sr320 / course-fish546-2018

7 stars 2 forks source link

Navigating the commandline #5

Closed sr320 closed 5 years ago

sr320 commented 5 years ago

This week (primarily in class October 2) you will be completing the following tutorial

Please paste in your commands (what you did in bash to complete the exercise)

Of course you can do it earlier if you wish

yaaminiv commented 5 years ago


Creating Things

cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/
mkdir thesis
ls -F
ls -F thesis
cd thesis/
nano draft.txt
ls -F
rm draft.txt

Pipes and Filters

cd ../molecules/
wc *.pdb
wc -l *.pdb
wc -l *.pdb > lengths
ls lengths
cat lengths 
sort -n lengths 
sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths
head -1 sorted-lengths
sort -n lengths | head -1
wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1

Checking Files

cd ../north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/
wc -l *.txt
wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -5
wc -l *.txt | sort -n | tail -5
ls *Z.txt
ls *[AB].txt

Proof it all worked

untitled untitled2 untitled3
wsano16 commented 5 years ago
D-10-19-99-94:~ williamsano$ whoami
D-10-19-99-94:~ williamsano$ pwd
D-10-19-99-94:~ williamsano$ cd Downloads/
Display all 270 possibilities? (y or n)
D-10-19-99-94:~ williamsano$ cd Downloads/data/users/nelle/
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls
Desktop         molecules       pizza.cfg
creatures       north-pacific-gyre  solar.pdf
data            notes.txt       writing
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls -F
Desktop/        molecules/      pizza.cfg
creatures/      north-pacific-gyre/ solar.pdf
data/           notes.txt       writing/
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls -F data
amino-acids.txt     morse.txt       planets.txt
elements/       pdb/            sunspot.txt
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls -F /data
ls: /data: No such file or directory
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls -F /
Applications/           home/
Library/            installer.failurerequests
Network/            macqiime/
System/             net/
Users/              private/
Volumes/            sbin/
bin/                tmp@
cores/              usr/
dev/                var@
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ pwd
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls
Desktop         molecules       pizza.cfg
creatures       north-pacific-gyre  solar.pdf
data            notes.txt       writing
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ cd data/
D-10-19-99-94:data williamsano$ pwd
D-10-19-99-94:data williamsano$ ls -F
amino-acids.txt     morse.txt       planets.txt
elements/       pdb/            sunspot.txt
D-10-19-99-94:data williamsano$ cd ..
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls
Desktop         molecules       pizza.cfg
creatures       north-pacific-gyre  solar.pdf
data            notes.txt       writing
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls -F -a
./          creatures/      notes.txt
../         data/           pizza.cfg
.bash_profile       molecules/      solar.pdf
Desktop/        north-pacific-gyre/ writing/
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls -Fa
./          creatures/      notes.txt
../         data/           pizza.cfg
.bash_profile       molecules/      solar.pdf
Desktop/        north-pacific-gyre/ writing/
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/
NENE01729A.txt  NENE01751B.txt  NENE01971Z.txt  NENE02040A.txt  NENE02043B.txt
NENE01729B.txt  NENE01812A.txt  NENE01978A.txt  NENE02040B.txt  goodiff
NENE01736A.txt  NENE01843A.txt  NENE01978B.txt  NENE02040Z.txt  goostats
NENE01751A.txt  NENE01843B.txt  NENE02018B.txt  NENE02043A.txt
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ pwd
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ mkdir thesis
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls
Desktop         north-pacific-gyre  thesis
creatures       notes.txt       writing
data            pizza.cfg
molecules       solar.pdf
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ cd thesis/
D-10-19-99-94:thesis williamsano$ nano draft.txt
D-10-19-99-94:thesis williamsano$ ls
D-10-19-99-94:thesis williamsano$ less draft.txt 
D-10-19-99-94:thesis williamsano$ rm draft.txt 
D-10-19-99-94:thesis williamsano$ ls
D-10-19-99-94:thesis williamsano$ ls
D-10-19-99-94:thesis williamsano$ cd ..
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls
Desktop         north-pacific-gyre  thesis
creatures       notes.txt       writing
data            pizza.cfg
molecules       solar.pdf
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ ls molecules/
cubane.pdb  methane.pdb pentane.pdb
ethane.pdb  octane.pdb  propane.pdb
D-10-19-99-94:nelle williamsano$ cd molecules/
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ wc *.pdb
      20     156    1158 cubane.pdb
      12      84     622 ethane.pdb
       9      57     422 methane.pdb
      30     246    1828 octane.pdb
      21     165    1226 pentane.pdb
      15     111     825 propane.pdb
     107     819    6081 total
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ wc -l *.pdb
      20 cubane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
       9 methane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
     107 total
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ w -l *.pdb
w: [-MNdflnsuw] no longer supported
usage: w [hi] [user ...]
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ wc -w *.pdb
     156 cubane.pdb
      84 ethane.pdb
      57 methane.pdb
     246 octane.pdb
     165 pentane.pdb
     111 propane.pdb
     819 total
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ wc -c *.pdb
    1158 cubane.pdb
     622 ethane.pdb
     422 methane.pdb
    1828 octane.pdb
    1226 pentane.pdb
     825 propane.pdb
    6081 total
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ wc -l *.pdb > lengths
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ ls lengths 
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ head lengths 
      20 cubane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
       9 methane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
     107 total
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ cat lengths
      20 cubane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
       9 methane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
     107 total
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ sort -n lengths
       9 methane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
      20 cubane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
     107 total
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ head -1 sorted-lengths
       9 methane.pdb
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ sort -n lengths | head -1
       9 methane.pdb
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1
       9 methane.pdb
D-10-19-99-94:molecules williamsano$ cd ../north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/
D-10-19-99-94:2012-07-03 williamsano$ wc -l *.txt
     300 NENE01729A.txt
     300 NENE01729B.txt
     300 NENE01736A.txt
     300 NENE01751A.txt
     300 NENE01751B.txt
     300 NENE01812A.txt
     300 NENE01843A.txt
     300 NENE01843B.txt
     300 NENE01971Z.txt
     300 NENE01978A.txt
     300 NENE01978B.txt
     240 NENE02018B.txt
     300 NENE02040A.txt
     300 NENE02040B.txt
     300 NENE02040Z.txt
     300 NENE02043A.txt
     300 NENE02043B.txt
    5040 total
D-10-19-99-94:2012-07-03 williamsano$ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -5
     240 NENE02018B.txt
     300 NENE01729A.txt
     300 NENE01729B.txt
     300 NENE01736A.txt
     300 NENE01751A.txt
D-10-19-99-94:2012-07-03 williamsano$ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | tail -5
     300 NENE02040B.txt
     300 NENE02040Z.txt
     300 NENE02043A.txt
     300 NENE02043B.txt
    5040 total
D-10-19-99-94:2012-07-03 williamsano$ ls *Z.txt
NENE01971Z.txt  NENE02040Z.txt
D-10-19-99-94:2012-07-03 williamsano$ ls *[AB].txt
NENE01729A.txt  NENE01751A.txt  NENE01843A.txt  NENE01978B.txt  NENE02040B.txt
NENE01729B.txt  NENE01751B.txt  NENE01843B.txt  NENE02018B.txt  NENE02043A.txt
NENE01736A.txt  NENE01812A.txt  NENE01978A.txt  NENE02040A.txt  NENE02043B.txt
D-10-19-99-94:2012-07-03 williamsano$ 
grace-ac commented 5 years ago

