sr320 / course-fish546-2016

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Final Quiz #105

Open sr320 opened 7 years ago

sr320 commented 7 years ago

What would you consider the most "useful" thing you learned in this course?

yaaminiv commented 7 years ago

The most useful thing I learned in this course was how to use Jupyter notebook to create a reproducible workflow. In terms of actual computational skills, becoming more familiar with bash was great. I now know how to do simple file manipulations almost instantaneously.

Ellior2 commented 7 years ago

Learning how to use GitHub was probably the most important thing I learned all quarter in this class. It will be important moving forward and documenting my data processing for reproducibility and open science. The documentation is not only for others to understand what I've done, but for me to also understand what I did last week to continue to make progress. Jupyter notebook is also a very valuable tool as well as Galaxy for file manipulations. I also really liked learning how to blast :fireworks: and make links in markdown.

mmiddleton commented 7 years ago

The most useful thing that I learned was how to operate from the command line, which I had absolutely no idea how to do before. I'm still not super knowledgeable, but at least now I know enough to be able to look up how to do the things I want to do or ask someone else and actually understand what they are trying to tell me. Learning how to download software packages and troubleshooting them was also super helpful since there's always going to be new software to download.

laurahspencer commented 7 years ago

The content of this course was all very new to me, and therefore my biggest "wins" were some of the most fundamental topics: The basics of bash & Markdown; how to use Github, particularly via the command line; the importance of reproducibility when working in silico, particularly using Jupyter Notebook. I was also forced to install packages via the command line, and have a better understanding of the guts of my computer, which will be very useful. I struggled to understand the big picture at times, and how all the various tools fit together, but those that I worked with have become less of a "black box." Overall, I've really enjoyed, and have found most useful, increasing my computer literacy. Also, IGV is great- anything that makes data more visual is extremely helpful.

aspanjer commented 7 years ago

I learned a lot about working at the command line and better methods for the RNAseq data set I'm working with, all of which are very "useful." Though the most useful thing I've learned from this course is how to use GitHub in tandem with jupyter notebook for reproducible science. I really like the format, and hope to become more familiar with it as I use it more. In general though, the ability to document each step of an analysis and hand it off to someone else is really powerful. Especially with a tool that allows the use of multiple scripting languages and programs in the progress (eg. R, Python, bash, etc.). I think I'll try implementing this structure for both bioinformatic and other analyses in the future.

MeganEDuffy commented 7 years ago

There are so many things I'm excited to take away from this course. While I was kind of already using GitHub and starting to use Jupyter Notebook each individually, I am really impressed by the way they can interact so well with each other. I think I'll continue to use this model for much of work in the future - I'll have repos for all my projects and can run a lot of my tools directly in notebooks. This is probable the most useful thing I learned. I am also really glad to have gotten some experience writing scripts, now I feel much less intimidated by that task. I know that even simple bash scripts will make my future proteomic work much more efficient.

nclowell commented 7 years ago

Github and Jupyter notebook were the most useful things I learned in the class. It's so much easier to stay organized, and to share and reproduce my work.

mfisher5 commented 7 years ago

Learning to use Jupyter notebook and github was critical to continuing my data analysis, and these are two of the most important things that I'll take away from the class. While I was hesitant at first to switch over to Jupyter, it has become incredibly helpful when I have to go back and recreate certain steps in the stacks pipeline, or am trying to keep track of all of the different parameter manipulations I am working on. I still have to improve my github skills, but I am very glad that I can now put my notebooks and code online, and have been able to find useful code from other github pages that makes my life easier. I've also been able to integrate some bash scripting into my data analysis pipeline, which makes some steps much more efficient!

jldimond commented 7 years ago

Bash scripting was probably the best "new" thing I learned. I also liked getting a bit more familiar with GitHub.