src-d / borges

borges collects and stores Git repositories.
GNU General Public License v3.0
52 stars 20 forks source link

producer commands show log and profiler help twice #356

Closed jfontan closed 6 years ago

jfontan commented 6 years ago
$ go run cli/borges/* producer file --help
  borges [OPTIONS] producer [producer-OPTIONS] file [file-OPTIONS] path

This producer reads from a file one repository URL per line, generates a job and queues it.

Help Options:
  -h, --help                     Show this help message

[producer command options]

    Log Options:
          --log-level=           Logging level (info, debug, warning or error) (default: info) [$LOG_LEVEL]
          --log-format=          log format (text or json), defaults to text on a terminal and json otherwise
          --log-fields=          default fields for the logger, specified in json [$LOG_FIELDS]
          --log-force-format     ignore if it is running on a terminal or not [$LOG_FORCE_FORMAT]

    Profiler Options:
          --profiler-http        start HTTP profiler endpoint [$PROFILER_HTTP]
          --profiler-block-rate= runtime.SetBlockProfileRate parameter (default: 0) [$PROFILER_BLOCK_RATE]
          --profiler-mutex-rate= runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction parameter (default: 0) [$PROFILER_MUTEX_FRACTION]
          --profiler-endpoint=   address to bind HTTP pprof endpoint to (default: [$PROFILER_endpoint]

[file command options]
          --queue=               queue name (default: borges) [$BORGES_QUEUE]
          --broker=              broker service URI (default: amqp://localhost:5672) [$BORGES_BROKER]
          --database=            database connection string (default:

                                 le&connect_timeout=30) [$BORGES_DATABASE]
          --metrics              expose a metrics endpoint using an HTTP server [$BORGES_METRICS]
          --metrics-port=        port to bind metrics to (default: 6062) [$BORGES_METRICS_PORT]
          --queue-priority=      priority used to enqueue jobs, goes from 0 (lowest) to 8 (highest) (default: 4)
          --job-retries=         number of times a falied job should be processed again before reject it (default: 5)

    Log Options:
          --log-level=           Logging level (info, debug, warning or error) (default: info) [$LOG_LEVEL]
          --log-format=          log format (text or json), defaults to text on a terminal and json otherwise
          --log-fields=          default fields for the logger, specified in json [$LOG_FIELDS]
          --log-force-format     ignore if it is running on a terminal or not [$LOG_FORCE_FORMAT]

    Profiler Options:
          --profiler-http        start HTTP profiler endpoint [$PROFILER_HTTP]
          --profiler-block-rate= runtime.SetBlockProfileRate parameter (default: 0) [$PROFILER_BLOCK_RATE]
          --profiler-mutex-rate= runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction parameter (default: 0) [$PROFILER_MUTEX_FRACTION]
          --profiler-endpoint=   address to bind HTTP pprof endpoint to (default: [$PROFILER_endpoint]

[file command arguments]
  path:                          file with repositories to pack, one per line