D-10-18-210-104:~ graciecrandall$ whoami
D-10-18-210-104:~ graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:~ graciecrandall$ ls
30297204_B_Operating instructions GyS en.pdf
Geneious 9.1 Data
Google Drive

D-10-18-210-104:~ graciecrandall$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ ls

D-10-18-210-104:~ graciecrandall$ cd D
Desktop/   Documents/ Downloads/ Dropbox/   
D-10-18-210-104:~ graciecrandall$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd /Users/graciecrandall/Desktop/shell-novice/
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ cd data/
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd ..
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ pwd

D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ cd data/
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd ../..
D-10-18-210-104:Desktop graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:Desktop graciecrandall$ cd shell-novice/data/

D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ ls
bin data    tmp users
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd data/
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ ls
access.log  backup      hardware.cfg    network.cfg
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ ls -F
access.log  backup/     hardware.cfg    network.cfg

D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd ../
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd ../
.DS_Store  data/      
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd ../
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ ls
D-10-18-210-104:shell-novice graciecrandall$ cd data/
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ ls
bin data    tmp users
D-10-18-210-104:data graciecrandall$ cd users/
D-10-18-210-104:users graciecrandall$ ls
imhotep larry   nelle
D-10-18-210-104:users graciecrandall$ cd nelle
D-10-18-210-104:nelle graciecrandall$ pwd

D-10-18-210-104:nelle graciecrandall$ ls
Desktop         molecules       pizza.cfg
creatures       north-pacific-gyre  solar.pdf
data            notes.txt       writing
D-10-18-210-104:nelle graciecrandall$ cd north-pacific-gyre/
D-10-18-210-104:north-pacific-gyre graciecrandall$ ls
D-10-18-210-104:north-pacific-gyre graciecrandall$ ls -F
D-10-18-210-104:north-pacific-gyre graciecrandall$ cd 2012-07-03/
D-10-18-210-104:2012-07-03 graciecrandall$ ls
NENE01729A.txt  NENE01751B.txt  NENE01971Z.txt  NENE02040A.txt  NENE02043B.txt
NENE01729B.txt  NENE01812A.txt  NENE01978A.txt  NENE02040B.txt  goodiff
NENE01736A.txt  NENE01843A.txt  NENE01978B.txt  NENE02040Z.txt  goostats
NENE01751A.txt  NENE01843B.txt  NENE02018B.txt  NENE02043A.txt

D-10-18-210-104:nelle graciecrandall$ ls
Desktop         molecules       pizza.cfg
creatures       north-pacific-gyre  solar.pdf
data            notes.txt       writing
D-10-18-210-104:nelle graciecrandall$ cd writing/
D-10-18-210-104:writing graciecrandall$ ls
data        haiku.txt   old     thesis      tools
D-10-18-210-104:writing graciecrandall$ nano draft.txt
D-10-18-210-104:writing graciecrandall$ cd thesis/
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ pwd
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ nano draft.txt
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ nano draft.txt
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ cd -
D-10-18-210-104:writing graciecrandall$ cd thesis/
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ nano draft.txt
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ nano draft.txt
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ ls
D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ clear

D-10-18-210-104:thesis graciecrandall$ cat draft.txt 
Draft of thesis.

D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ wc *.pdb
      20     156    1158 cubane.pdb
      12      84     622 ethane.pdb
       9      57     422 methane.pdb
      30     246    1828 octane.pdb
      21     165    1226 pentane.pdb
      15     111     825 propane.pdb
     107     819    6081 total
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ wc -l *.pdb
      20 cubane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
       9 methane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
     107 total
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ wc -c *.pdb
    1158 cubane.pdb
     622 ethane.pdb
     422 methane.pdb
    1828 octane.pdb
    1226 pentane.pdb
     825 propane.pdb
    6081 total

D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ wc -l *.pdb > lengths
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ ls
cubane.pdb  lengths     octane.pdb  propane.pdb
ethane.pdb  methane.pdb pentane.pdb
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ cat lengths
      20 cubane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
       9 methane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
     107 total

D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ sort lengths 
       9 methane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
      20 cubane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
     107 total
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ sort -nr lengths 
     107 total
      30 octane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      20 cubane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
       9 methane.pdb

D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ sort lengths > sorted-lengths
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ ls
cubane.pdb  lengths     octane.pdb  propane.pdb
ethane.pdb  methane.pdb pentane.pdb sorted-lengths
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ cat sorted-lengths 
       9 methane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
      20 cubane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
     107 total
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ clear

D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ head -1 sorted-lengths 
       9 methane.pdb
D-10-18-210-104:molecules graciecrandall$ head sorted-lengths 
       9 methane.pdb
      12 ethane.pdb
      15 propane.pdb
      20 cubane.pdb
      21 pentane.pdb
      30 octane.pdb
     107 total
jgardn92 commented 5 years ago

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~ $ whoami Jenny

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~ $ pwd /c/Users/Jenny

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~ $ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls -F data/ amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls -F /data ls: cannot access '/data': No such file or directory

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/Jenny/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ cd data/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/data $ pwd /c/Users/Jenny/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/data

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/data $ ls -F amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/data $ cd ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ cd - /c/Users/Jenny/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/data

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/data $ cd ..

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/Jenny/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls -F -a ./ ../ .bash_profile creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ goodiff NENE01729A.txt NENE01736A.txt NENE01751B.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02040A.txt NENE02040Z.txt NENE02043B.txt goostats NENE01729B.txt NENE01751A.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02040B.txt NENE02043A.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/Jenny/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ mkdir thesis

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf thesis/ writing/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ ls -F thesis

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle $ cd thesis/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/thesis $ nano draft.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/thesis $ ls draft.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/thesis $ rm draft.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/thesis $ ls

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/thesis $ ls .. creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf thesis/ writing/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/thesis $ ls ../molecules/ cubane.pdb ethane.pdb lengths methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb sorted-lengths

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/thesis $ cd ../molecules/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc .pbd wc: '.pbd': No such file or directory

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc *pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb >lengths

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ ls lengths lengths

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ sort lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ sort lengths > sorted-lengths

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ head -1 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths | head -1 9 methane.pdb

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l ,pdb | sort -n | head -1 wc: ',pdb': No such file or directory

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1 9 methane.pdb

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules $ cd ../north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt 300 NENE01751B.txt 300 NENE01812A.txt 300 NENE01843A.txt 300 NENE01843B.txt 300 NENE01971Z.txt 300 NENE01978A.txt 300 NENE01978B.txt 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -5 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | tail -5 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ ls *Z.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040Z.txt

