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[research] MSR blog posts planning #55

Closed warenlg closed 5 years ago

warenlg commented 5 years ago

This year, @vmarkovtsev, @m09 and I are going to attend MSR taking place in Montreal on the 26th and 27th of May 2019. As discussed with @vcoisne, given the success of the MSR interview series, we should think about producing similar contents spending less efforts ("aka nightmare" Vadim).

We agreed on the following proposal that would not require much upstream devrel effort and would allow us to focus on the content of the conference:

  1. We compile together the list of most interesting talks/papers/topics that are going to be tackled during the 2 days conference. Make a planning of it to know who is going to take notes, for example:
  2. One of us is tacking notes during each selected presentation.
  3. Introduce ourselves to the authors during the conference or the beer payback, ask them their slides + questions. Tell them that we might write a blog post about their work which we would send them latter for review.
  4. Given the notes, after the conference, we compile blog posts based on the notes/paper/slides.
  5. We send the blog post to the list of authors adding interview questions.
  6. If they answer, good we would have a nice blog post. If not, we can still publish it as a MSR paper review (cf Alex's blog posts).
warenlg commented 5 years ago

Below is the list of technical papers (no data showcase papers yet) that are the most relevant IMO according to MLonCode and what we do. In bold, you have authors that we already know personally.

We can vote among those papers, the ones that are worth taking notes by putting our name at the end of the line (of course everybody can upvote a paper if he/she wants a blog post about it)

warenlg commented 5 years ago

Sunday 26th

Session I: Representations for Mining - Room 1

Session II: Defect Prediction and Testing - Room 2

Session V: Large-Scale Mining - Room 1

Monday 27th

Session I: APIs & Dependencies - Room 1

Session II: Automatic Summarization - Room 2

Session V: Collaboration & Communication - Room 1

Session VIII: Software Quality - Room 2

Session IX: Traceability - Room 1

bzz commented 5 years ago

Just FYI - I would be very happy to help with any of those, so please let me know if any help is needed.

11:16 - 11:22 (short) PathMiner : A Library for Mining of Path-Based Representations of Code - Vladimir Kovalenko, Egor Bogomolov, Timofey Bryksin, Alberto Bacchelli from JetBrains Research and University of Zurich

This is about and 2 of the authors Timofey and Vladimir were at our FOSDEM 2019 ML on Code DevRoom and a speaker's dinner.

Semantic Source Code Models Using Identifier Embeddings - Vasiliki Efstathiou, Diomidis Spinellis from Athens University of Economics and Business

Is almost exactly id2vec + WMD that we did before, the only difference is that

vcoisne commented 5 years ago

@warenlg @vmarkovtsev @m09 How many blog posts will we have in the end and what are the target dates for publication ? Trying to get some visibility on our content calendar.

vmarkovtsev commented 5 years ago

Waren is on vacations till 14th, and I am going to vacations on 24th. I scheduled a meeting with Waren and Hugo on 14th to discuss our opportunities and plans. I would say that we will certainly not finish anything in June, and the most likely date of the first post is at the end of July.

vcoisne commented 5 years ago

@vmarkovtsev What about a quick MSR recap blog post in June with some tweet, link to slides from your favorite talks, photos from the conference and beer payback event, etc ?

vmarkovtsev commented 5 years ago

That's an option, sounds reasonable...

warenlg commented 5 years ago

From what I've seen this year, I suggest that we could write blog posts about the following topics/people:

vmarkovtsev commented 5 years ago

vmarkovtsev commented 5 years ago

The planning is done.

vcoisne commented 5 years ago

How is this coming along @vmarkovtsev @warenlg @m09 ? Can we create new issues on to track each post individually ?

m09 commented 5 years ago

How is this coming along @vmarkovtsev @warenlg @m09 ? Can we create new issues on to track each post individually ?

Forgot to reply on this issue aswell but it was decided in DMs on slack that we should indeed create them some time ago. I'll do it for the posts that we did not start yet.

m09 commented 5 years ago

As you could see from the reference spam above, we now have issues for all the blog posts left to write, please comment on the issue when you start working on a post to avoid duplication of effort! :)

vmarkovtsev commented 5 years ago

The blog posts have been planned. The original issue can be closed now.