sr320 / course-austral-2015

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[quiz] Day 2 summary notes? #17

Open sr320 opened 9 years ago

sr320 commented 9 years ago

What did you add to the Day 2 Notes page.

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waleskamaldonado commented 9 years ago

Today we learned to use tool for mac Github, which proved very useful for organizing the results, and keep all the files available at any time. In addition to this we use Mou, useful tool for data organization, script, etc. and likewise the results organized maintain

Clareliza commented 9 years ago

we learned how marine organisms to environmental changes face using different physiological strategies. Also, we learn how is achieved metabolic compensation and about of the trade off in marine organisms. But mostly, I understood the importance of integrating molecular and physiological information. Which very important in the search for pathways and of molecular markers of marine organism to environmental changes. skills bioinformatics: Gene annotation (blastx)(SQLShare - an excellent tool ¡) DEG with R (bioconductor)

NicoSegoviaC commented 9 years ago

Several useful tools were used. In the one hand, gene annotation with BLASTx using the Uniprot database, differential gene expression with R packages (DESeq), and enrichment analysis using databases (DAVID, REVIGO). On the other hand, we learn MOU, a very useful platform to report or organice routines, giving the possibility to add, text, scripts, results, images, links, etc and GITHub to share and see different routines of other users.

jacqueline12 commented 9 years ago

During the day finished a review on epigenetic markers, which helps me to supplement my line of research was conducted. Moreover, new bioinformatics tools like GitHub and Mou, represent an alternative for the management and organization of sequencing data.

GiovannaSotil commented 9 years ago

During lecture in day 2: Effect of abiotic parameters (as temperature, oxygen, contaminants) on physiological response: changes on membrane cells, gene expression of some proteins related to stress (SOD, catalase, p450, etc). During bioinformatic sessions: Annotation of contigs, use of BlastX in terminal, comparison sequence data with Uniprot databse, use of SQLShare.

JCfq2015 commented 9 years ago

Day 2, we studied the physiological responses of some aquatic organisms at different levels (molecular, cellular, biochemical and gene expression) compared to variations in abiotic factors such as temperature and oxygen and effects of pollutants compounds. The BlastX (Uniprot data base), SQLShare was used to integrate physiological information with the gene expression response, and to identify possible effects on studied organisms.

tmanzurc commented 9 years ago

Talk about environmental stress and the functional responses of different organism to cope with it in terms of protein activity, enzymes, HIF, etc. We talk about xanobiotics and how this are indicators of polluted environments also about cortisol and the response to general stress. In the computers we performed Blast in NCBI to transcriptome data for Piura from Coquimbo and Valdivia. Then we performed annotations (GOslim terms) in SQLshare and do summaries in tables and plots to visualized how many different sequences are for proteins related with specific functions such as stress response, metabolism, etc.