Jenny@Jenny MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *[AB].txt | sort -n | tail -5 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 4440 total

kimh11 commented 5 years ago

Summarized list of commands

ls - F  
cd ..\..  
cd -  
mkdir thesis  
nano draft.txt  
rm -i draft.txt  
wc *.pdb  
wc -l *.pdb  
wc -l *.pdb > lengths  
cat lengths  
head lengths  
tail lengths  
sort -n lengths  
wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1  

history > history.txt  

All commands

The actual history file looks like this:

history file

547 ls 548 cd .. 549 cd .. 550 cd .. 551 clear 552 ls 553 de Desktop/ 554 ls 555 cd Desktop/ 556 ls 557 cd .. 558 cd Desktop/ 559 cd D 560 cd Des 561 cd .. 562 cd Documents/Classes/ 563 ls 564 cd bioinf/ 565 ls 566 cd tutorial_bash/data/ 567 ls 568 pwd 569 cd .. 570 s 571 ls 572 cd data 573 cd .. 574 cd data/ 575 cd .. 576 cd data/ 577 cd . 578 cd ../.. 579 ls 580 cd tutorial_bash/ 581 ls 582 cd data/ 583 ls 584 cd data/ 585 ls 586 ls -F 587 ls -ls 588 cd ../.. 589 ls 590 cd data/ 591 ls 592 ls 593 cd users/ 594 ls 595 cd nelle/ 596 ls 597 ls -F 598 cd north-pacific-gyre/ 599 ls 600 cd 2012-07-03/ 601 ls 602 head NENE1729A.txt 603 head NENE01729A.txt 604 pwd 605 cd .. 606 ls 607 pwd 608 cd ../data/ 609 ls 610 pwd 611 clear 612 ls 613 cd .. 614 ls 615 cd .. 616 ls 617 clear 618 ls 619 cd .. 620 ls 621 cd users/nelle/writing/thesis/ 622 ls 623 at 624 nano draft.txt 625 ls 626 pwd 627 cd - 628 cd - 629 ls 630 vim draft.txt 631 cat draft.txt 632 ls 633 rm draft.txt 634 ls 635 rm -i 636 la 637 ls 638 clear 639 ls 640 ls ../../ 641 cd ../../molecules/ 642 ls 643 ls cubane.pdb 644 cat cubane.pdb 645 head 646 clear 647 ls 648 wc \*.pdb 649 wc -l \*.pdb 650 wc -l \*.pdb > lengths 651 ls 652 cat lengths 653 history > hist.txt 654 ls 655 head hist.txt 656 tail hist.txt 657 open . 658 echo "oops" 659 echo "oops" > lengths 660 ls 661 cat lengths 662 ls 663 rm -i hist.txt 664 ls 665 ls 666 cat lenth 667 cat lengths 668 clear 669 wc -l \*.pdb > lengths 670 ls 671 cat lengths 672 sort -n lengths 673 sort lengths 674 sort -g lengths 675 sort -r lengths 676 man sort 677 clear 678 sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths 679 ls 680 cat sorted-lengths 681 head -1 sorted-lengths 682 head -n 1 sorted-lengths 683 man head 684 sort -n lengths 685 sort -n lengths | head -1 686 wc -l \*.pdb | sort -n | head -1 687 sort -n lengths > ~/Desktop/lengths.txt 688 cd .. 689 cd .. 690 cd .. 691 cd ~ 692 ls 693 cd Desktop/ 694 cd .. 695 cd Documents/Classes/bioinf/ 696 ls 697 cd tutorial_bash/ 698 history > history.txt <\p>

hgloiselle commented 5 years ago

Last login: Tue Aug 7 08:24:17 on console D-10-19-252-84:~ hopeloiselle$ whoami hopeloiselle D-10-19-252-84:~ hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle D-10-19-252-84:~ hopeloiselle$ ls Applications Documents Eastern Pacific.pdf Music PacificMap.png rosalind_ini5.txt Creative Cloud Files Downloads Library Pictures terrain.png Desktop Dropbox Movies PacificMap.pdf Public terrain.png.rda D-10-19-252-84:~ hopeloiselle$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ clear

D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice/data D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice/data D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd.. -bash: cd..: command not found D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd .. D-10-19-252-84:shell-novice hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice D-10-19-252-84:shell-novice hopeloiselle$ cd data/ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd data/ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ ls access.log backup hardware.cfg network.cfg D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ ls -F access.log backup/ hardware.cfg network.cfg D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd ../ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd ../ .DS_Store data/
D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice/data D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd .. D-10-19-252-84:shell-novice hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice D-10-19-252-84:shell-novice hopeloiselle$ cd data/ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd users/ D-10-19-252-84:users hopeloiselle$ ls imhotep larry nelle D-10-19-252-84:users hopeloiselle$ cd nelle/ D-10-19-252-84:nelle hopeloiselle$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-252-84:nelle hopeloiselle$ cd north-pacific-gyre/ D-10-19-252-84:north-pacific-gyre hopeloiselle$ ls 2012-07-03 D-10-19-252-84:north-pacific-gyre hopeloiselle$ ls -F 2012-07-03/ D-10-19-252-84:north-pacific-gyre hopeloiselle$ cd 2012-07-03/ D-10-19-252-84:2012-07-03 hopeloiselle$ ls NENE01729A.txt NENE01736A.txt NENE01751B.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02040A.txt NENE02040Z.txt NENE02043B.txt goostats NENE01729B.txt NENE01751A.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02040B.txt NENE02043A.txt goodiff D-10-19-252-84:2012-07-03 hopeloiselle$ ls /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/ Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-252-84:2012-07-03 hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 D-10-19-252-84:2012-07-03 hopeloiselle$ cd ../../data/ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ ls -F amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd D-10-19-252-84:~ hopeloiselle$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/ D-10-19-252-84:shell-novice hopeloiselle$ cd data/data/ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd .. D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ D-10-19-252-84:data hopeloiselle$ cd D-10-19-252-84:~ hopeloiselle$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/ D-10-19-252-84:nelle hopeloiselle$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-252-84:nelle hopeloiselle$ cd writing/ D-10-19-252-84:writing hopeloiselle$ ls data haiku.txt old thesis tools D-10-19-252-84:writing hopeloiselle$ cd thesis/ D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ ls D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ pwd /Users/hopeloiselle/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/writing/thesis D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ nano draft.txt D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ ls draft.txt D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ cat draft.txt First draft of my thesis starts today. D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ nano draft.txt D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ ls draft.txt D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ cat draft.txt First draft of my thesis starts today.

I love whales.

