squizlabs / PHP_CodeSniffer

PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
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Possible improvements for sniff performance analysis #3784

Closed jrfnl closed 9 months ago

jrfnl commented 1 year ago

As a sniff author, it is not uncommon to receive reports about sniffs/standards being "slow".

To analyze which sniffs could be the culprit/which sniffs to focus on to improve performance, the -vvv command can be used, which at the very end of the debug logs shows a "SNIFF PROCESSING REPORT" with the sniffs which have been triggered during a run and the time each sniff took, ordered from slowest to fastest sniff.

This information is super-useful, however to get a good impression of the performance of various sniffs, the best way to do so is to run the sniffs/standard against a large number of files, which makes the -vvv output completely unworkable as even for a simple run against 4 files, the output is easily over 60.000 lines, with a test run against 300 files, the output is well over 4 million lines...

The current available verbosity levels and their output are defined as such:

  1. -v: file specific token and line counts with running times
  2. -vv: the info from level 1 + verbose tokeniser output
  3. -vvv: the info from level 1 + 2 + token processing output with sniff running times

Now there are a couple of ways I can think of to improve this situation and I'd like to hear if any of these could/would be acceptable.

  1. Add an extra debugging level between the current 1 (-v) and 2 (-vv) levels, which would contain the information from level 1 + the sniff performance report. This would mean that -vv would now show the performance report, while to get the "old" -vv report (+ performance info), one would now need to use -vvv, and the "old" -vvv would become -vvvv. While this would be a BC-break, this type of verbosity is generally only ever used by sniff authors/PHPCS tokenizer fix contributors. So considering the very limited public this BC-break would hit, I hope this could be considered acceptable as an enhancement, which could go into a PHPCS 3.x minor.
  2. Add a separate CLI option - outside of the verbosity settings - to allow for the performance information to be printed. Maybe using the -r for "(sniff) run time information" ? This would avoid the BC-break and would still make the information available in a more workable manner.
  3. Create a Performance Report type, possibly externally hosted, like in PHPCSDevTools. To allow for this, some changes would be needed to the File::process() method as it currently only records "time taken by each sniff" to the $this->listenerTimes property if PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 2, i.e. when the -vvv option is enabled, which would run counter to the problem I'm trying to solve. It might also make life easier if, similar to the File::getMetrics() method, there would also be a File::getListenerTimes() method. It would still need some work-arounds as $this->listenerTimes is cumulative and only the Report::generateFileReport() method has access to the File object, while the report would need to be generated in the generate() method which doesn't have access to the File object, but that is doable.

In my opinion, option 1 or 2 would be the preferred options as it would also allow standard maintainers to ask performance issue reporters to run the report, even when they can't share access to the (private) code base on which the performance issue was detected.

Having said that, option 3 would still be an improvement over the current situation.

Opinions ?

/cc @gsherwood @kukulich

P.S.: I'd, of course, be happy to make the changes, but would like some direction before spending significant time on this.

kukulich commented 1 year ago

I like it! And I think I like the option 2 most.

jrfnl commented 1 year ago

I discussed this off-GitHub with @gsherwood and the current line of thinking is option 3, but then a PHPCS native version of that report, which would be the best of both worlds.

jrfnl commented 1 year ago

Not completely finished yet, but this is what the output for the initial version currently looks like:


jrfnl commented 1 year ago

Open question: I'm currently reporting the time in microseconds. Should it be seconds instead ? (to lower cognitive load)

fredden commented 1 year ago

Should the report be seconds or milliseconds or microseconds?

I read ms as milliseconds and μs microseconds. If we're using ms then I think it should be milliseconds. Pushing the number through number_format() will help with legibility. I vote for seconds, but milliseconds would also work.

jrfnl commented 1 year ago

Pushing the number through number_format() will help with legibility.

Actually it won't as in most cases, we're talking very small numbers, i.e. 0.0000123 seconds type of numbers and number_format() won't help any with that.

jrfnl commented 1 year ago

Next iteration: image

As part of this iteration, I've started to highlight sniffs which take more than 2x the average run time per sniff in colour (> 2x orange, >3x red). Average runtime per sniff is based on the sniffs being used in the scan. image

What do you all think ?

jrfnl commented 1 year ago

PR #3810 is now open to address this.

gsherwood commented 1 year ago

Sorry I didn't comment sooner. This is excellent.

jrfnl commented 9 months ago

Closing as replaced by PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer#28