sr320 / ceabigr

Workshop on genomic data integration with a emphasis on epigenetic data (FHL 2022)
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Revised SNP list #78

Closed yaaminiv closed 4 months ago

yaaminiv commented 1 year ago

At minimum, identifying C->T SNPs on both strands so we have a list of SNPs from the EpiDiverse output.

Other tasks that build upon that:

sr320 commented 1 year ago

Just to confirm we have already removed CT SNPS from methylation data in the paper...

Remind me why we need to revise the list?

yaaminiv commented 1 year ago

Just to confirm we have already removed CT SNPS from methylation data in the paper...

Correct! These were SNPs from BS-Snper.

Remind me why we need to revise the list?

Based on conversations with Katherine during the workshop, the EpiDiverse/SNP workflow may be a more robust way of identifying SNPs from WGBS data. Additionally, we have RNA-Seq data we can also use to identify SNPs. We discussed comparing SNP identification between BS-Snper and EpiDiverse since we had the data, then maybe only removing SNPs identified using both methods unless there was a compelling reason to use one workflow over the other. So if we do revise the list of SNPs, we'll need to remove them again from the analyses.