>proteus proto -f /tmp/proteus -p ufdata/tst --verbose
INFO: Generated proto: /tmp/proteus/ufdata/tst/generated.proto
>cat ./main.go
package main
// Exported smth
type Exported struct {
Field string
SrcIP []byte `json:"src_ip"`
while does not handle net.IP which is effectively the same producing
type "IP" of package net will be ignored because it was not present on the scan path.
>proteus proto -f /tmp/proteus -p ufdata/tst --verbose
WARN: type "IP" of package net will be ignored because it was not present on the scan path.
INFO: Generated proto: /tmp/proteus/ufdata/tst/generated.proto
>cat ./main.go
package main
import "net"
// Exported smth
type Exported struct {
Field string
SrcIP net.IP `json:"src_ip"`
I can see in strace that proteus reads net/ip.go source file, while it does not help.
Is there any way to use such types?
proteus handles []byte,
while does not handle net.IP which is effectively the same producing type "IP" of package net will be ignored because it was not present on the scan path.
I can see in strace that proteus reads net/ip.go source file, while it does not help. Is there any way to use such types?