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Improve LESS and CSS, test branding branch #132

Open carlosms opened 5 years ago

carlosms commented 5 years ago

This issue is to improve LESS code to make use of variables. @ricardobaeta please add any other things that need to be reviewed, or that you need assistance with.

ricardobaeta commented 5 years ago

Thanks @carlosms @smacker for this issue. Other than what you described, I don't have that much to add. The variables defined in custom-brand.less get overwritten somehow. If I redefine @font-size-base: for instance, it gets overwritten and I have to declare it on each element.

dpordomingo commented 5 years ago

not a prio for next R6-CE, will resume next week

marnovo commented 5 years ago


dpordomingo commented 5 years ago

The variables defined in custom-brand.less get overwritten somehow. If I redefine @font-size-base: for instance, it gets overwritten and I have to declare it on each element. Variables in less are lazily defined, and we have:

superset.less   <<-- entrypoint
  @imports index.less
  @imports vars.less

  @imports vars.less
  @imports override.less

  @brandColor: red

  @brandColor: blue
  body {
    color: @brandColor

When superset.less is compiled into superset.css, it will appear as it follows:

what would be equivalent to:

  @brandColor: red
  @brandColor: blue
  body {
    color: @brandColor
  @brandColor: red

so since vars are defined twice (the second one at the end), that one wins, so no override is done:

  body {
    color: red
dpordomingo commented 5 years ago

Here is my diagnostic considering our goal of applying our branding over Apache Superset. I also added some recommendations that I'd like to address in order to enhance the developer experience when rebranding Apache Superset.

note: all routes are relative to superset/superset/assets/

In Apache Superset there are many ways to define the APP styles; they can be summarized in two:

current limitations:

variables definition

About how dimensions, colors, and typographies are defined, we have four situations, that are detailed in each collapsible section below.

TL;DR As it can be seen from the list below, to obtain style consistency, it may be needed either overriding many rules defined by stylesheets that are not using shared variables at all, either modifying those stylesheets to use shared variables.

Using variables

There are two (independent) files defining variables and are used sometimes in some stylesheets

stylesheets/less/cosmo/variables.less defines most of the variables used in GLOBAL, and is also used by some COMPONENTS styles. [see inventory] - `GLOBAL`: - `stylesheets/superset.less` - `stylesheets/less/index.less` - `COMPONENTS`: - `src/uast/override.less` - `src/uast/codemirror_override.less` - `src/components/RefreshLabel.less` - `src/SqlLab/main.less`
src/dashboard/stylesheets/variables.less defines most of the variables used in dashboard and toast messages; it does not use the variables from the other variables stylesheets even sharing some variable names. [see inventory] - `src/dashboard/stylesheets/index.less` - `src/messageToasts/stylesheets/toast.less`

Not using shared variables

But there are many stylesheets that do not use variables at all:

many stylesheets use harcoded values instead of using shared variables from above: [see inventory] - `src/chart/chart.css` - `src/components/BootstrapSliderWrapper.css` - `stylesheets/reactable-pagination.css` - `src/components/TableSelector.css` - `src/CRUD/styles.css` - `src/CRUD/styles.less` - `src/explore/main.css` - `src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl.css` - `src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl.css` - `src/profile/main.css` - `src/components/FilterableTable/FilterableTableStyles.css` - `src/uast/stylesheets/UASTViewerPane.less` - `src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.css` - `src/visualizations/Legend.css` - `src/visualizations/PlaySlider.css`
some stylesheets do not use shared variables, but —at least currently—, they do not define visual properties: [see inventory] - `src/components/Loading.css` - `src/datasource/main.css` - `src/explore/components/Control.css` - `src/explore/components/controls/CollectionControl.css` - `src/uast/stylesheets/UASTModal.less` - `src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTable.css` - `stylesheets/react-select/select.less`
dpordomingo commented 5 years ago


The ones above can be done easily by us; the next ones could be done gradually (and are ordered from costless to very hardcore):

dpordomingo commented 5 years ago

226 was merged

we could now continue considering the recommendations above

se7entyse7en commented 4 years ago

@dpordomingo what's the status of this? is this waiting for product's approval? is this done and we can open a separate issue for next steps?

dpordomingo commented 4 years ago

I'd consider this as an umbrella taking into account my analysis and my recommendations.

I'm also aware that @ricardobaeta has a pending investigation about how could we integrate into superset some of the improvements that we did, and that would be useful if they were already in upstream.

Alternatives that I see:

se7entyse7en commented 4 years ago

I'd prefer to close this one and if you could create a new one with a more specific scope according to your recommendations. 👍 If you do, please close this one.

dpordomingo commented 4 years ago

I'd say this should be considered an epic, taking my message describing the current status as an input, and my recommendations as one proposed strategy to solve the problem in an iterative way.

Would you prefer if I copy-paste both into a new issue and close this? Or maybe link both in the issue desc, to have the whole history here, and clear details from the very beginning of the thread?

se7entyse7en commented 4 years ago

Maybe the best thing would be to create a new issue as a story in src-d/applications-backlog and then from that we would create all the different subtasks? wdyt? Similarly to what we did for the log level thing.

dpordomingo commented 4 years ago

Since src-d/applications-backlog is a private repo, it would hide all this info, which is something that I dislike because this info is pretty valuable considering sourced-ui as open-source from apache/incubator-superset.

But if you prefer, I can still do it.

se7entyse7en commented 4 years ago

Oh right, sorry, I forgot that it's private. I just thought about it because it's the place where we now put stories. Well, this is something that actually affects all the projects. I'm pretty sure that @rpau already answered me, and that I forgot, but @rpau was there a specific reason for keeping it private?

dpordomingo commented 4 years ago

I agree with moving there, things that are not open source related, like the ones affecting company products, business, strategic decisions... But I'd say this is not the case.

se7entyse7en commented 4 years ago

Well, originally it was supposed also to be a collector of issues for external users AFAIR. Let's keep it in sourced-ui then for now 👍