proceed with A X3 Mic / Pro with a pocketlan?

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

Any clue how to proceed with A X3 Mic / Pro with a pocketlan?

With Pocketlan you mean the cabled version of PocketWiFi? Perhaps you can try to achieve the same as I have.

At the moment the data is being dragged into HomeAssistant so a success i could say!


heldopsokken commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth : I tried to curl with the ethernet adaptor on the same subnet, but it does not work. I guess the pocketlan adapters are designed differently so I am stuck again.

marvandorth commented 4 years ago

@marvandorth : I tried to curl with the ethernet adaptor on the same subnet, but it does not work. I guess the pocketlan adapters are designed differently so I am stuck again.

Can you describe your situation? Can you do the Curl command when your computer is connected to the Pocketlan?