sr320 / course-fish546-2016

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unipept's peptide to protein tool not returning output #96

Closed MeganEDuffy closed 7 years ago

MeganEDuffy commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to use Unipept, a web application designed for metaproteomics/metapeptidomics data analysis. The Unipept CLI is a set of subcommands that are command line wrappers around the Unipept web services. All of the code is on GitHub.

So far I've used one subcommand, unipept pept2lca to go from a list of (de novo sequenced) tryptic peptides to a csv file listing the lowest common ancestor taxa of proteins matched to these peptides. This worked fine, as you can see in this notebook.

Now I'm trying another subcommand, unipept pept2prot, that should return the set of UniProt entries containing a given tryptic peptide. Its input, according to this CLI subcommand description, can be a file like the one I'm submitting (text files with one tryptic peptide per line). When I try running this, as you can see in this notebook, I get no error or output.

It works fine for some individual peptides that actually match to UniProt proteins. But if I input a single peptide that doesn't match, I also get no error or returns. Any advice?

sr320 commented 7 years ago

What is the most common mistake?

single character 🔥

You have a space in front of every ID 😄

this will work..



MeganEDuffy commented 7 years ago

Of course! Wish I'd caught that, but glad that's the problem.