Today is my birthday. D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ rm draft.txt D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ ls D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ rm -i remove n D-10-19-252-84:thesis hopeloiselle$ cd D-10-19-252-84:~ hopeloiselle$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules/ D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ ls cubane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ cat cubane.pdb COMPND CUBANE AUTHOR DAVE WOODCOCK 95 12 06 ATOM 1 C 1 0.789 -0.852 0.504 1.00 0.00 ATOM 2 C 1 -0.161 -1.104 -0.624 1.00 0.00 ATOM 3 C 1 -1.262 -0.440 0.160 1.00 0.00 ATOM 4 C 1 -0.289 -0.202 1.284 1.00 0.00 ATOM 5 C 1 1.203 0.513 -0.094 1.00 0.00 ATOM 6 C 1 0.099 1.184 0.694 1.00 0.00 ATOM 7 C 1 -0.885 0.959 -0.460 1.00 0.00 ATOM 8 C 1 0.236 0.283 -1.269 1.00 0.00 ATOM 9 H 1 1.410 -1.631 0.942 1.00 0.00 ATOM 10 H 1 -0.262 -2.112 -1.024 1.00 0.00 ATOM 11 H 1 -2.224 -0.925 0.328 1.00 0.00 ATOM 12 H 1 -0.468 -0.501 2.315 1.00 0.00 ATOM 13 H 1 2.224 0.892 -0.134 1.00 0.00 ATOM 14 H 1 0.240 2.112 1.251 1.00 0.00 ATOM 15 H 1 -1.565 1.730 -0.831 1.00 0.00 ATOM 16 H 1 0.472 0.494 -2.315 1.00 0.00 TER 17 1 END D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ wc .pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ wc -l .pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ wc -l .pdb > lengths D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ ls cubane.pdb ethane.pdb lengths methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ echo "oops" > lengths D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ cat lengths oops D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ wc -l .pdb > lengths D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ sort -n lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ sort lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ man sort D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ sort lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ sort lengths | head -1 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$ wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-252-84:molecules hopeloiselle$

calderatta commented 5 years ago

Last login: Tue Oct 2 15:00:15 on ttys000 -bash: Source: command not found D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ whoami attacj D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ pwd /Users/calderatta D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ ls Applications Documents Dropbox Library Music Public perl5 Desktop Downloads Dropbox (Old) Movies Pictures history.txt D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd D Desktop/ Documents/ Downloads/ Dropbox/ Dropbox (Old)/ D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd D Desktop/ Documents/ Downloads/ Dropbox/ Dropbox (Old)/ D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/ .DS_Store data/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/ .DS_Store data/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/ D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ pwd /Users/calderatta/Desktop/shell-novice/data D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd /User/calderatta/Desktop -bash: cd: /User/calderatta/Desktop: No such file or directory D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ /User -bash: /User: No such file or directory D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd /User -bash: cd: /User: No such file or directory D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd .. D-10-19-88-224:shell-novice attacj$ ls data D-10-19-88-224:shell-novice attacj$ cd data/ D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd cd ../.. -bash: cd: cd: No such file or directory D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd data D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ ls access.log backup hardware.cfg network.cfg D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ ls -F access.log backup/ hardware.cfg network.cfg D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd ../ D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd ../ D-10-19-88-224:shell-novice attacj$ ls data D-10-19-88-224:shell-novice attacj$ cd .DS_Store data/
D-10-19-88-224:shell-novice attacj$ cd data/ D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd user -bash: cd: user: No such file or directory D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd users/ D-10-19-88-224:users attacj$ ls imhotep larry nelle D-10-19-88-224:users attacj$ cd nelle/ D-10-19-88-224:nelle attacj$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-88-224:nelle attacj$ cd north-pacific-gyre/ D-10-19-88-224:north-pacific-gyre attacj$ ls 2012-07-03 D-10-19-88-224:north-pacific-gyre attacj$ ls -F 2012-07-03/ D-10-19-88-224:north-pacific-gyre attacj$ cd 2012-07-03/ D-10-19-88-224:2012-07-03 attacj$ clear

D-10-19-88-224:2012-07-03 attacj$ ls NENE01729A.txt NENE01751A.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02040A.txt NENE02043A.txt goostats NENE01729B.txt NENE01751B.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02040B.txt NENE02043B.txt NENE01736A.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02040Z.txt goodiff D-10-19-88-224:2012-07-03 attacj$ ls /Users/calderatta/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/ -F ls: -F: No such file or directory /Users/calderatta/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/: Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-88-224:2012-07-03 attacj$ cd ../.. D-10-19-88-224:nelle attacj$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-88-224:nelle attacj$ cd ../.. D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd ../.. D-10-19-88-224:Desktop attacj$ ls Activity History Misc. notes.rtf Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at 3.17.16 AM.png Atta NOAA Notes.rtf Secretary BIOL 550 - Evolution Seminar Personal September Lab Plan.xlsx Creativity Play Trip Ideas.rtf FISH 546 - Bioinformatics Research UC0A7511.JPG Fundraising Notes.docx Roberts et al 2015 MPB final 2.pdf UW Goal Setting 2018.docx Roberts et al 2015 MPB final.pdf Untitled.rtf Julio's Music SAFS MS Academic Plan.xlsx Working KAUST Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 10.31.05 AM.png exon capture testing.xlsx Katherine Notes.rtf Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 4.41.11 PM.png shell-novice Mike's Photos Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at 1.21.48 AM.png D-10-19-88-224:Desktop attacj$ cd shell-novice/ D-10-19-88-224:shell-novice attacj$ cd data D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-88-224:data attacj$ cd D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ ls Applications Documents Dropbox Library Music Public perl5 Desktop Downloads Dropbox (Old) Movies Pictures history.txt D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/ .DS_Store data/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/ .DS_Store data/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/ .DS_Store bin/ data/ tmp/ users/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/data/ .tmp access.log backup/ hardware.cfg network.cfg
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/ imhotep/ larry/ nelle/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/ .bash_profile creatures/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf
Desktop/ data/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/writing/ data/ haiku.txt old/ thesis/ tools/
D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/writing/thesis/ D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ ls D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ nano D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ cd ~ D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ ls Applications Documents Dropbox Library Music Public perl5 Desktop Downloads Dropbox (Old) Movies Pictures history.txt D-10-19-88-224:~ attacj$ cd - /Users/calderatta/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/writing/thesis D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ ls D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ nano draft.txt D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ cat draft.txt draft.txt ^X

