srbhr / Resume-Matcher

Resume Matcher is an open source, free tool to improve your resume. It works by using language models to compare and rank resumes with job descriptions.
Apache License 2.0
4.7k stars 1.84k forks source link

No Api Keys #243

Closed SubramanyamChalla24 closed 3 months ago

SubramanyamChalla24 commented 3 months ago

Pull Request Title

Removed Vector Databases

Related Issue



Proposed Changes

Screenshots / Code Snippets (if applicable)

How to Test


Additional Information

srbhr commented 3 months ago

Thanks a lot, @SubramanyamChalla24, for this PR. It's much needed, as it'll ease the process of knowing the % match score of the resumes and the JDs.

Before merging, I will be testing out this PR on:

  1. Mac OS 14
  2. Unbuntu 22.04 on WSL

Python Version will be 3.11 (the one with GIL)

srbhr commented 3 months ago

@Devasy23 @imhalcyon @Sayvai Please can you help me in testing this on:

srbhr commented 3 months ago

@SubramanyamChalla24, the changes are working smoothly on MacOS!


I'll keep this PR open if anyone wants to test it on Windows, and Linux. Else, by Friday I will merge it.

Devasy23 commented 3 months ago

@Devasy23 @imhalcyon @Sayvai Please can you help me in testing this on:

  • Windows
  • Docker
  • Different versions of Python 3.10 to 3.12 (I'm doing 3.11)

I'll review before Friday, but the dependencies weren't working for me on Linux with python 3.10, but they are working for 3.11.5 specified in doc

srbhr commented 3 months ago

Okay then we make sure that we'll mention Python 3.11 specifically

srbhr commented 3 months ago

Also, we'll have to clean the Requirements.txt file as well

srbhr commented 3 months ago

@Devasy23, those are some excellent add-ons. Once this PR gets merged tomorrow, you can do a PR that updates this.