srama2512 / NaQ

NaQ: Leveraging Narrations as Queries to Supervise Episodic Memory. CVPR 2023.
MIT License
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Repetition in Ego4D narrations #8

Closed Christian-chen1206 closed 5 months ago

Christian-chen1206 commented 9 months ago

Hello, thanks for your brilliant work. I want to know how you consider the problem of repeated narrations in Ego4D dataset, which means the same text will have different timestamps. We know the query text of NLQ may not duplicate. Do you just simply allow the existence of this case? Thanks.

srama2512 commented 5 months ago

Hi, yes. That is possible. We didn't explicitly address this since we didn't want to throw away repeated narrations. A likely better way to handle this would be to treat this as a multi-instance localization task (similar to action detection).