clear clear cat cat ^C D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ cat draft.txt First draft of my thesis starts today. D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ nano draft.txt D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ cat draft.txt First draft of my thesis starts today. Hope this turns out well. Maybe I'll graduate some day. D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ rm draft.txt D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ ls D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ rm -i remove n D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ ls ../../ Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-88-224:thesis attacj$ cd ../../molecules/ D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ ls cubane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ cat cubane.pdb COMPND CUBANE AUTHOR DAVE WOODCOCK 95 12 06 ATOM 1 C 1 0.789 -0.852 0.504 1.00 0.00 ATOM 2 C 1 -0.161 -1.104 -0.624 1.00 0.00 ATOM 3 C 1 -1.262 -0.440 0.160 1.00 0.00 ATOM 4 C 1 -0.289 -0.202 1.284 1.00 0.00 ATOM 5 C 1 1.203 0.513 -0.094 1.00 0.00 ATOM 6 C 1 0.099 1.184 0.694 1.00 0.00 ATOM 7 C 1 -0.885 0.959 -0.460 1.00 0.00 ATOM 8 C 1 0.236 0.283 -1.269 1.00 0.00 ATOM 9 H 1 1.410 -1.631 0.942 1.00 0.00 ATOM 10 H 1 -0.262 -2.112 -1.024 1.00 0.00 ATOM 11 H 1 -2.224 -0.925 0.328 1.00 0.00 ATOM 12 H 1 -0.468 -0.501 2.315 1.00 0.00 ATOM 13 H 1 2.224 0.892 -0.134 1.00 0.00 ATOM 14 H 1 0.240 2.112 1.251 1.00 0.00 ATOM 15 H 1 -1.565 1.730 -0.831 1.00 0.00 ATOM 16 H 1 0.472 0.494 -2.315 1.00 0.00 TER 17 1 END D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ wc .pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ wc -l .pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ wc -l .pdb > lengths D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ ls cubane.pdb ethane.pdb lengths methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ cat length cat: length: No such file or directory D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ echo "oops" > lengths D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ cat lengths oops D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort -n lengths oops D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ wc -l .pdb > lengths D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort -n lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ wc -l .pdb > lengths D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort -r lengths 107 total 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ cat sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ head -1 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ sort -n lengths | head -1 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$ wc -l .pdb | sort -n | head -1 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-88-224:molecules attacj$

Jeremyfishb commented 5 years ago

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~ $ whoami jeremy axworthy

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~ $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~ $ cd ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls -F data amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls -F data/ amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls -F /data ls: cannot access '/data': No such file or directory

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls creatures/ data/ Desktop/ molecules/ north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt pizza.cfg solar.pdf writing/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ cd data

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/data $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/data

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/data $ cd /users/nelle bash: cd: /users/nelle: No such file or directory

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/data $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/data

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/data $ cd ..

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls -F -a ./ .bash_profile data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf ../ creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ cd north-pacific-gyre/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north- pacific-gyre $ ls 2012-07-03/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north- pacific-gyre $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north- pacific-gyre $ cd ..

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ mkdir thesis

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg thesis/ data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf writing/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls -F thesis

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ cd thesis/\

cd thesis/ bash: cd: too many arguments

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ cd thesis

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis

$ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis

$ nano draft.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis $ ls draft.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis $ rm draft.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis $ ls

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis $ ls molecules ls: cannot access 'molecules': No such file or directory

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/thesis $ cd ..

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ ls molecules/ cubane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb sorted-lengths ethane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb sorted

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ wc .pdb wc: '.pdb': No such file or directory

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ wc .pdb wc: '.pdb': No such file or directory

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ cd molecules/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ ls cubane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb sorted-lengths ethane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb sorted

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc *.pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -1 *.pdb wc: unknown option -- 1 Try 'wc --help' for more information.

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ ls cubane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb sorted-lengths ethane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb sorted

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb > lengths

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ ls lengths lengths

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ head -1 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths | head -1\

9 methane.pdb

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths | head -1 9 methane.pdb

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1 9 methane.pdb

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/molecules $ cd ..

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/jeremy axworthy/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle $ cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ ls goodiff NENE01736A.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02040Z.txt goostats NENE01751A.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02043A.txt NENE01729A.txt NENE01751B.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040A.txt NENE02043B.txt NENE01729B.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02040B.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt 300 NENE01751B.txt 300 NENE01812A.txt 300 NENE01843A.txt 300 NENE01843B.txt 300 NENE01971Z.txt 300 NENE01978A.txt 300 NENE01978B.txt 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -5 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | tail -5 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ ls *Z.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040Z.txt

jeremy axworthy@LAPTOP-LRL7F381 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/shell-novice-data/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $

zscooper commented 5 years ago

D-10-19-101-157:~ zac$ whoami zac D-10-19-101-157:~ zac$ pwd /Users/zac D-10-19-101-157:~ zac$ cd Desktop/shell-novice/data/ D-10-19-101-157:data zac$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-101-157:data zac$ cd users/nelle/ D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls -F Desktop/ data/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/ creatures/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls -F data amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls -F /data ls: /data: No such file or directory D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ pwd /Users/zac/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg writing creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ cd data D-10-19-101-157:data zac$ pwd /Users/zac/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/data D-10-19-101-157:data zac$ cd .. D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ pwd /Users/zac/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls -F -a ./ .bash_profile creatures/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf ../ Desktop/ data/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/ D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ NENE01729A.txt NENE01736A.txt NENE01751B.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02040A.txt NENE02040Z.txt NENE02043B.txt goostats NENE01729B.txt NENE01751A.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02040B.txt NENE02043A.txt goodiff D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ pwd /Users/zac/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls -F Desktop/ data/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/ creatures/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ mkdir thesis D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls -F Desktop/ data/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg thesis/ creatures/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf writing/ D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ cd thesis/ D-10-19-101-157:thesis zac$ nano draft.txt D-10-19-101-157:thesis zac$ ls draft.txt D-10-19-101-157:thesis zac$ rm draft.txt D-10-19-101-157:thesis zac$ ls D-10-19-101-157:thesis zac$ cd .. D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg thesis creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf writing D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls molecules/ cubane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ wc .pdb wc: .pdb: open: No such file or directory D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ cd molecules/ D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ ls .pdb cubane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ ls cubane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ wc .pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ wc -l .pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ wc -l .pdb > lengths D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ ls lengths lengths D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ sort -n lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ head -n lengths > sorted-lengths head: illegal line count -- lengths D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ head -1 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ sort -n lengths | head -1 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ ls cubane.pdb ethane.pdb lengths methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb sorted-lengths D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ pwd /Users/zac/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle/molecules D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ cd .. D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg thesis creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf writing D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ D-10-19-101-157:2012-07-03 zac$ wc -l .txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt 300 NENE01751B.txt 300 NENE01812A.txt 300 NENE01843A.txt 300 NENE01843B.txt 300 NENE01971Z.txt 300 NENE01978A.txt 300 NENE01978B.txt 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total D-10-19-101-157:2012-07-03 zac$ wc -l .txt | sort -n | head -5 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt D-10-19-101-157:2012-07-03 zac$ wc -l .txt | sort -n | tail -5 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total D-10-19-101-157:2012-07-03 zac$ ls Z.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040Z.txt D-10-19-101-157:2012-07-03 zac$ cd ../../molecules/ D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ ls cubane.pdb ethane.pdb lengths methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb propane.pdb sorted-lengths D-10-19-101-157:molecules zac$ cd .. D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ ls Desktop data north-pacific-gyre pizza.cfg thesis creatures molecules notes.txt solar.pdf writing D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$ pwd /Users/zac/Desktop/shell-novice/data/users/nelle D-10-19-101-157:nelle zac$

laurahspencer commented 5 years ago

Nice bash review!

