to download PGA dataset I get unexpected EOF just for several files:
➜ sourced cat index.csv | grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{40}\.siva' | pga get -i --output /media/k/data/PGA/
downloading siva files by name from stdin
filter flags will be ignored
67503 / 257391 [====================>--------------------------------------------------------] 26.23% 40m24s
could not get siva/latest/d9/d9363d1f63b2bee2c69c2a11a5f7b0fafc838f0f.siva: could not check mod time in Head dial tcp i/o timeout
91710 / 257391 [===========================>-------------------------------------------------] 35.63% 44m47s
could not get siva/latest/de/de879ba477d94f28d561b3cd55079a737ec57a85.siva: could not copy to /media/k/data/PGA/siva/latest/de/de879ba477d94f28d561b3cd55079a737ec57a85.siva: unexpected EOF
205637 / 257391 [===========================================================>--------------] 79.89% 2h27m11s
could not get siva/latest/c3/c33c209a937af7468bba45e9406a7e5834655541.siva: could not copy to /media/k/data/PGA/siva/latest/c3/c33c209a937af7468bba45e9406a7e5834655541.siva: unexpected EOF
206423 / 257391 [===========================================================>--------------] 80.20% 2h26m33s
could not get siva/latest/f1/f1f0797a2604519e41be05d81e16cad9969145e7.siva: could not copy to /media/k/data/PGA/siva/latest/f1/f1f0797a2604519e41be05d81e16cad9969145e7.siva: unexpected EOF
257391 / 257391 [========================================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
may be due to network problems or something else.
But at the end these files were present. When I manually download them and put to the corresponding folder I found out that the sizes are really different.
So, it is better to delete such files or try to redownload it several times.
to download PGA dataset I get
unexpected EOF
just for several files:may be due to network problems or something else. But at the end these files were present. When I manually download them and put to the corresponding folder I found out that the sizes are really different.
So, it is better to delete such files or try to redownload it several times.