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Confirming reagents for desalting peptides #651

Closed laurahspencer closed 7 years ago

laurahspencer commented 7 years ago

Hi folks, particularly @Ellior2 and @kubu4. I'm making the following reagents for desalting my geoduck peptides: image

Following the Protein Prep Protocol and these reagents:

file_000 file_001

As the protocol does not specify reagent concentrations, I'm confirming that the chems I have are appropriate. Here are my calcs: image

Everything checks out except for the %formic acid in the Final Solvent. Am I correct that the formic acid we have is 50% (see image), or am I reading this incorrectly and it is in fact 100%? Perhaps a more pertinent question is, @Ellior2 did you use this formic acid for your Final Solvent preparation?


sr320 commented 7 years ago

Would not Yaamini and Jose have just done this?

laurahspencer commented 7 years ago

I think Jose did; I'm emailing him as well.

kubu4 commented 7 years ago

@laurahspencer, I believe your calculation is correct. Should confirm with @emmats about the vendor/catalog number of the formic acid she uses.

sr320 commented 7 years ago

Yaamini did not desalt her samples that are going on MS Monday? On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 9:19 PM kubu4 wrote:

@laurahspencer, I believe your calculation is correct. Should confirm with @emmats about the vendor/catalog number of the formic avid she uses.

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sr320 commented 7 years ago On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:06 AM Steven Roberts wrote:

Yaamini did not desalt her samples that are going on MS Monday? On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 9:19 PM kubu4 wrote:

@laurahspencer, I believe your calculation is correct. Should confirm with @emmats about the vendor/catalog number of the formic avid she uses.

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kubu4 commented 7 years ago

Looks like she desalted, following the link you provided.

A counter argument is, if this has been done this way before & worked, no reason to change. Maybe?

emmats commented 7 years ago

I just responded to @laurahspencer via email, but you really want your final formic acid concentration to be at 0.1%. We achieve this buy buying optima grade water and acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid (from Fisher).

kubu4 commented 7 years ago

Thanks. When someone has a chance, it would be good to get a catalog number from @emmats.

laurahspencer commented 7 years ago

From Emma:

It sounds like i should double the volume of formic acid in my final solution to achieve 0.1%.

the solution Yaamini used was made by Jose, who I believe followed the protocol as written (I had an email out to him, to double check). Last winter we used solution made by Rhonda. As such, the solutions used to date have likely been only 0.5% formic.

kubu4 commented 7 years ago

Yes, adjust your calculation appropriately.

However, I'm confused by the product link. That product doesn't contain acetonitrile, but is already at 0.1% formic acid (which is what the final formic acid concentration is supposed to be). Thus, when adding acetonitrile, the formic acid concentration would end up <0.1%.

emmats commented 7 years ago

See above comment. We buy acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid as well. So FA is always at 0.1%. I don't do any ordering in my lab, but what you are looking for is optima grade reagents with 0.1% FA like this You don't need large volumes because you use this only for reconstituting the peptides after desalting. Before that, you are adding trifluoracetic acid at 0.1% to your ACN mixtures.

kubu4 commented 7 years ago

@emmats is that the actual product you use in lab? I'm confused by your usage of "products like." That suggests that's not actually what you use.