squix78 / esp8266-oled-ssd1306-font-converter

WebApp to create fonts for the esp8266-oled-ssd1306 library
MIT License
6 stars 11 forks source link

NodeJS locally #1

Open hallard opened 8 years ago

hallard commented 8 years ago

Hi, Sorry, I'm new to openshift but as this is a nodejs app, can I run this app locally with just nodejs ? I installed express and fs but seems to need openshift. node server.js bring me a openshift page ? The reason I need this is I need to convert a licensed Font that it's not on font list of course.

Any tip would be appreciated.

squix78 commented 8 years ago

Hi Hallard

It is actually easier than that: just paste the content of this file into a .java file, modify the font names in the main method, compile it and after running it you will get the header file as dump on the command line: https://github.com/squix78/esp8266-oled-ssd1306-font-converter/blob/master/src/main/java/ch/squix/esp8266/fontconverter/rest/FontConverterV3.java

Please close this issue if you succeeded

hallard commented 8 years ago

Well everytime time I'm trying doing something with java, it's a pain (may be he knows I'm not fan of it ;-) ), I'm on Windows 10 x64 here the result :

Compilation works fine .class is generated but can't execute it


Here the folder files


squix78 commented 8 years ago

That's easy to solve: open the source file, remove the first line and compile it again. This worked for me... Explanation: the line with the package statement defines the location where the class could be found. If you remove the statement it will be in the default package which is where you currently are

hallard commented 8 years ago

Yeah you got it, works ;-)

Not sure to understand font size, look these 2 lines ? why one is size 42 and the other 21 ?

I need to put both size same (and both names of course) ?

      FontConverterV3 app = new FontConverterV3(new Font("Meteocons", Font.PLAIN, 42));
      app = new FontConverterV3(new Font("Meteocons", Font.PLAIN, 21));
squix78 commented 8 years ago

This code actually creates two font types at once. For efficiency reasons "Font Type" is not what you are used from TTF fonts that scale as much as you want. You create a font type for a family, style (bold, italic, etc) and size. If you need another size you create another font type...

hallard commented 8 years ago

Thanks, got it, Makes sense, does this mean that output result will have 2 sizes, one 42 and the other 21?

Yeah, It's clear for style, but on my font style, I've got 4 (see picture below) image

So I can use it with java style, I suppose this mapping Font.PLAIN => Normal Font.BOLD => Gras But do you know how do I target "Léger" and "Moyen" ?