ls -F /data
cd shell-novice-data
cd data/
ls data/
access.log  backup      hardware.cfg    network.cfg
cd ..
mkdir bash-tutorial/
cd bash-tutorial/
nano draft.txt
rm draft.txt 
cd users/nelle/molecules/
wc *.pdb
wc -l *.pdb
wc -w *.pdb
wc -c *.pdb
wc -l *.pdb > lengths
ls lengths 
nano lengths 
cat lengths 
sort -n lengths 
sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths
head -1 sorted-lengths 
sort -n lengths | head -1
wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1
wc < ammonia.pdb
cd ..
cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/
wc -l *.txt
wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -5
wc -l *.txt | sort -n | tail -5
ls *Z.txt
ls *[AB].txt
magobu commented 5 years ago

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~ $ pwd /c/Users/mcgom

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~ $ whoami mcgom

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~ $ pwd /c/Users/mcgom

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~ $ ls '3D Objects'/ Anaconda3/ AppData/ 'Application Data'@ Contacts/ Cookies@ Desktop/ Documents/ Downloads/ Dropbox/ Favorites/ HP/ IntelGraphicsProfiles/ Links/ 'Local Settings'@ MicrosoftEdgeBackups/ Music/ 'My Documents'@ NetHood@ NTUSER.DAT ntuser.dat.LOG1 ntuser.dat.LOG2 NTUSER.DAT{f2f4ab4d-5de2-11e8-b841-d7e96d80e9c8}.TM.blf NTUSER.DAT{f2f4ab4d-5de2-11e8-b841-d7e96d80e9c8}.TMContainer00000000000000000001.regtrans-ms NTUSER.DAT{f2f4ab4d-5de2-11e8-b841-d7e96d80e9c8}.TMContainer00000000000000000002.regtrans-ms ntuser.ini OneDrive/ Pictures/ PrintHood@ Recent@ Roaming/ 'Saved Games'/ Searches/ SendTo@ source/ 'Start Menu'@ Sti_Trace.log Templates@ Videos/ 'VirtualBox VMs'/ wc/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~ $ cd Desktop/shell-novice/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice $ ls bin/ data/ tmp/ users/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice $ cd data/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/data $ cd ..

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice $ cd users/nelle/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/ data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/ data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls -F data amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls -F /data ls: cannot access '/data': No such file or directory

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/mcgom/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/ data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ cd data

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/data $ ls -F amino-acids.txt elements/ morse.txt pdb/ planets.txt sunspot.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/data $ cd ..

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/mcgom/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls -F -a ./ .bash_profile data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf ../ creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls no north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ goodiff NENE01736A.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02040Z.txt goostats NENE01751A.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02043A.txt NENE01729A.txt NENE01751B.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040A.txt NENE02043B.txt NENE01729B.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02040B.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ pwd /c/Users/mcgom/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg writing/ data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ mkdir thesis

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls -F creatures/ Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ pizza.cfg thesis/ data/ molecules/ notes.txt solar.pdf writing/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls -F thesis

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ cd thesis

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ nano draft.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ ls draft.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ rm draft.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ ls

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ nano draft.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ ls draft.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ cat draft.txt When bioinformatics is all done by intelligent machines

Sera mucho mejor!!!

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ rm draft.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ ls

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ ls molecules ls: cannot access 'molecules': No such file or directory

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/thesis $ cd ..

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ ls molecules cubane.pdb lenghts methane.pdb pentane.pdb sorted ethane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ cd molecules

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ wc *.pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -w *.pdb 156 cubane.pdb 84 ethane.pdb 57 methane.pdb 246 octane.pdb 165 pentane.pdb 111 propane.pdb 819 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -c *.pdb 1158 cubane.pdb 622 ethane.pdb 422 methane.pdb 1828 octane.pdb 1226 pentane.pdb 825 propane.pdb 6081 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb . lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb wc: .: Is a directory 0 . 7 lengths 114 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ ls lengths lengths

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ head -1 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ head -3 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ sort -n lengths | head -1 9 methane.pdb

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -1 *.pdb | sort -n | head -1 wc: unknown option -- 1 Try 'wc --help' for more information.

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -1 9 methane.pdb

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/molecules $ cd ..

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle $ cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt 300 NENE01751B.txt 300 NENE01812A.txt 300 NENE01843A.txt 300 NENE01843B.txt 300 NENE01971Z.txt 300 NENE01978A.txt 300 NENE01978B.txt 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -s head: unknown option -- s Try 'head --help' for more information.

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -5 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ wc -l *.txt | sort -n | tail -5 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ ls *Z.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040Z.txt

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 $ cd ..

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre $ history 1 pwd 2 ls 3 whoami 4 cd Desktop/shell-novice/data$ 5 cd data 6 pwd 7 ls data 8 pwd 9 cd Desktop/ 10 ls 11 cd data/ 12 ls 13 cd users/nelle/writing/thesis 14 nano draft.txt 15 cat drat.txt 16 cat draft.txt 17 nano draft.txt 18 cat draft.txt 19 rm draft.txt 20 ls 21 rm -i 22 ls ../../ 23 cd ../../molecules/ 24 pwd 25 cat cubane.pdb 26 wc .pdb 27 wc pentane.pdb 28 wc -l .pdb 29 wc -c .pdb 30 wc -w .pdb 31 wc -l .pdb > lengths 32 ls 33 cat lengths 34 echo "oops" > lenght 35 echo "oops" > lenghts 36 cat lengths 37 rm length 38 rm lenght 39 sort -n lengths 40 rm legh 41 rm leng 42 sort lengths 43 cat lengths 44 sort _nr lenghts 45 sort _nr lengths 46 sort -nr lengths 47 man sort 48 Man sort 49 man sort 50 sort -n lengths > sorted lengths 51 ls 52 head -1 sorted - lenghts 53 sort -n lengths | head -1 54 wc -l .pdb |sort -n | head -1 55 history 56 clear 57 clear 58 whoami 59 pwd 60 ls 61 pwd 62 whoami 63 pwd 64 ../.. 65 pwd 66 ls 67 /shell-novice 68 cd /c/desktop/shell-novice 69 cd /c/desktop/shell-novice/ 70 whoami 71 pwd 72 ls 73 cd .. 74 pwd 75 ls 76 cd .. 77 ls 78 cd Windows/ 79 ls 80 cd .. 81 ls 82 cd Users/ 83 ls 84 cd desktop.ini 85 cd ... 86 cd .. 87 ls 88 cd Windows/ 89 ls 90 cd .. 91 cd Users/mcgom/ 92 ls 93 cd Desktop/ 94 ls 95 cd shell-novice/ 96 ls 97 cd .. 98 whoami 99 pwd 100 cd shell-novice/ 101 cd .. 102 cd .. 103 pwd 104 cd Desktop/shell-novice/ 105 cd .. 106 cd .. 107 cd Desktop/shell-novice/ 108 pwd 109 ls 110 cd users/nelle/ 111 ls 112 ls -f 113 ls -F 114 ls -F data 115 ls -F /data 116 ls -F /data/ 117 pwd 118 cd .. 119 cd .. 120 cd .. 121 cd .. 122 pwd 123 cd /users/nelle 124 cd .. 125 cd .. 126 cd .. 127 cd Desktop/ 128 clear 129 clear 130 whoami 131 pwd 132 /windows 133 cd.. 134 / 135 clear 136 whoami 137 pwd 138 ls 139 cd .. 140 pwd 141 pwd 142 whoami 143 pwd 144 ls 145 cd Desktop/shell-novice/ 146 ls 147 cd data/ 148 cd .. 149 cd users/nelle/ 150 ls 151 ls -F 152 ls -F data 153 ls -F /data 154 pwd 155 ls 156 cd data 157 ls -F 158 cd .. 159 pwd 160 ls -F -a 161 ls north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ 162 pwd 163 ls -F 164 mkdir thesis 165 ls -F 166 ls -F thesis 167 cd thesis 168 nano draft.txt 169 ls 170 rm draft.txt 171 ls 172 nano draft.txt 173 ls 174 cat draft.txt 175 rm draft.txt 176 ls 177 ls molecules 178 cd .. 179 ls molecules 180 cd molecules 181 wc .pdb 182 wc -l .pdb 183 wc -w .pdb 184 wc -c .pdb 185 wc -l .pdb . lengths 186 ls lengths 187 cat lengths 188 sort -n lengths 189 sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths 190 head -1 sorted-lengths 191 head -3 sorted-lengths 192 sort -n lengths | head -1 193 wc -1 .pdb | sort -n | head -1 194 wc -l .pdb | sort -n | head -1 195 cd .. 196 cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ 197 wc -l .txt 198 wc -l .txt | sort -n | head -s 199 wc -l .txt | sort -n | head -5 200 wc -l .txt | sort -n | tail -5 201 ls Z.txt 202 cd .. 203 history

