srama2512 / NaQ

NaQ: Leveraging Narrations as Queries to Supervise Episodic Memory. CVPR 2023.
MIT License
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NaQ++ Stage-1 pretrained checkpoint #4

Closed xyzforever closed 1 year ago

xyzforever commented 1 year ago

Thank you for releasing the code of this excellent work! For EGO4D NLQ 2023 Challenge, I notice that only the finetuned NaQ++ model have been released. Will you release the checkpoint of the NaQ++ stage-1 pretrained model?

srama2512 commented 1 year ago

Hi @xyzforever. No, we don't plan to release the stage-1 model since the NaQ++ release was largely to serve as baselines for the Ego4D challenge. You should be able to train the stage-1 model following our instructions here.