mcgom@DESKTOP-8VDN6L4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/shell-novice/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre $

kcribari commented 5 years ago

D-10-19-43-167:~ kellycribari$ $whoami D-10-19-43-167:~ kellycribari$ whoami kellycribari D-10-19-43-167:~ kellycribari$ pwd /Users/kellycribari D-10-19-43-167:~ kellycribari$ ls Applications Run_SJ_Round2_Jun_Jul_Aug_COI_07.Rmd Blast StickiesDatabase-3 Desktop Zotero Documents anaconda3 Downloads banzai-master Dropbox banzai_out_20180828_1248 Geneious 11.1 Data demultiplexer_for_DADA2-master GoogleDrive devtools IGV_2.4.14 fastqs_demultiplexed_for_dada2 Library MacKeeper Backups iCloud Drive (Archive) Movies igv Music lengths Pictures sorted-lengths Public v2.8.2.tar.gz Raven Lite vsearch-2.8.2 D-10-19-43-167:~ kellycribari$ cd /Documents -bash: cd: /Documents: No such file or directory D-10-19-43-167:~ kellycribari$ cd /Users/kellycribari/Documents/Bioinformatics/shell-novice/ D-10-19-43-167:shell-novice kellycribari$ ls data sorted-lengths D-10-19-43-167:shell-novice kellycribari$ cd data/ D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ ls bin data tmp users D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ cd users/nelle/ D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ ls -F Desktop/ molecules/ pizza.cfg creatures/ north-pacific-gyre/ solar.pdf data/ notes.txt writing/ D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ cd data/ D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ ls amino-acids.txt morse.txt planets.txt elements pdb sunspot.txt D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ .. -bash: ..: command not found D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ ../ -bash: ../: is a directory D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ ls amino-acids.txt morse.txt planets.txt elements pdb sunspot.txt D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ ../.. -bash: ../..: is a directory D-10-19-43-167:data kellycribari$ cd ../ D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ ls Desktop molecules pizza.cfg creatures north-pacific-gyre solar.pdf data notes.txt writing D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ mkdir thesis D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ ls Desktop north-pacific-gyre thesis creatures notes.txt writing data pizza.cfg molecules solar.pdf D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ ls -F thesis/ D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ cd thesis/ D-10-19-43-167:thesis kellycribari$ nano.draft.txt -bash: nano.draft.txt: command not found D-10-19-43-167:thesis kellycribari$ nano draft.txt D-10-19-43-167:thesis kellycribari$ ls draft.txt draft.txt D-10-19-43-167:thesis kellycribari$ rm draft.txt D-10-19-43-167:thesis kellycribari$ ls D-10-19-43-167:thesis kellycribari$ cd ../ D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ ls molecules/ cubane.pdb methane.pdb propane.pdb ethane.pdb octane.pdb sorted-lengths lengths pentane.pdb todays_commands.txt D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ cd molecules/ D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ wc .pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ wc -l .pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ wc -l .pdb > lengths D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ ls lengths lengths D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ sort -n lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ head -l sorted-lengths head: illegal option -- l usage: head [-n lines | -c bytes] [file ...] D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ head -1 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ sort -n lengths | head -1 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ wc -l .pdb | sort -n | head -1 9 methane.pdb D-10-19-43-167:molecules kellycribari$ cd ../ D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ cd no north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt
D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ cd no north-pacific-gyre/ notes.txt
D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ ls Desktop north-pacific-gyre thesis creatures notes.txt writing data pizza.cfg molecules solar.pdf D-10-19-43-167:nelle kellycribari$ cd north-pacific-gyre/ D-10-19-43-167:north-pacific-gyre kellycribari$ wc -l .txt wc: .txt: open: No such file or directory D-10-19-43-167:north-pacific-gyre kellycribari$ ls 2012-07-03 D-10-19-43-167:north-pacific-gyre kellycribari$ cd 2012-07-03/ D-10-19-43-167:2012-07-03 kellycribari$ wc -l .txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt 300 NENE01751B.txt 300 NENE01812A.txt 300 NENE01843A.txt 300 NENE01843B.txt 300 NENE01971Z.txt 300 NENE01978A.txt 300 NENE01978B.txt 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total D-10-19-43-167:2012-07-03 kellycribari$ wc -l .txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt 300 NENE01751B.txt 300 NENE01812A.txt 300 NENE01843A.txt 300 NENE01843B.txt 300 NENE01971Z.txt 300 NENE01978A.txt 300 NENE01978B.txt 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total D-10-19-43-167:2012-07-03 kellycribari$ wc -l .txt | sort -n | head -5 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt D-10-19-43-167:2012-07-03 kellycribari$ wc -l .txt | sort -n | tail -5 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total D-10-19-43-167:2012-07-03 kellycribari$ ls *Z.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040Z.txt D-10-19-43-167:2012-07-03 kellycribari$

melodysyue commented 5 years ago

Last login: Tue Oct 9 09:03:48 on ttys000 Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ whoami yueshi Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ ls Applications Documents Music anaconda2 CLC_Data Downloads Pictures rst CLCdatabases Library Public rst1 Desktop Movies Sites rub Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ ll -bash: ll: command not found Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ ls Applications Documents Music anaconda2 CLC_Data Downloads Pictures rst CLCdatabases Library Public rst1 Desktop Movies Sites rub Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ cd Documents/ .DS_Store .Rhistory .localized .parallels-vm-directory/ 2012年度汇报/ 2018 Winter Quarter Schedule.docx American English Pronounciation/ Animal Behavior Journal Club/ Applied Phylogeny/ Ava Ballard/ B-2 visa application/ Bio472 Conservation Biology/ Biogeography/ Biostats Summer Institutes/ CSC公派/ CSE 143X/ CSE 373/ CSE142/ CSE546 Machine Learning/ Career committee/ Career development/ Committee Meeting/ Data visualization/ Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology/ Ecology Seminar/ Estimates of population parameters/ Evolutionary Genetics/ FISH 458 Ecological Modeling/ FISH 546 Bioinformatics/ FISH560 Multivariate Statistics/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ cd Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/ -bash: cd: Documents/FISH: No such file or directory Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi Yues-MacBook-Pro:~ yueshi$ cd Documents Yues-MacBook-Pro:Documents yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents Yues-MacBook-Pro:Documents yueshi$ cd Bioinformatics Yues-MacBook-Pro:FISH 546 Bioinformatics yueshi$ ls Bash BioInfo_Intro.pdf Yues-MacBook-Pro:FISH 546 Bioinformatics yueshi$ cd B Bash/ BioInfo_Intro.pdf
Yues-MacBook-Pro:FISH 546 Bioinformatics yueshi$ cd Bash/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:Bash yueshi$ ls data Yues-MacBook-Pro:Bash yueshi$ cd data Yues-MacBook-Pro:data yueshi$ ls bin data tmp users Yues-MacBook-Pro:data yueshi$ ls users imhotep larry nelle Yues-MacBook-Pro:data yueshi$ ls nelle ls: nelle: No such file or directory Yues-MacBook-Pro:data yueshi$ ls bin data tmp users Yues-MacBook-Pro:data yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data Yues-MacBook-Pro:data yueshi$ cd users Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ cd ./ imhotep/ larry/ nelle/
Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ cd ./nelle/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls Desktop molecules pizza.cfg creatures north-pacific-gyre solar.pdf data notes.txt writing Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls -F Desktop/ molecules/ pizza.cfg creatures/ north-pacific-gyre/ solar.pdf data/ notes.txt writing/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls -F data amino-acids.txt morse.txt planets.txt elements/ pdb/ sunspot.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls -F /data ls: /data: No such file or directory Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users/nelle Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ cd .. Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ ls -F -a ./ ../ imhotep/ larry/ nelle/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ cd . Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ ls imhotep larry nelle Yues-MacBook-Pro:users yueshi$ cd nelle Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls Desktop molecules pizza.cfg creatures north-pacific-gyre solar.pdf data notes.txt writing Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ cd north-pacific-gyre/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:north-pacific-gyre yueshi$ ls 2012-07-03 Yues-MacBook-Pro:north-pacific-gyre yueshi$ cd 2012-07-03/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ ls NENE01729A.txt NENE01751B.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040A.txt NENE02043B.txt NENE01729B.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02040B.txt goodiff NENE01736A.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02040Z.txt goostats NENE01751A.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02043A.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ cd .. Yues-MacBook-Pro:north-pacific-gyre yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre Yues-MacBook-Pro:north-pacific-gyre yueshi$ cd .. Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ NENE01729A.txt NENE01812A.txt NENE01978B.txt NENE02043A.txt NENE01729B.txt NENE01843A.txt NENE02018B.txt NENE02043B.txt NENE01736A.txt NENE01843B.txt NENE02040A.txt goodiff NENE01751A.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040B.txt goostats NENE01751B.txt NENE01978A.txt NENE02040Z.txt
Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ cd /uers/nelle -bash: cd: /uers/nelle: No such file or directory Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ owd -bash: owd: command not found Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users/nelle/north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03 Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ cd .. Yues-MacBook-Pro:north-pacific-gyre yueshi$ cd .. Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users/nelle Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls -F Desktop/ molecules/ pizza.cfg creatures/ north-pacific-gyre/ solar.pdf data/ notes.txt writing/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ mkdir thesis Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls -F Desktop/ north-pacific-gyre/ thesis/ creatures/ notes.txt writing/ data/ pizza.cfg molecules/ solar.pdf Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls -F thesis Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ cd thesis/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ nano draft.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ LS draft.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ ls draft.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ less draft.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ less draft.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ rm draft.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ ls Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ ls Yues-MacBook-Pro:thesis yueshi$ cd .. Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls Desktop north-pacific-gyre thesis creatures notes.txt writing data pizza.cfg molecules solar.pdf Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls molecules/ cubane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb ethane.pdb octane.pdb propane.pdb Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ cd molecules/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc
.pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc -l .pdb 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc -w .pdb 156 cubane.pdb 84 ethane.pdb 57 methane.pdb 246 octane.pdb 165 pentane.pdb 111 propane.pdb 819 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc -c .pdb 1158 cubane.pdb 622 ethane.pdb 422 methane.pdb 1828 octane.pdb 1226 pentane.pdb 825 propane.pdb 6081 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc .pdb 20 156 1158 cubane.pdb 12 84 622 ethane.pdb 9 57 422 methane.pdb 30 246 1828 octane.pdb 21 165 1226 pentane.pdb 15 111 825 propane.pdb 107 819 6081 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc -l .pdb > lengths Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ ls lengths lengths Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users/nelle/molecules Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ ls cubane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ ls -F cubane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ less lengths Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ less lengths Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ cat lengths 20 cubane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 9 methane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 107 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ sort -n lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ sort -n lengths > sorted-lengths Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ cat sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ head - sorted-lengths head: -: No such file or directory ==> sorted-lengths <== 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb 20 cubane.pdb 21 pentane.pdb 30 octane.pdb 107 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ head -2 sorted-lengths 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users/nelle/molecules Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ ls cubane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb sorted-lengths Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ sort -n lengths | head -2 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc -1 .pdb | sort -n |head -3 wc: illegal option -- 1 usage: wc [-clmw] [file ...] Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ wc -l .pdb | sort -n |head -3 9 methane.pdb 12 ethane.pdb 15 propane.pdb Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ pwd /Users/yueshi/Documents/FISH 546 Bioinformatics/Bash/data/users/nelle/molecules Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ ls cubane.pdb lengths octane.pdb propane.pdb ethane.pdb methane.pdb pentane.pdb sorted-lengths Yues-MacBook-Pro:molecules yueshi$ cd .. Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ ls Desktop north-pacific-gyre thesis creatures notes.txt writing data pizza.cfg molecules solar.pdf Yues-MacBook-Pro:nelle yueshi$ cd north-pacific-gyre/2012-07-03/ Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ wc -l .txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt 300 NENE01751B.txt 300 NENE01812A.txt 300 NENE01843A.txt 300 NENE01843B.txt 300 NENE01971Z.txt 300 NENE01978A.txt 300 NENE01978B.txt 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE02040A.txt 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ wc -l .txt | sort -n | head -5 240 NENE02018B.txt 300 NENE01729A.txt 300 NENE01729B.txt 300 NENE01736A.txt 300 NENE01751A.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ wc -l .txt | sort -n | tail -5 300 NENE02040B.txt 300 NENE02040Z.txt 300 NENE02043A.txt 300 NENE02043B.txt 5040 total Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$ ls *Z.txt NENE01971Z.txt NENE02040Z.txt Yues-MacBook-Pro:2012-07-03 yueshi$